OSPS E-News ~ Oregon College Savings Plan ACH - Update

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Thu Oct 4 07:53:19 PDT 2018

Payroll professionals,

We have received updated instructions on the entries needed for the Oregon College Savings Plan fixed deposits.  The initial instructions we received  were incorrect and new guidance has been given.

For those employees who are showing on your ACH rejection report due to the new entries made in September, here is what is needed:

*         Delete the failed fixed deposit ACH entries from the September pay period

*         Re-enter the fixed deposits in the October pay period with the following information

o   Use the routing number that was provided in the original instructions from Seth

o   Use the 740705 as the account number

o   Do not enter any additional information in the account number string

*         You will want to make the entries prior to October 19 which is the pre-note deadline

Employees who had the fixed amount deducted from their paycheck will receive the funds back  on the October 15 pay date unless you have requested a manual check.  If you have received any new OCSP forms and entered them into the October pay period, those will need to be updated as well.

If you have any questions please contact the OSPS helpdesk.

Thank you,

Geri Greeno-Sanders
OSPS Senior System Analyst
DAS/EGS/FBS/Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
(503) 373-0259 - direct
(503) 378-3518 - fax
geri.l.greeno-sanders at oregon.gov<mailto:geri.l.greeno-sanders at oregon.gov>

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