[OYAN] Final reminder to vote for the graphic novel list name and reminder to peruse guidelines.

Kris Lutsock kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us
Thu Jul 21 12:47:28 PDT 2011

This is the final call for votes toward the suggested names for the OYAN best-of comics and graphic novels list.  You have until 3pm today to vote.  The poll is located on the linked Survey Monkey page.  Choose your four favorites.  Scoring will go like this:  your favorite will get 4 points, second favorite 3 points, and so on.  The suggest name with the highest overall score after everyone votes will win.  You should be able to revisit the poll and alter your selection if you change your mind, but you'll need to use the same computer you used on your original voting.   Again, voting will end today (Thursday, July 21st) at 3pm.

You might notice a couple of suggested names have a subtitle.  Either of these subtitles (or a variant of either) can easily be attached to any of the selected names.  Also, "OYAN" or "OYAN's" may be added to the beginning of the title ("presented by OYAN" may instead added to the end, I suppose), so judge how that rolls off the tongue.

Follow this link to vote:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LW7W3V9

Let me know if there is some aspect of the poll which does not behave as I described above.  You will see checkmarks next to  your selections, but not point values.  You will also not be able to see the overall score.  You'll have to wait for the big reveal!

Also, I haven't received any responses in regards to the proposed graphic novel list guidelines.  I suspect people are content at this time to see how the first year voting process plays out before making suggestions.   Speak now or forever hold your peace.  Any response to these guidelines should now be sent to klutsock at gmail.com<mailto:klutsock at gmail.com>.  If you send your response to my gmail address, I'll be able to view your comments on my phone and will pass your questions/concerns along to OYAN members at the membership meeting in Newport tomorrow (11am-3pm).  I've attached the guidelines to this e-mail.  As always, if you can't open up the attachment (which seems to be commonplace with those of you receiving this in the digest form), e-mail me before 3pm today and I can send you the file directly to your e-mail.  Use kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us<mailto:kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us> before 3pm today for this issue, as I don't trust my phone sending attachments.  If after reading you have comments, then respond to my gmail.

Kris Lutsock
Oregon Young Adult Network Chair-elect
McMinnville Public Library
kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us<mailto:kris.lutsock at ci.mcminnville.or.us>

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.  ~Jorge Luis Borges

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