[OYAN] YA news and opportunities

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Wed Oct 12 09:41:36 PDT 2011

Hello!  I just received ALA's Young Adult Library Services Association's newsletter.  I know many of you on this list are not YALSA members and I thought you may be interested in the following information and opportunities:

Reminder: Teen Read Week is October 16-22

Here are some resources that may be of use:

*         Teen Read Week blog: http://wikis.ala.org/yalsa/index.php/Teen_Read_Week?utm_source=YALSA+Members&utm_campaign=82c9b8b301-July_20117_11_2011&utm_medium=email

*         Teen Read Week website: http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/yalsa/teenreading/trw/trw2011/home.cfm

*         The Teens' Top Ten announcement will be posted by noon Central time on Monday, Oct. 17 online at: www.ala.org/teenread<http://ala.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b9b7f12a0545b1a14ef19a691&id=f29d0c1cdb&e=0da9e8e774>

Professional Development: Live Webinar
Title: What Is That Thing? Making QR Codes Work for Your Library
Time: October 20 at 2 pm - 3pm Eastern Time
Cost: $49 for all other individuals, $195 for group registrations, $39 for individual YALSA members,
Register at: http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=olweb&template=/security/login.cfm
Questions: Contact Eve Gaus at egaus at ala.org<mailto:egaus at ala.org> or 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5293.
They're in catalogs, on advertisements at the bus stop, and on the tags of the begonias at your local flower shop; a blocky black and white square that is popping up everywhere. What are these things and what is their purpose?  Join Jennifer Velasquez, Teen Services Librarian at the San Antonio Public Library, for a discussion of QR codes.  Learn how any librarian, from the tech-novice to the tech-guru, can start using QR codes in the library at no cost. Jennifer will explain how QR codes work and will share sites where librarians can quickly and easily create their own QR Codes for free!  Jennifer will share ideas and techniques on how librarians can immediately incorporate the use of QR codes into their existing library programs, and create new programs using QR codes.  Participants will learn how to affectively use QR codes to present and market programming at their library, and how QR codes can be used to build bridges between teen created content and print and digital material in the library.  Join us and learn how you can start using QR codes in your library today!

Want to learn more about Steampunk? Following the discussion:
YALSA's free monthly discussion forum held in ALA Connect during the first week of the month. In November, Maria Kramer will moderate our discussion Steampunk. The Forum opens Monday November 7 and runs through Friday November 11.  http://connect.ala.org/yalsa

Don't have funding to travel/attend conferences? Apply for an Ebsco's Midwinter Scholarship
Eligibility: must be an ALA member and currently working in a library
What accepted applicants get: $1,500 to attend the 2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Dallas, TX January 20-24, 2012.
Learn more: http://www.ala.org/template.cfm?template=/CFApps/awards_info/award_detail_info.cfm&FilePublishTitle=Awards,%20Grants%20and%20Scholarships&uid=F11ABDC1B9C5EE2C&utm_source=YALSA+Members&utm_campaign=82c9b8b301-July_20117_11_2011&utm_medium=email
Questions: Contact ALA Program Officer Cheryl Malden at cmalden at ala.org<mailto:cmalden at ala.org>.

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

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