[OYAN] Reading for the Earth Campaign for Youth in Grades K-8 (w/ Gale Tie-In)

Barbara Head barbahe at multcolib.org
Tue Mar 20 16:42:26 PDT 2012

It would be good to do a display for this...  j/y and adult...

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Jennifer Maurer <
jennifer.maurer at state.or.us> wrote:

>  Please pardon the cross-posting.
>     In honor of Earth Day, and for the entire month of April, the Earth
> Day Network is asking libraries to participate in their two-year-old
> program, Reading for the Earth, for youth in grades K - 8. The goal is
> for “kids to borrow and read environmentally themed books from their
> library. The purpose of the campaign is twofold: to educate youth about the
> environment, and to inspire them to read books more often.” A rep from the
> Earth Day Network told me that ALA just signed on as a partner, which
> basically means they endorse the program.
> For those who want to register their library and document a few
> activities, they can receive recognition at the end of the campaign. Or, go
> low key, don’t register, and participate at your leisure. ;-)
> The website, http://www.earthday.org/reading, has suggested reading
> lists, PDFs of promotional posters, suggested activities, an organizer’s
> guide, and more.
>             http://www.earthday.org/encouragereading (posters and reading
> lists)
>             http://www.earthday.org/RegisterYourLibrary (register your
> library)
>             http://www.earthday.org/OrganizeReading (suggested activities
> and organizer’s guide)
> http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1807/images/2012/Reading/readingtoolkit.pdf(overall summary)
> If you plan to participate, consider supplementing your collection of
> books about the environment by bookmarking specific articles or searches in
> the Gale databases. Then post the recommended reading or resource list (of
> bookmarks) to your library webpage, create a QR code that directs to the
> page of links and add it to a newsletter article, send the links to your
> local homeschooling association, etc. Not comfortable using Gale bookmarks
> that way? Then maybe the Gale webinar<http://oregon.gov/OSL/LD/technology/sdlp/index.shtml#Statewide_Database_Training>on April 3
> rd at 11am Pacific is for you: Finding eResources to Support Library
> Programming.
> Here’s a sample of bookmarked items from the Gale databases that promote
> learning about the environment. If prompted for a "password, library
> barcode number, or other ID," use the password of Oregon school districts'
> and private schools' Gale login (which is oslis for everyone) or enter
> your own library barcode number.
>  From *GREENR*, a topic page about Forests and Deforestation:
> http://tinygaleurl.com?br3lds6
> From *Student Resources in Context*, an audio clip about listening to
> sounds in habitats to gauge the health of landscapes:
> http://tinygaleurl.com?ovdbuyz
> From *Gale Virtual Reference Library*, an article about midwife toads
> with a section on their conservation status:
> http://tinygaleurl.com?ongotpj
> From *Kids InfoBits*, a “go green” quiz: http://tinygaleurl.com?38xc5hx Questions
> about the Reading for the Earth campaign? Please email Deon Jackson at
> reading at earthday.org.
> Questions about the Gale databases? I can help with that or direct you to
> someone who can. Thanks,
> Jen
> Jennifer Maurer
> School Library Consultant
> Oregon State Library
> 250 Winter Street NE
> Salem, OR 97301
> 503.378.5011
> jennifer.maurer at state.or.us
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