[OYAN] 365 Days of YA programs & Participate in in virtual teen town hall

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Wed Apr 3 10:09:58 PDT 2013

Opportunities from ALA’s Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)

Share Your Teen Program & Activity Ideas
YALSA is creating a 365 Days of YA calendar that will feature quick and easy ideas for busy librarians and library workers to use to serve teens.  Share yours by emailing them to 365daysofya at gmail.com<mailto:365daysofya at gmail.com> by no later than April 15th.  (Remember, the more people share their ideas  better resource this calendar will be when you need a new idea!)

Join the Discussion about Learning Environments for Teens
YALSA is hosting a virtual town hall on Tues. April 16th from 2-3pm, eastern about teen learning environments.  Any interested person is welcome to attend, especially those from the areas of libraries, education, technology, adolescent development and the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.  This is part of a year-long project in which YALSA will ultimately produce a report which will provide direction for how libraries can adapt to better meet the needs of 21st century teens.  Grant funding is generously provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.  To learn more, visit www.ala.org/yaforum<http://www.ala.org/yaforum>, or search #yalsaforum on Twitter.

Questions? Contact:
Beth Yoke
Executive Director
Young Adult Library Services Association
1.800.545.2433 x4391
byoke at ala.org<mailto:byoke at ala.org>

For more events and information, visit

  *   http://wikis.ala.org/yalsa/index.php/Calendar_of_Events
  *   https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=yalsa@ala.org&ctz=America/Chicago&gsessionid=OK

To learn more about YALSA and the resources they provide to support teen library services, visit http://www.ala.org/yalsa/

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528
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