[OYAN] An Hour of Code: A Computer Science Event to Introduce People to Computer Programming

Jennifer Maurer jennifer.maurer at state.or.us
Tue Dec 3 11:26:16 PST 2013

Please pardon the cross-posting.

Computer Science Education Week is December 9th – 15th, and as part of that, Computing in the Core and Code.org are sponsoring An Hour of Code (http://csedweek.org/). “It's a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify ‘code’ and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator.” Anyone age “6 to 106” can participate.

“We'll provide a variety of self-guided tutorials (http://csedweek.org/learn) that anybody can do, on a browser, tablet, or smartphone. We'll even have unplugged tutorials for [those] without computers. No experience needed.”

Libraries can sponsor An Hour of Code events. Here are some ideas:

·         Sponsor an event for homeschooling families

·         Try a code tutorial with the teen advisory council or similar groups

·         Try it with staff during or instead of a meeting

·         Let local groups know: homeschoolers, Girl and Boy Scouts, chamber of commerce, etc.

·         Offer this instead of a traditional public library “computer 101” workshop. (Too late? Offer it after the “official” week.)

If you want to join the fun, you can participate anytime during the week of Dec. 9th. Organizers ask that you register so they can track the number of events and participants (http://csedweek.org/participate).

3-minute information video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfZrX5YDltU
Participation kit for community organizers: http://csedweek.org/community
Tips for those leading events: http://csedweek.org/learn (Scroll to about 2/3s down.)

This is late notice, I know, but I just found out about An Hour of Code yesterday afternoon.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
jennifer.maurer at state.or.us<mailto:jennifer.maurer at state.or.us>

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