[OYAN] Youth Services Continuing Education for the New Year!
Katie Anderson
katie.anderson at state.or.us
Fri Jan 3 11:20:26 PST 2014
Here are some FREE youth services related online webinars this month. To learn about more training opportunities read Darci's original email below.
January 7 (12-1 pm) / When a Story is More than Paper: Transmedia and Young Adult Literature (Infopeople)
Transmedia is a more than just a hot buzzword in the publishing world. It’s also a way of reaching technologically-savvy users and reluctant readers. In this webinar you’ll learn more about the phenomenon, how publishers create transmedia, how users access it, what the barriers to access are, what’s happening in libraries currently, and how you can use transmedia to connect with users, particularly teens.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://infopeople.org/training/view/webinar
January 14 (6-7 pm) / Powerful Partnerships: Libraries, Technology, and the Common Core (American Association of School Librarians)
In collaboration AASL and Achieve published a new action brief linking libraries and librarians to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Implementing the Common Core State Standards: The Role of the School Librarian is available for download on the AASL and Achieve websites. Join AASL in an idea swap led by the AASL volunteers who worked on the action brief with Achieve. Use this exchange to propel the school library program into the center of teaching and learning in the era of CCSS. Learn how to recreate the idea swap activity with your own school teaching teams. Prior to the webinar, be sure to download the action brief.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.ala.org/aasl/ecollab/upcoming
January 13 (11am-12 pm) / Rainbow Family Connections (Southern Maryland Library Association)
LGBTQ or Rainbow Families are increasing throughout the country. Children with LGBTQ caregivers live in 96% of all counties nationwide. This workshop describes criteria for selecting children's books with LGBTQ content, highlights outstanding titles, and provides suggestions for connecting these books with Rainbow Families. Keeping in mind that public libraries are situated in both welcoming and socially conservative communities, we will also explore how librarians can offer inclusive programs for these families by using children’s books that redefine gender norms and family compositions. The webinar further addresses how librarians can use subversive books such as those with single parents, ambiguous family constructs, and gender-neutral characters to promote “rainbow family values.”
Library: Southern Maryland Regional Library
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://host2.evanced.info/maryland/evanced/eventcalendar.asp
Not youth services specific, but of particular interest to youth services.
January 14 (12:30-1:30 pm) / Build-A-Lab: Techspiration in Brownsburg, IN (Utah State Library)
Join us in a discussion of the Techspiration Creative Media lab in Brownsburg Public Library, Indiana, whose patrons discover new technology, capture old memories, and create and share new ones. Discover. Capture. Share. Topics: what inspired the library to obtain a media lab, list of equipment, possible classes/training offered to the community, and How the community has responded to the lab (attendance, project successes, etc.).
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://heritage.utah.gov/library/workshops
January 7 (2-3pm) / #k12copylaw (ALA, AASA, NAESP, and NASSP)
Can you legally photocopy pages from that textbook? Can students legally remix music for school assignments? What does fair use mean, and how can it be applied in the school library or classroom? If you are a school librarian or educator who is confused by copyright law, you’re not alone. School principals, superintendents, educators and librarians have specific questions about copyright law but often find themselves without guidance on the subject.
During this tweet chat, school leaders will have the opportunity to have their questions answered during an interactive tweetchat with copyright expert and bestselling author Carrie Russell. Participants can submit questions and take part in the free tweetchat by using the #k12copylaw hashtag. As part of the tweetchat, Russell will offer clear guidance on the ways that principals, superintendents, teachers and librarians can legally provide materials to students. Additionally, Russell will discuss scenarios often encountered by educators in schools, such as using digital works in the classroom and students’ use of information found on the web. Russell is also the director of the American Library Association’s Program on Public Access to Information. Tweetchat participants will learn about: Fair use; copyright law in the digital age; and copyright exploitation in schools (i.e., incidents when copyright industry groups exploit school staff under the guise of copyright law compliance)
For more information, visit: http://www.districtdispatch.org/2013/12/tweet-us-copyright-questions-jan-7th/
January 10 (8-9 am) / Tech Tools with Tine: 1 Hour of Online Privacy (Texas State Library & Archives Commission)
In our Tech Tools with Tine series, trainer Christine Walczyk typically tackles a single online tool for one hour. For this spring 2014 series, we're doing something a little different. Each week, Tine will be discussing a different technology topic of relevance to libraries. In this week's webinar, she'll be presenting about online privacy.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/index.html
January 14 (10-11 am) / Leveraging Social Media for Nonprofit Events (GuideStar)
As part of GuideStar USA's webinar series, Social Media for Nonprofits and Eventbrite will present clear strategies, tactics, and resources for using social media to ensure the success of nonprofit events. Join us for this free webinar and learn: How to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other tools to maximize results for fundraising events, Practical recommendations to implement before, during, and after your event, and How to use scheduling, analysis, and optimization tools to help you work more efficiently and drive performance. Sign up now for this free, interactive workshop and learn how to harness the power of social media to drive results in the real world!
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.guidestar.org/rxg/news/webinars/index.aspx
January 14 (11am-12:30 pm) / Building a Powerful Grants Strategy for 2014 (TechSoup)
This free, 90-minute webinar on Tuesday, January 14 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pacific will take participants through the process of establishing a grants calendar for the next 12 to 18 months. Fast-paced, and filled with action steps, Cynthia Adams of GrantStation will discuss how to design and adopt a Grant Decision Matrix before beginning the process of building a specific grants strategy for each project. All participants will also receive a set of worksheets that they can use to create their own approach to building grants calendars and grants strategies for their organizations. This 90-minute webinar is for beginning, intermediate, and advanced grant writers.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.techsoup.org/community/events-webinars/default
Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528
From: Libs-Or [libs-or-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] on behalf of Darci Hanning [darci.hanning at state.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 5:49 PM
To: libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [Libs-Or] Continuing Education for the New Year!
Happy New Year and welcome to the first listing of 2014 for free, online webinars for your professional development! What better way to start off the New Year than by participating in a webinar (or five)? :-) As always, a wide-range of topics is covered and many if not most of these will be archived for your viewing pleasure at a later date, see our web page for more information<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/resources/conted.aspx>.
FoFor this month, the following webcasts will be presented for free by The Accessible Technology Coalition, American Libraries Live, American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado State Library, Educause, Georgia Library Association, Grantspace, Infopeople, Insync Training, Library Journal, NASA, National Library of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Nonprofit Webinars, O’Reilly, San Jose State University’s SLIS Program, TechSoup for Libraries, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, TL Virtual Cafe, VolunteerMatch, Washington State Library, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library (and more!)
ð Please make sure to check the link for each item to confirm the time and convert to local (Pacific) time as needed: Pacific time is one hour behind Mountain time, two hours behind Central time, and three hours behind Eastern time.
January 6 (5-6 pm) / Leading from the Library! (Teacher Librarian Virtual Cafe)
Tips and tricks for stepping out of the stacks and into the limelight as instructional, pedagogical and technological library leaders! With Library Girl, Jennifer LaGarde and Jennifer Northrup, The Candid Librarian.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://tlvirtualcafe.wikispaces.com/#Webinars%20/%20Events
January 7 (9-10 am) / The Edge Initiative for Public Libraries (Washington State Library)
Edge is a new management and leadership tool that is helping libraries and local governments work together to achieve community goals. With this professional tool, libraries can be better positioned to address community issues like creating a stronger economy, ensuring workforce development and leading lifelong learning. Through an easy to use suite of tools, Edge supports libraries in making strategic decisions and identifying areas for improvement. The Edge Toolkit gives libraries a look into their local data, from operations to partnerships and programming, to assess how their community is using the technology and how best practices can be put into place to align future growth and services with community priorities. It also provides useful resources to package and showcase the data to other community leaders.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.sos.wa.gov/library/libraries/firsttuesdays/default.aspx
January 7 (12-1 pm) / When a Story is More than Paper: Transmedia and Young Adult Literature (Infopeople)
Transmedia is a more than just a hot buzzword in the publishing world. It’s also a way of reaching technologically-savvy users and reluctant readers. In this webinar you’ll learn more about the phenomenon, how publishers create transmedia, how users access it, what the barriers to access are, what’s happening in libraries currently, and how you can use transmedia to connect with users, particularly teens.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://infopeople.org/training/view/webinar
January 7 (2-3pm) / #k12copylaw (ALA, AASA, NAESP, and NASSP)
Can you legally photocopy pages from that textbook? Can students legally remix music for school assignments? What does fair use mean, and how can it be applied in the school library or classroom? If you are a school librarian or educator who is confused by copyright law, you’re not alone. School principals, superintendents, educators and librarians have specific questions about copyright law but often find themselves without guidance on the subject.
During this tweet chat, school leaders will have the opportunity to have their questions answered during an interactive tweetchat with copyright expert and bestselling author Carrie Russell. Participants can submit questions and take part in the free tweetchat by using the #k12copylaw hashtag. As part of the tweetchat, Russell will offer clear guidance on the ways that principals, superintendents, teachers and librarians can legally provide materials to students. Additionally, Russell will discuss scenarios often encountered by educators in schools, such as using digital works in the classroom and students’ use of information found on the web. Russell is also the director of the American Library Association’s Program on Public Access to Information. Tweetchat participants will learn about: Fair use; copyright law in the digital age; and copyright exploitation in schools (i.e., incidents when copyright industry groups exploit school staff under the guise of copyright law compliance)
For more information, visit: http://www.districtdispatch.org/2013/12/tweet-us-copyright-questions-jan-7th/
January 8 (9-10 am) / Simply Managing (American Management Association)
Join Henry Mintzberg as he explores the characteristics, contents, and varieties of managers, as well as the conundrums they face and how they become effective. You'll hear about what led him to develop a new model of management, one firmly grounded in his conclusion that management is not a profession or a science. As he writes, “It is a practice, learned primarily through experience and rooted in context.”
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.amanet.org/news/events-calendar.aspx
January 8 (11am-12 pm) / Rockin’ the Virtual Classroom (InSync Training)
Virtual classroom technology (ILinc, Adobe Connect, WebEx, Elluminate, etc.) provides a wonderful live, real-time bridge between the traditional classroom and the learner. But it isn't "just like" the traditional classroom, and in the wrong hands can be deadly dull. In this session we'll learn to read virtual "body language" , look at ways to increase interactivity and engagement, utilize games and activities, and create visuals that support learning.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://us.insynctraining.com/bozarth-programs/
January 8 (12-1 pm) / Developing Personal/Professional Online Networks (Nonprofit Webinars)
In this webinar, we’ll cover the value of developing your online PLN, stages of growth, factors that influence the strength and development of any personal learning network, and PLN learning objectives. We’ll also discuss the relationship between online PLNs and an organization’s greater online presence.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://nonprofitwebinars.com/webinars/
January 9 (10-11:30 pm) / Beyond EAD: Tools for Creating and Editing EAC-CPF Records and "Remixing" Archival Metadata (OCLC)
The webinar will feature demonstrations of two tools, xEAC and RAMP, that will help archivists and librarians explore new possibilities for name authority work, moving beyond the boundaries of traditional archival metadata. We’ve scheduled the session for 90 minutes to allow ample time for demonstrations and questions.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.oclc.org/research/events/webinars.html
January 9 (10-11 am) / Overcoming Your Less Than Perfect Board (GuideStar)
If you are serious about improving your board in this new year, your leadership must create a strategic approach and be flexible in changing old habits. You should also consider bringing in an outside to assess and make recommendations. In our combined 50 years of working shoulder-to-shoulder with nonprofits as they improve their board structures and processes, we have learned how to build stronger, more engaged boards that better support the nonprofits they serve. While fixing your board’s biggest problems is not going to happen overnight, you will walk away from this webinar with ideas for how to kick off the new year with an approach for how to begin to make the adjustments necessary to give you strong board leadership in support of your mission.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.guidestar.org/rxg/news/webinars/index.aspx
January 9 (11am-12 pm) / The Future of Libraries (American Libraries Live)
We’re excited to announce the January episode of AL Live, The Future of Libraries: What’s Your Vision? We're thrilled to have Innovative Interfaces as a sponsor for this episode. David Lee King will lead our expert panel in an open discussion on the challenges and changes we’ll see in our libraries in the near and distant future.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://americanlibrarieslive.org/
January 9 (11am-12 pm) / New Audios for the New Year (Booklist)
A new year deserves a new list of listens! Join us for this free, hour-long webinar where representatives from Harper Audio, HighBridge Audio, and LA Theatre Works will discuss their new and upcoming audiobooks sure to start your year off right. Moderated by Booklist columnist and audiobook expert Mary Burkey.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.booklistonline.com/GeneralInfo.aspx?id=63
January 10 (8-9 am) / Tech Tools with Tine: 1 Hour of Online Privacy (Texas State Library & Archives Commission)
In our Tech Tools with Tine series, trainer Christine Walczyk typically tackles a single online tool for one hour. For this spring 2014 series, we're doing something a little different. Each week, Tine will be discussing a different technology topic of relevance to libraries. In this week's webinar, she'll be presenting about online privacy.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/index.html
January 10 (11am-12 pm) / Three Steps to Thriving in Chaos (Effectiveness Institute)
The turbulence of current events increases stress, drains energy and reduces productivity. In this webinar you’ll learn three essential steps for not only surviving but thriving in the chaos. As a result of participating in this session you will: Identify the three phases of change and how to manage them effectively, discover how behavior style impacts the change process, and apply three tools to increase your ability to thrive.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.effectivenessinstitute.com/index.php?option=com_dtregister&Itemid=54
January 13 (10-11 am) / Creating highly functional Virtual Teams (InSync Training)
Whether you personally embrace the concept or not, chances are you will participate as a virtual team member during your career. The reality is, a virtual team can be very effective if the correct conditions are met and maintained. It’s about putting together the right personalities, ensuring they have the right tools, and leading the team successfully. After discussing the arguments for and against establishing a virtual team, this workshop will use real life examples to address six key enablers for success.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://us.insynctraining.com/insync-byte-series
January 13 (11am-12 pm) / Rainbow Family Connections (Southern Maryland Library Association)
LGBTQ or Rainbow Families are increasing throughout the country. Children with LGBTQ caregivers live in 96% of all counties nationwide. This workshop describes criteria for selecting children's books with LGBTQ content, highlights outstanding titles, and provides suggestions for connecting these books with Rainbow Families. Keeping in mind that public libraries are situated in both welcoming and socially conservative communities, we will also explore how librarians can offer inclusive programs for these families by using children’s books that redefine gender norms and family compositions. The webinar further addresses how librarians can use subversive books such as those with single parents, ambiguous family constructs, and gender-neutral characters to promote “rainbow family values.”
Library: Southern Maryland Regional Library
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://host2.evanced.info/maryland/evanced/eventcalendar.asp
January 14 (10-11 am) / Leveraging Social Media for Nonprofit Events (GuideStar)
As part of GuideStar USA's webinar series, Social Media for Nonprofits and Eventbrite will present clear strategies, tactics, and resources for using social media to ensure the success of nonprofit events. Join us for this free webinar and learn: How to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other tools to maximize results for fundraising events, Practical recommendations to implement before, during, and after your event, and How to use scheduling, analysis, and optimization tools to help you work more efficiently and drive performance. Sign up now for this free, interactive workshop and learn how to harness the power of social media to drive results in the real world!
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.guidestar.org/rxg/news/webinars/index.aspx
January 14 (11am-12:30 pm) / Building a Powerful Grants Strategy for 2014 (TechSoup)
This free, 90-minute webinar on Tuesday, January 14 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pacific will take participants through the process of establishing a grants calendar for the next 12 to 18 months. Fast-paced, and filled with action steps, Cynthia Adams of GrantStation will discuss how to design and adopt a Grant Decision Matrix before beginning the process of building a specific grants strategy for each project. All participants will also receive a set of worksheets that they can use to create their own approach to building grants calendars and grants strategies for their organizations. This 90-minute webinar is for beginning, intermediate, and advanced grant writers.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.techsoup.org/community/events-webinars/default
January 14 (11am-12 pm) / Creating a Comprehensive and Engaging Volunteer Training Program (VolunteerMatch)
What do your volunteers need to know to be successful? This webinar will start with the basics and help you understand how to determine what information you should be sharing with your volunteers, and how that can be used to create a curriculum. We’ll then discuss how to present this information in a variety of ways using different delivery methods that appeal to adult learners. Assessing what your volunteers have learned, and creating ongoing training and professional development training for your volunteers will also be covered.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://learn.volunteermatch.org/training-topics
January 14 (11am-12 pm) / Geek the Library Overview (Geek the Library)
Get a complete Geek the Library overview and your questions answered in a live format. Our informational webinars are a simple way to learn about the details before committing to participate in the program.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://get.geekthelibrary.org/webinars/
January 14 (12:30-1:30 pm) / Build-A-Lab: Techspiration in Brownsburg, IN (Utah State Library)
Join us in a discussion of the Techspiration Creative Media lab in Brownsburg Public Library, Indiana, whose patrons discover new technology, capture old memories, and create and share new ones. Discover. Capture. Share. Topics: what inspired the library to obtain a media lab, list of equipment, possible classes/training offered to the community, and How the community has responded to the lab (attendance, project successes, etc.).
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://heritage.utah.gov/library/workshops
January 14 (6-7 pm) / Powerful Partnerships: Libraries, Technology, and the Common Core (American Association of School Librarians)
In collaboration AASL and Achieve published a new action brief linking libraries and librarians to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Implementing the Common Core State Standards: The Role of the School Librarian is available for download on the AASL and Achieve websites. Join AASL in an idea swap led by the AASL volunteers who worked on the action brief with Achieve. Use this exchange to propel the school library program into the center of teaching and learning in the era of CCSS. Learn how to recreate the idea swap activity with your own school teaching teams. Prior to the webinar, be sure to download the action brief.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.ala.org/aasl/ecollab/upcoming
January 15 (8-9 am) / Hot Titles for a Cold Month (Nebraska Library Commission)
Devra Dragos, Michael Sauers, and Laura Johnson, from the Nebraska Library Commission, will give brief book talks about new titles that could be good additions to your library’s collection. It's a mixed bag of popular fiction and non-fiction alike.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://nlc.nebraska.gov/scripts/calendar/eventlist.asp?Mode=ALL
January 15 (10-11 am) / Maintaining Your Nonprofit’s 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status (Nonprofit Webinars)
A nonprofit’s 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status is one of its most precious assets; it: encourages giving by allowing donors to make tax-deductible donations; maximizes funds available to support the mission by exempting most income from taxes; facilitates grants from foundations and government funders; and enhances credibility with the public and donors. Make sure your nonprofit doesn’t inadvertently lose its (c)(3) status by not following the rules. This session will explain in plain English (not legalese!) some of the core responsibilities, including: filing annual IRS returns; ensuring that activities further your tax-exempt purposes and benefit the public rather than private interests; avoiding impermissible financial benefits to insiders; limiting lobbying activities; avoiding political campaign activities; limiting, and paying taxes on, unrelated business income; recordkeeping; and maintaining public charity status.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://nonprofitwebinars.com/webinars/
January 15 (11am-12 pm) / Flexible Spaces – Flexible Futures (WebJunction)
A webinar focused on library space planning and on how changing patron needs are leading to changed library spaces.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction.html
January 15 (11am-12 pm) / Walking the Walk: Engage Volunteers in your Volunteer Engagement Program (VolunteerMatch)
Stop just talking the talk and start walking the walk! Learn how to effectively delegate volunteer engagement and management work to volunteers so you have the opportunity to "think bigger." We'll discuss evaluating your program for volunteer engagement, determining how best to deploy volunteers, creating a communication plan, screening and training volunteers to be an important part of your volunteer recruiting, retention and recognition plans.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://learn.volunteermatch.org/training-topics
January 15 (12-1 pm) / Every Ask You Don’t Make is a Gift You Won’t Get – How to Succeed with Major Gifts Fundraising (Nonprofit Webinars)
Asking is scary. As a result, too often nonprofits spend tons of time cultivating, cultivating and cultivating. But they never get to the ask! Or, if they do, they leave money on the table. To assure that you cut to the chase requires a plan and a disciplined approach. In this webinar we’ll talk about when to ask; then how to do it so you get the most successful outcome possible.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://nonprofitwebinars.com/webinars/
January 16 (11am-12 pm) / Made to be Modern: Current Trends in Websites (Idealware)
Your website is frequently the first impression you make on your constituents. If it was designed before the days of smartphone, or especially if it was designed before the prevalence of wireless internet, you could have some work ahead if you want to make that impression a lasting one. Luckily, you don't always need to start from scratch. There are a few small changes you can make to give your website relevance in 2014.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://idealware.org/online-training
January 17 (8-9 am) / Tech Tools with Tine: 1 Hour of Online Security (Texas State Library & Archives Commission)
In our Tech Tools with Tine series, trainer Christine Walczyk typically tackles a single online tool for one hour. For this spring 2014 series, we're doing something a little different. Each week, Tine will be discussing a different technology topic of relevance to libraries. In this week's webinar, she'll be speaking about online security.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/workshops/webinars/index.html
January 17 (11am-12 pm) / Better than Bullet Points (InSync Training)
Effective e-learning involves much more than just putting PowerPoint shows on the Web. In this session we'll explore solid ideas for transforming bullet-based content into compelling, engaging, interactive online learning programs. See the possibilities for putting simple PowerPoint based e-learning to a level on par with programs created with long-learning-curve higher-end products, custom art, and approaches dependent on programming expertise. Audience: Trainers and instructional designers.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: http://us.insynctraining.com/bozarth-programs/
Darci Hanning * Technology Development Consultant * Library Development Services
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
503-378-2527 darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>
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