[OYAN] 5 tips to help improve your SRP program in 2014
Katie Anderson
katie.anderson at state.or.us
Thu Jan 9 08:15:18 PST 2014
Hi! I subscribe to the National Summer Learning Association's newsletter and this month there is very short article about 5 ideas for improving summer programs that applies to library summer reading programs too. They are (copied and pasted from the article):
#1. Assess the needs of your community, and make sure the mission and vision of your program are connected with documented school or community needs.
#2. Spread the word that your summer program is important to the community. Involve staff, families, and youth in reaching out to funders and policymakers about the need for and benefits of your program.
#3. Understand requirements and deadlines for offering summer nutrition at your program. Apply to be a summer meals site<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRL_8SmSzdOKT8sQ3g0NvWm5N1C-q5wMdMXPkmyKjl6vl7n0K6eatNtnrnpIAFGRU1NIAJbLn_f7deoW--IzgZXaeMIl0-5Psjhw5EoZZzghl922vk-7d5ZHKLqsy_lVGGvdVL0mijBrBqIogKQM227rFnC62_rOU4=> for youth. (In Oregon, go to http://www.summerfoodoregon.org/support and read 'Become a Sponsor' to learn how to become a summer food site).
#4. Develop job descriptions for all seasonal positions. Be prepared to offer jobs at least three months in advance of the program to ensure you secure the best and brightest staff.
#5. Develop a partnership wish list; then reach out to schools or community-based organizations for introductory meetings
Read the full article and newsletter below or online at http://tiny.cc/nlgf9w.
Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528
From: Summer Times from the National Summer Learning Association [mailto:info at summerlearning.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Summer Times from the National Summer Learning Association
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 7:55 AM
To: Katie Anderson
Subject: 5 tips to help improve your program in 2014
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Dear Katie,
[children-friends-portrait.jpg]Happy New Year!!! What improvements do you plan to make to your summer learning program in 2014?
Here are five ideas--from sustainability to partnerships--that you can implement this year to improve your program's outcomes for youth.
#1. Assess the needs of your community, and make sure the mission and vision of your program are connected with documented school or community needs.
#2. Spread the word that your summer program is important to the community. Involve staff, families, and youth in reaching out to funders and policymakers about the need for and benefits of your program.
#3. Understand requirements and deadlines for offering summer nutrition at your program. Apply to be a summer meals site<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRL_8SmSzdOKT8sQ3g0NvWm5N1C-q5wMdMXPkmyKjl6vl7n0K6eatNtnrnpIAFGRU1NIAJbLn_f7deoW--IzgZXaeMIl0-5Psjhw5EoZZzghl922vk-7d5ZHKLqsy_lVGGvdVL0mijBrBqIogKQM227rFnC62_rOU4=> for youth.
#4. Develop job descriptions for all seasonal positions. Be prepared to offer jobs at least three months in advance of the program to ensure you secure the best and brightest staff.
#5. Develop a partnership wish list; then reach out to schools or community-based organizations for introductory meetings.
Action steps for each of these ideas can be found in our Summer Starts in September<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSSYWJ-SWOZbzw898i9Bz8-w1N-zg8slQd1cl03-_v-qZSQASmlk6E1Y9-zHmtJcbDv15SadahBn9aNrwp-Lv2Y5HHsmko0mdgKryyb7w3-Nm1G3oRCi3tG_HBQ_HTI6QUk=> comprehensive planning guide. Get your copy today, and make NSLA's continuous cycle of improvement your 2014 resolution!
BUY YOUR COPY TODAY <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSSYWJ-SWOZbzw898i9Bz8-w1N-zg8slQd1cl03-_v-qZSQASmlk6E1Y9-zHmtJcbDv15SadahBn9aNrwp-Lv2Y5HHsmko0mdgKryyb7w3-Nm1G3oRCi3tG_HBQ_HTI6QUk=>
Stay in Touch with NSLA on Facebook
Facebook recently made changes that affect whether you see our posts. To ensure you're staying updated on the latest resources, events, and news in summer learning, you'll need to make a slight edit to your Facebook settings.
On the NSLA Facebook page<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRkrz3SHca39YbnbJA7adHO4y6G2AdM_f4BpbqV2q3he6RugpmygMLa5Kh51G1mISeacAVUxN4GDmPNpmDXB4wk-V_tyT7t0wVZjTgMfOCnUOL1IGCsBK_JRy-HS3zvooM=>, right under the cover image, where you see Like or Liked, click Get Notifications as you see in the image above.
Another way to make sure you get our updates is to "like," share, and comment on our posts. Visit our page<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRkrz3SHca39YbnbJA7adHO4y6G2AdM_f4BpbqV2q3he6RugpmygMLa5Kh51G1mISeacAVUxN4GDmPNpmDXB4wk-V_tyT7t0wVZjTgMfOCnUOL1IGCsBK_JRy-HS3zvooM=> and tell us what we're doing well and/or what we could do better!
Does your program have its own Facebook page, and you've recently noticed a drop in engagement? Steal this message and share it with your fans and followers!
Deadline for the
New York Life
Excellence Award
The deadline to apply for the New York Life Excellence in Summer Learning Award<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSQyUDDXqsm_Ajh8FKVfTk7rBiDAfoD3t36GnWOsZpBZE7YDDek_mIcytaR0Ap8mUsvH5gDrcfQhLKoO2twFNEahKnlVVbWvMx6Rby6HJFTKr2nCky9tIxeovgqUbYgxmzDJmA7sfNth-Q==> is Fri., Feb. 14.
Up to three programs will be awarded $10,000 each.
The no-cost application process<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSTZVzBfL0FDLuk34dJaYvyHbXN2uka08JywZ8Ga-aPCwa42EyXFpN1iqhEC2jq2LIogPwTtwLCYteUsl6PK7ni0AdMolqaZdhpAwh6hCaeoN2bambdTAl9u8V2pmRP-Iuo1YOr5U6tkG0FbNtCnpO4-> is also a great way to have your program assessed by NSLA experts. Feedback on ways you can improve your program will be given to you.
Funding Summer Learning in Tough Times
[funding roadmap]
Our report, developed with the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation,
Moving Summer Learning Forward: A Strategic Roadmap for Funding in Tough Times<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRlsIYbEk6rTkr9QOa3TjFZpnfqqCrF-ILla5hjghOYnR7wWgQqdWVSNqe1pY7lm_8JRjvs5UVkBxGecNZGBSfg0PbHVgH5u_EjMcoqg4c0g__a0l4N_DPsLeFZs-py3RgmbUSaTvNj3KO6jYQ4yeKUTe7IHK1atdX6tpIUMS21cJ53FNeoGWRLZVRdy3Dvs7sE4Tktcg5a-g==> is designed to help state and local leaders identify the most promising funding streams to support summer learning.
Download a copy today!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSRYcqaZ2RgUfiNbz-TGJqE5-adPOiRwO5E0a7BwKIFtBf5vX2_NUvDOwApUEypGFdWC0GdPyaPloJgO-Fc5XgQupgsipo4O0uQPCcAcFHJsFz1mx88LqkaaVB7wzRI7qEA=>
New issue brief
focuses on emerging
STEM priorities
A new issue brief from the Afterschool Alliance highlights computing and engineering education in afterschool and summer.
Visit their blog<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001iCirTLQswSQd3LJQnmZhGU3N0TqERkQoXWUYfgiRA3wI3-NvKNlRgazKejTNsT9mRaXPsHInmNVrQM0ST5Z6k1nogx-hDybIsSxSv-9-YtZYq4PVw4HlnUiF13KPZx6tkM1NeREdd1MQM2sS0L0Upk4XIUafi9od1MGQ3BYrafhwtIeZf8fXT2a20uuC1MI_ESfNpWVmFHjl50M4Uq3OB8Cc2Z7-glzvKICwfDoTWeI=> for more information and to download the brief.
Forward email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=ussmvybab&m=1101413108308&ea=katie.anderson%40state.or.us&a=1116166011157>
National Summer Learning Association | 575 South Charles Street | Suite 310 | Baltimore | MD | 21201
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