[OYAN] OYAN Newsletter Submissions

Elvira Sanchez-Kisser Elvira.Sanchez-Kisser at ci.woodburn.or.us
Wed Jun 11 12:46:15 PDT 2014

Hello OYAN --

It's that time again! We are looking for articles for the summer OYAN newsletter. Book reviews, successful programs, photos, news announcements, meetings and anything else! The deadline for submission is Monday, July 14th . Please send all content to the OYAN Publications gmail account - oyanpublications at gmail.com<mailto:oyanpublications at gmail.com>.

--The OYAN Publications Team

Elvira Sanchez Kisser, MLIS, MFA
Adult & Teen Librarian
503.982.5254 | elvira.sanchez-kisser at ci.woodburn.or.us<mailto:elvira.sanchez-kisser at ci.woodburn.or.us>

Woodburn Public Library | 280 Garfield St | Woodburn OR | 97071

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