[OYAN] Last week to Vote! on the Oregon Teen Video Challenge --deadline March 7th

K'Lyn Hann klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov
Mon Mar 2 13:39:57 PST 2015

Hello OYAN members!

It's your last week to view the 2015 Oregon CSLP Teen Video Challenge entries, and then rank them for voting purposes.

Here is the URL for the OYAN YouTube Channel playlist for this year's entries:   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZyjveh-OKgEdnL6zqvB1PidnCLy0xsqp

And here is the URL for the SurveyMonkey ranking:   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/26SSDTM

Feel free to gather teen votes however you'd like using the link below to complete the ranking survey.  You could view them in groups for a single vote?  Or have each teen rank the videos via the survey below?

DEADLINE for votes: March 7th, 2015.

K'Lyn Hann
OYAN CSLP Rep 2014-2016

Teen & Technology Librarian
Newberg Public Library
503 E Hancock St,  Newberg, OR 97132
ph:  503.554.7732

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