[OYAN] Teen Services Underground YA Smackdown at YALSA Symposium

Bryce Kozla brycek at wccls.org
Wed Nov 4 12:05:46 PST 2015

Hi everyone,
It's Bryce, the new Youth Services Librarian at Washington County Cooperative Library Services (aka "the new Rick"). It was so great to see several of you at the OYAN Workshop!

If you're attending YALSA, I'd love for you to check out the Teen Services Underground YA Smackdown with me! It's happening right after the OYAN Hangout-nothing says "after-party" like talking more about teen services amirite?!?! Maybe?! Well, it'll be super fun anyway!

Here's the link to the details: http://www.teenservicesunderground.com/tsu-and-ya-smackdown-the-yalsa-symposium/
And here's a little more about YA Smackdown: http://www.teenservicesunderground.com/ya-smackdown/

The teen librarian at my former library, Linda, is one of the founding members of TSU and will be there and I'm so stoked! If you can't be there to meet her, here's a really smart post she wrote about the teen brain: http://www.teenservicesunderground.com/the-teenage-brain-the-best-of-times-the-worst-of-times/

Okay! Hope to see you this weekend.

Bryce Kozla, Youth Services Librarian
Washington County Cooperative Library Services

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