[OYAN] Lunch for July 22nd OYAN Meeting

Ian Duncanson iduncanson at beavertonoregon.gov
Tue Jul 5 17:05:44 PDT 2016


See the message from Megan below if you're going to be ordering a lunch at the July 22nd OYAN meeting in the Dalles! I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

One of our local restaurants, Riverenza Café, will be providing lunch. Cash payment is preferred. A 20% gratuity will automatically be added to each person's order.  I've attached a PDF of their menu to this email. If everyone could get me their order no later than July 15th, I'd really appreciate it.


Megan A. Hoak,
Teen Services Coordinator

The Dalles Wasco County Library
722 Court Street
The Dalles, OR 97058
(541) 296-2815
mhoak at ci.the-dalles.or.us<mailto:mhoak at ci.the-dalles.or.us>


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