[OYAN] OYAN Raffle-- it's not too late to ask for donations!

Violeta GARZA violetag at multco.us
Fri Mar 18 09:30:16 PDT 2016

Hey there, everyone.

Thank you to those of you who have already been working on getting prizes
donated to the OYAN raffle. If you haven't already contributed, there's
still time. Gift cards, gift baskets, gift just about anything is welcome.
Let me know if you have any other creative ideas.

We'll start selling tickets online next week. Keep an eye out. ;D

Questions? Send 'em my way. Thank you and have a lovely weekend!


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Violeta GARZA <violetag at multco.us> wrote:

> Why hello there, OYAN. You're looking great today.
> As expected, I'm reaching out to ask for your help on soliciting prize
> donations for the raffle. New locations/items are as welcome as old ones.
> Please email me with your plans so I can update the spreadsheet.
> If you'd like more information, please let me know!
> Thank you for your help!
> Violeta
> --
> Violeta Garza
> Preferred pronouns: "she" and "her"
> Bilingual Youth Librarian | Bibliotecaria Bilingüe para Niños y Jóvenes
> Troutdale Library  |  Biblioteca de Troutdale
> Multnomah County Library  |  Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah
> 2451 SW Cherry Park Rd.
> Troutdale, OR 97060
> 503.988.5355
> violetag at multco.us
> http://www.multcolib.org
> Work schedule: Tuesday-Saturday
> "What if stories were for everyone? What if the cover of a book that
> looked 'different' or 'too girly' or 'too ethnic' was seen not as a
> deterrent, but an invitation to step outside of oneself?"
> --Renee Watson, author

Violeta Garza
Preferred pronouns: "she" and "her"
Bilingual Youth Librarian | Bibliotecaria Bilingüe para Niños y Jóvenes
Troutdale Library  |  Biblioteca de Troutdale
Multnomah County Library  |  Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah
2451 SW Cherry Park Rd.
Troutdale, OR 97060
violetag at multco.us
Work schedule: Tuesday-Saturday

"What if stories were for everyone? What if the cover of a book that looked
'different' or 'too girly' or 'too ethnic' was seen not as a deterrent, but
an invitation to step outside of oneself?"
--Renee Watson, author
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