[OYAN] CSLP meeting 2016

K'Lyn Hann klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov
Tue May 10 16:31:22 PDT 2016

Hello all!
This year's CSLP meeting was in Salt Lake City, Utah with sunshine, blue skies, and highs of around 75 degrees . . . outside. While we were inside most of the time, the views, breaks, and evenings were lovely. But we were there making key decisions, having important discussions, and relaying your suggestions, concerns, and thoughts to the collective.  Next year's location and dates are still up in the air.
With this first year under an executive director, processes were stream-lined, the timeline of the meeting was shortened to 2 ½ days, and still all members from across the country as well as the U.S. territories who wanted to share had their opportunities.
2018 slogan also happens to work for all the age-groups: LIBRARIES ROCK.  There were lots of discussions about where this theme/slogan could go and many suggestions for the artwork including a dinosaur xylophone!
2019 theme: SPACE by a wide margin of win!
One of Oregon's suggested artists made THE TOP of the final list, FRANK MORRISON. There were 1,000 suggestions, narrowed incrementally to the top 10 we selected at the meeting: (listed in ranked order)

1.      Frank Morrison

2.      LeUyen Pham

3.      Yuyi Morales

4.      Brian Collier

5.      Christian Robins

6.      Kadir Nelson

7.      Brian Pinkney

8.      Peter Brown

9.      Sandra Boynton

10.  Mark Buehner
This top ten list of artists will be contacted to determine who is available and willing to create the children's/early literacy art. Both the adult and teen artists are chosen in-house from Upstart allowing CSLP suggestions to be implemented right away!
Some highlights of the many discussions:

*         Diversity and inclusiveness including the request that, if your library is translating the slogans or other materials into different languages, please share with all of CSLP!  Let one of use know, and we'll see that your translations make it as an options for all the member libraries.

*         Manual format options that reduce paper use and costs but provide what everyone needs in some way or another

*         Early literacy summer reading manual in Spanish for 2017!

*         Funding of CSLP.  Did you know that the CSLP summer reading miscellanea you purchase from Upstart is a large financial support for this organization?

*         By-laws change that allows committee chairs to vote along with state reps. So, as members of CSLP, anyone of you could give Oregon an extra vote by chairing a committee!  You don't have to be the OYAN or CSD reps, either.
Each CSLP survey sent out gives us the information we take to this meeting to represent you.  Let us know what you think so that we can share Oregon's opinions.
CSLP works hard both at this annual meeting as well as throughout the year. Some resources available to you via CSLP include:

  *   CSLP White Paper<http://www.cslpreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/CSLP-Summer-Reading-White-Paper-2015.pdf> about the impact of summer reading

  *   PSAs are downloadable in video or audio forms. Follow the instructions here<http://www.cslpreads.org/programs/childrens-program/psa/>. We did mention the timeline of these which was taken for consideration.

  *   The Teen Video Challenge winners are up and ready for use.  You may use ANY of them. Oregon's winner was from Salem Public Library. Check them, and all the participating winners, out: http://www.cslpreads.org/programs/teen-program/teen-video-challenge/   This program was on the chopping block, but a volunteer from one of the member libraries has offered to continue it for next year!

We were encouraged to let folks know that, if you are interested in participating in CSLP, you don't have to be state rep who attends this big meeting to do so. There are many committee options available who welcome your participation. Manual committees (one for each age group), Budget committee, Membership committees, etc. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll point you in the right direction to get connected.

I'm happy to answer any of your questions.

K'Lyn Hann

OYAN CSLP Rep (2014-2016)

Newberg Public LIbrary


klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov<mailto:klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov>

All Oregon public, volunteer, and tribal libraries are members of the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), and receive a free summer reading manual.  To get the most out of your membership, create an account on the CSLP website (http://www.cslpreads.org/) and you will be able to access additional summer reading resources. CSLP membership dues and manual fees are paid for by the State Library with Library Services and Technology Act funds. Summer reading manuals are distributed by OLA's Children's Services Division summer reading chair, summer reading feedback and suggestions are collected by OLA's Young Adult Network CSLP Liaison, and all four of us listed below represent you on CSLP committees and at the CSLP annual meeting.

For more information contact one of your CSLP representatives:
-        Kristy Kemper Hodge, CSD Summer Reading Chair: kristy.kemperhodge at corvallisoregon.gov<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/options/kids-lib/kristy.kemperhodge--at--corvallisoregon.gov>
-         K'Lyn Hann, OYAN CSLP Liaison: klyn.hann at newbergoregon.gov<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/options/oyan/klyn.hann--at--newbergoregon.gov>
-         Katie Anderson, CSLP Oregon State Representative: katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>
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