[OYAN] How was Summer Reading?

Gretchen Kolderup gretchenkolderup at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 20:22:07 PDT 2016

Hey everyone!

I recently agreed to manage and write for the OYAN blog
<https://oyanpeeps.wordpress.com>, and I was thinking that with our
attention turning from summer to fall, it might be a good time to put up a
post where we reflect on how Summer Reading went for all of us. I'm always
curious about what other Oregon libraries are doing!

What's one thing that went well for your YA Summer Reading Program? What's
one thing you want to change for next year?

Feel free to message me off-list; if it seems like this is something people
are interested in, I'll compile it into a post!

Youth Librarian, St. Helens Public Library

PS: If you're not into this idea, tell me what you *do* want to see on the
blog! :)
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