[OYAN] Spring Meeting Minutes

Ian Duncanson iduncanson at beavertonoregon.gov
Fri Aug 14 17:13:36 PDT 2020


Here are the approved spring meeting minutes with the two small changes.


Ian Duncanson

Youth Services Librarian

Beaverton City Library | 12375 SW 5th St | Beaverton, OR 97005

503-350-3610 | www.BeavertonLibrary.org<http://www.beavertonlibrary.org/>

Work days: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

COVID-19 Update<http://intraweb/news/Pages/default.aspx>: Please note: I am working remotely at this time. Response times may be longer than normal as we adapt to remote work.

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