[OYAN] What teen services/programs are you offering this fall?

Katie Anderson katiea at wccls.org
Mon Oct 5 16:00:22 PDT 2020

Hi, teen library staff!

I’m working on the OYAN blog<https://oyanpeeps.wordpress.com/> again and need your help!

What teen services and/or programs are you offering this fall? Are you doing anything to support teens who are distance learning?

If you don’t have a lot of time, just send me a few sentences and I’ll compile everyone’s fall teen services and programs into one blog post like I did for the 2020 summer reading posts<https://oyanpeeps.wordpress.com/2020/08/28/2020-summer-reading-reflections-part-1/> some of you sent.

If you have a lot of ideas to share and the time to write a complete blog post, please do and send it my way.

Thank you!
Katie Anderson
Youth Services Librarian
Library & Community Initiatives Team
Washington County Cooperative Library Services<https://www.wccls.org/>
katiea at wccls.org<mailto:katiea at wccls.org>

Hours 7:30 AM-4:00 PM
Every other Monday & Saturday

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