[OYAN] ORCA -- Oregon Reader's Choice Award needs committee members

Lori Lieberman llieber1 at pps.net
Sun Jan 17 19:49:25 PST 2021

ORCA needs some new committee members! There are openings for CSD, OYAN,
and OASL members at the 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 reading levels.
The Oregon Reader’s Choice Award was founded in 2010.  The award
is intended to be a fun and exciting way for Oregon youth in grades 3-12 to
become enthusiastic and discriminating readers.  During the course of the
school year, Oregon students choose their favorite book in a real-life
democratic process. Books must be nominated for inclusion on the ORCA
ballot.  In order to be considered, the book needs to have a copyright date
of three years prior to when the ballots are announced. Oregon students,
teachers, and librarians are all able to nominate books.
The nominations are reviewed by a committee of librarians and educators.
THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! The committee creates the final ballots based
upon a number of criteria, including literary quality, creativity, reading
enjoyment, and reading level.
The bulk of committee work is done now: January - April. This year, the
committee is considering books with a 2019 publication date. Committee
members commit to a two-year term with the option of a second term.
Please contact Lori Lieberman at orca at olaweb.org
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