[OYAN] Hello

Peggy O'Kane pokane at ci.lowell.or.us
Tue Aug 23 08:47:41 PDT 2022

I’m the part time director of the soon to be opened Maggie Osgood Library in Lowell. I have over 30 years experience in the profession, most of it in Maine.
I have so many questions. While I have lots of experience with k-5 and adults my tween/teen experience is decades old.
How if at all are teens using your public library?

  *   As volunteers?
  *   Do you have a teen on your board?
  *   What activities, if any, do they attend?
  *   What are they reading these days?

Peggy O’Kane
Maggie Osgood Library
Lowell, OR 97452

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