[OYAN] OYAN Game Night
Keli Yeats
keliy at multcolib.org
Wed Feb 9 19:53:22 PST 2022
Heya OYANers. I'm organizing a virtual game night for OYAN folx to hang out
and have some fun outside of work and official business. We've got a lot of
games to choose from. My personal favorite is What the Dub
We're getting together virtually on Friday, February 18th at 7:00 pm until
whenever people get tired of playing. Zoom link below.
OLA vmeeting is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OYAN Game Night
Time: Feb 18, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
*Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83737277561
Meeting ID: 837 3727 7561
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Meeting ID: 837 3727 7561
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdHOKXYBP8
Keli Yeats, Youth Librarian
(preferred pronouns: she, her, hers/
they, them, theirs)
Northwest Library
Sun 11:05 am - 5:05 pm
Mon 9:05 am - 6:05 pm
Wed telework
Thu 9:05 am - 6:05 pm
*Land Acknowledgement Multnomah County rests on the stolen lands of the
Multnomah, Kathlamet, and Clackamas Bands of Chinook Indian Nation;
Tualatin Kalapuya; Molalla; and many others along the Columbia River. This
country is built on stolen Indigenous land and built by stolen African
people. This land was not stolen and people were not enslaved by ambiguous
entities and actors. The land was stolen by, and African peoples were
enslaved by white settlers who had government support. We also want to
honor the members of over 400 tribal communities who live in Multnomah
County. Many of these People and their cultures still survive and resist
despite the intentional and ongoing attempts to destroy them.* *Take a
moment to acknowledge the history of how we are here in this place and to
honor the People. [Credit to Dr. Aileen Duldulao and Heather Heater]*
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