[OYAN] Fwd: iREAD Newsletter June 21, 2023

BERGQUIST Greta E * SLO Greta.BERGQUIST at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Jun 22 10:49:30 PDT 2023

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From: iREAD Reading Programs <iread at ila.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 3:03:02 PM
To: BERGQUIST Greta E * SLO <greta.bergquist at state.or.us>
Subject: iREAD Newsletter June 21, 2023

News and updates from iREAD Summer Reading
iREAD News                                                                View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/ila/news-and-updates-from-iread-summer-reading-738384?e=fa97cbbf05>
June 21, 2023
iREAD 2023: Program Showcase

We have had folks sharing some wonderful Find Your Voice! programs. Check out some highlights below!

Finding Our Voices in the Dark!

Who's that tromping through the woods? Don't worry it is just the Monona County Librarians!
[A photo of a group of library patrons preparing for a night hike]
Soldier, Onawa, Whiting and Mapleton libraries put on a night hike with the help of Monona County Naturalist and DNR employees. Participants enjoyed s'mores, a scavenger hunt and crafts for the kids. When it got dark everyone ignited their red-filtered flashlights. They stopped at different stations to experience things that night creatures might experience. One particular stop involved seeing the footprints of the animals who frequent the area. We also got to see many nocturnal invertebrates which are attracted to the light. It was a great time to get out and enjoy our county park and find our voices in the dark.

Monona County Library Association, Iowa: Soldier Public Library, Onawa Public Library, Whiting Public Library and the Fisher Whiting Memorial Library in Mapleton

Summer Fun at Modale

Our friends at Modale Public Library have created a wide range of great activities to help patrons find their voices this summer. Everyone can participate in Summer Reading Bingo but that's not all. They're celebrating Halloween in June, every Thursday evening there are programs that combine a "Find Your Voice!" story with crafts, pack your favorite numbers for Camp Math, join a book discussion, and more!
Diane Pratt, Director
Modale Public Library, Modale, Iowa

[A photo in a library with patrons and Norman a black and white dog]

Norman Finds a Home

Norman was a shelter dog. Julie and Paul adopted Norman 2 years ago. Julie has written a children's book Norman Finds a Home. On Monday, June 5th, to kick off our Summer Reading Program, we had a program with Julie, Paul, and Norman. She read Norman's book and the kids got to meet Norman.

Susan McKinney, Librarian
St. Joseph Township Library, St Joseph, IL

Are you doing anything you're excited about for Summer Reading? Share them with us at iread at ila.org<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=429180ee49&e=fa97cbbf05> or tag us on social media.

(Images provided by contributing libraries)

iREAD 2023 & 2024: ALA Chicago!

iREAD is heading to ALA!

Join us at Booth 3411 for all things Summer Reading. Come for a preview of the 2024 art and stay for the crafts, giveaways, and $5 tee shirts.

Can't wait to see you!

(Image: Jason Chin<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=c84254f3ca&e=fa97cbbf05> - 2024 Read, Renew, Repeat graphics)
The iREAD/ILA Office Is Moving!

In case you haven't heard, there's an update regarding the iREAD/ILA office – we're moving to a new location! While we'll still be in Chicago, our new home will be in the vibrant West Loop.

The last day in our current location is Friday, June 30. On that day, we'll be closing the office to ensure a smooth transition to our new digs.

Please note that the office will reopen on Wednesday, July 5, ready to serve you once again. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at iREAD at ila.org<mailto:ila at ila.org> as there will be some transition time as we move our phone system to our new location.

Please continue sending mail to the address indicated on your invoice/receipt. We will update you once the new address is in effect.

[A red banner with illustrated trucks reads "We're moving!"]
iREAD 2023: A Word from Our Partners

Our friends at Creativebug have created a Class Series for libraries using Find Your Voice!<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=ae407f782b&e=fa97cbbf05>

[An illustration of a child painting a flower and covered in paint]
Creating art to express your thoughts and ideas is a powerful way to be seen and heard in the world. This collections of classes will help you on your way to developing your style as well as give you project ideas for showcasing and sharing your work. Make a zine on a topic you feel passionate about, create a tote that has an inspiring quote, or make pins and badges with messages to wear and share. Find your voice!

They have also created some fun bookmarks<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=b3e3857353&e=fa97cbbf05> and this fabulous zine template<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=178ae1e5ef&e=fa97cbbf05> that you can print out for your patrons. Let's find our voice and get creative this summer!

(Image: Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=46c8c8e5ca&e=fa97cbbf05> - 2023 Find Your Voice! graphics)

iREAD 2023: EXTRA! EXTRA! iREAD All About It!

We continue to see "Find Your Voice!" featured in the local news. Here are some recent highlights:
[An illustration of a teen on a ladder with a bullhorn]

Urbana Free Library was featured on the WCIA News<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=f78eea0a05&e=fa97cbbf05>

How the Carnegie Library Continues to Foster a Love of Reading, Learning Over the Summer<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=5fefad1acf&e=fa97cbbf05>

MetroLink will waive bus fares for youth riders to Illinois Quad-Cities public libraries this season. <https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=98c176aa06&e=fa97cbbf05> The partnership is to encourage area youth to take part in the summer reading programs and events at the East Moline, Moline, Rock Island and Silvis libraries.

Elkhorn Media Group staff visit Elgin Public Library<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=1d6d9dc244&e=fa97cbbf05>

Has your summer reading program been featured? Share it with us at iread at ila.org<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=16e74fa7e6&e=fa97cbbf05>

(Image: Hannah Templer<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=e9bc443401&e=fa97cbbf05>  - 2023 Find Your Voice! graphics)
iREAD 2023: Call for Summer Reading Photos and Programming

We [An illustration drawn by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley of a child in a costume] would love to hear and see what your library is up to and how are you planning to Find Your Voice! with iREAD this summer. Submissions featuring F<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=3976446ea2&e=fa97cbbf05>ind Your Voice!<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=3a7d3f7438&e=fa97cbbf05> can be emailed to iread at ila.org<mailto:>.

Your submissions can include photos with brief descriptions, copy of your newsletter where you promote your library's plans for summer reading or a short paragraph describing your ideas and planning process.

Note: If your photos feature any library staff or patrons, make sure that you have obtained a photo release before emailing the photo to us.

(Image: Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=013aabad90&e=fa97cbbf05> - 2023 Find Your Voice! graphics)

iREAD® 2023 Vendor Partners

Brag Tags with iREAD!

iREAD® has partnered with SchoolLife® to create custom brag tags based on 2023 artwork for Find Your Voice!  Specifically, Angela Dominguez<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=bf5eed9b8c&e=fa97cbbf05>, Hannah Templer<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=2ec58f1d1a&e=fa97cbbf05> and Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=2b4398d06e&e=fa97cbbf05> art are featured in these fun products that help foster collaboration and creativity.


Please note: These products are AUTHORIZED uses of iREAD® artwork; you can tell by looking for the credit line "Artwork© 2023 by [artist name] for iREAD." iREAD will receive a portion of the proceeds, so we hope you enjoy this new opportunity to share iREAD artwork and projects with your patrons!


Stick Together with iREAD!
iREAD® has partnered with Stick Together®<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=39d401fc70&e=fa97cbbf05> to create mosaic puzzle posters based on 2023 artwork for Find Your Voice! Specifically, the image of Mango<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=f9666adfe7&e=fa97cbbf05>, from Mango, Abuela and Me by Meg Medina illustrated by Angela Dominguez
(Candlewick Press ©2015) is featured in this fun product that helps foster collaboration and creativity.

Please note: These products are AUTHORIZED uses of iREAD® artwork; you can tell by looking for the credit line "Artwork© 2023 by [artist name] for iREAD." iREAD will receive a portion of the proceeds, so we hope you enjoy this new opportunity to share iREAD artwork and projects with your patrons!

About the Program
Since 1981, iREAD has developed successful summer reading programs. Our mission is to provide high quality, low-cost resources and products that help local library staff to motivate children, teens, and adults to read. As a coordinated, self-supporting effort developed by the Illinois Library Association and librarians, every purchase from iREAD helps to promote and assist the great work of libraries.

To learn more, visit our website<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=bdfecae072&e=fa97cbbf05>.<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=2d8a35f0e1&e=fa97cbbf05>
Copyright © 2023 Illinois Library Association, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Illinois Library Association
33 West Grand Avenue
Suite 401
Chicago, IL 60654

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/profile?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=3cc3c27c9f&e=fa97cbbf05&c=d5a75dd2b4> or unsubscribe from this list<https://ireadprogram.us12.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=3cc3c27c9f&e=fa97cbbf05&c=d5a75dd2b4>

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