[PL-Directors] Meeting With Oregon Department of Revenue

Jim Scheppke jim.b.scheppke at state.or.us
Tue May 5 15:42:19 PDT 2009

Dear Directors:
The State Library got a lot of feedback from public libraries this year
about the difficulties you experienced with new policies and practices of
the Oregon Department of Revenue. We understand that tax forms and
instructions were in very short supply in many libraries. Printing forms and
instructions from the Department's website in the library presents other
problems for library patrons.

I spoke to the Director of the Oregon Department of Revenue, Elizabeth
Harchenko, and she is willing to send some high level staff to a meeting at
the State Library to discuss what might be done next year to improve the
availability of tax forms and instructions in public libraries. I don't
think we can expect a return to the policies and practices of the past, but
I am hopeful that there are some ways that the current situation might be
improved if we all put our heads together and look for solutions that work
for everyone.

I am looking for public librarians who would be willing to come to a meeting
in Salem sometime in the next few months to meet with representatives from
the Department of Revenue. If you or someone on your staff would be willing
to do this, I would love to hear from you. I will need the name and contact
information for the librarians who would like to participate.

Please send a reply to this email if you'd like to suggest someone to
participate.  Thanks! --> Jim

Jim Scheppke, State Librarian
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
(fax) 503-585-8059
jim.b.scheppke at state.or.us

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