[PL-Directors] Gale Databases Hands-on Advanced Training - room enough for all who wish to attend

Ann Reed ann.reed at state.or.us
Mon Oct 4 14:56:36 PDT 2010

Gale Databases Hands-on Advanced Training

There's still time to get in on this free hands-on training for advanced use of the Gale databases!   Feel free to drop in and check it out.  Now open to all interested parties.

Training will focus on differences in search engine behavior from Ebsco, limiting searches, using advanced features and tools needed for serious users, as well as how to suggest journal titles to be included in the index.

Please register in advance at:  http://library.state.or.us/services/surveys/survey.php?sid=561

Please contact Ann Reed at Library Development Services, Oregon State Library at 503-378-5027 or ann.reed at state.or.us<mailto:ann.reed at state.or.us> for more information.

Places, Times and Dates:


October 5, Tuesday  9-11 a.m. (31 spaces)


               Concordia University Library

                    2811 NE Holman Street

                     Portland, OR 97211


               Campus map (Building 19, section H4):    http://www.cuportland.edu/documents/campus_map.pdf

                    Map and directions:  http://www.cu-portland.edu/aboutcu/maps.cfm


October 5, Tuesday 3-5 p.m.  (24 spaces)  - CANCELLED

October 6, Wednesday 9-11 a.m.  (18-28 spaces)

October 6, Wednesday 2-4 p.m. (18-28 spaces)

                Location for both:

Chemeketa Community College Library

4000 Lancaster Drive NE

Salem, OR 97305


Campus map (second floor of Building 9 on the Chemeketa Campus):


Map and directions:  http://www.chemeketa.edu/aboutus/locations/salem/direction.html


October 7, Thursday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (19 spaces)


                Northwest Christian University

828 East 11th Ave.

Eugene, OR 97401


Campus map (Kellenberger Library, building 5):  http://www.northwestchristian.edu/media/102807/ncumap2010_inside_proof.pdf

Map and directions:


Ann Reed, Federal Programs Coordinator

Library Development Services

Oregon State Library

250 Winter St.

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 378-5027

fax (503) 378-6439

ann.reed at state.or.us<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/al-directors>


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