[PL-Directors] PL Directors meeting September 2011

MaryKay Dahlgreen marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
Wed Jul 20 12:59:44 PDT 2011

Dear Public Library Directors,
The tradition of a September Public Library Directors meeting in Salem continues.  We are planning for Friday, September 23, 2011.  Please let us know if you would be able to attend on that date.  Co-conveners Su Liudahl (Creswell Library, opalsu at gmail.com<mailto:opalsu at gmail.com>) and Jane Tucker (Astoria Public Library, jtucker at astoria.or.us<mailto:jtucker at astoria.or.us>) would like to hear from you by August 5 in order to facilitate planning.

As always, we welcome suggestions for topics of interest.  One suggestion to date is to explore the library director's world of daily and local politics through the eyes of a city or county manager, elected official, or governing board member.  How does the Library fit into the broader political aspect of a county or municipality?  What is the world of an elected official like?  What percentage of phone calls fielded by a city manager are complaints?  Understanding the broader perspective of daily, local politics may help library directors secure funding and assist with advocacy.  Please include your thoughts on this topic or others of interest to you in your reply.

Hoping to see you in September.  Jane and Su

MaryKay Dahlgreen
Library Development Program Manager
Oregon State Library
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
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