[PL-Directors] question on dropping "# of items added" type questions from library survey

Ann Reed ann.reed at state.or.us
Wed May 4 15:58:16 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,

We are currently working with our vendor Bibliostat on preparing the FY10-11 public library statistical survey that will come out in July.

I would like to ask you about several items the survey now collects.  Currently we ask for the amount of books, video, audio, e-items, etc. and the number of such items added during the fiscal year.  Do you use the data for how many of any type of thing (e.g. physical videos) was added?  How important is this?  How difficult is it collect the number of things added by type?

Ultimately, my question is "Shall we delete the questions that ask how many of what type of items are added?"  What would be reported on the survey would be a snapshot of the collection on June 30 - that much would stay the same.

Could you send me your thoughts by May 13?

Thank you for thinking about this.


Ann Reed, Federal Programs Coordinator
Library Development Services
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 378-5027
fax (503) 378-6439
ann.reed at state.or.us

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