[R2R-OR] Outcome based evaluation coaching DONE

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Jan 7 13:01:49 PST 2014

Hi! I just wanted to let you know I've completed the outcome based evaluation (OBE) coaching. I will provide all of you with the coaching documents with the 2014-2015 Ready to Read Grant application materials.

If you didn't hear from me, then your application's OBE was done well or close enough. However if you would like to talk with me about it and get some coaching too, feel free to contact me.

If you did hear from me, thank you for taking advantage of the coaching and for taking the time to update your application. You should be much better prepared for the 2014-2015 Ready to Read grant application coming in July 2014!

Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

From: R2R-OR [mailto:r2r-or-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Katie Anderson
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 4:34 PM
To: r2r-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [R2R-OR] Outcome based evaluation coaching update

Dear Library Directors and Key Contacts,

As you may remember from my September 18th email<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/pipermail/r2r-or/2013-September/000090.html>, many libraries are still struggling with outcome based evaluation (OBE) so my supervisor and I developed a plan to coach those of you who need a little more help. As promised, no grants will be denied this year based on OBE. However, we want to take this opportunity to start getting everyone up to speed so you all will be successful when OBE is required-possibly for the 2015-2016 grant cycle.

We have identified 30 libraries that need OBE coaching. Next week I will email guidance to those libraries in groups based on the type of coaching they need. In December I will follow-up with individual assistance via the phone (or email if a library prefers).

I will not be contacting libraries that seemed to get OBE or those that seemed close to getting it because you will have at least one more grant cycle to practice before it really counts.

Next year the R2R application will not change and I will provide all of you with the guidance I'm providing the libraries that need coaching. In addition, the State Library hopes to launch our OBE webpage before the end of this year so you'll be able to access free OBE professional development before you have to apply for R2R again.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas.



Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528

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