[R2R-OR] Wednesday, April 1st

Greta Bergquist greta.bergquist at state.or.us
Wed Apr 1 14:34:26 PDT 2020

Hi library folks,

It was great to see some of your faces yesterday! Notes are here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JKf5IS476XORCmunpRnm7_fLXcqOfbGj4tj7Gstpdug/edit?usp=sharing> if you'd like to peruse, the chat may be more helpful than my not very complete notes.  For next week, I'll plan on opening the meeting at 11 am for anyone who wants to talk specifically about online storytimes, and then we'll jump into our regular check-in at 12pm. Teen-serving librarians, I heard you say you want a space to talk about teens, I could extend the meeting and you can plan to jump on around 1, we could try that, or if you'd like to do 10am, we could try that, let me know if you have strong feelings either way and I can let everyone know next Monday.

Some of what folks shared yesterday reminded me of this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education<https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-You-Should-Ignore-All-That/248366>, from a professor's perspective on working through disasters. I hope it is useful to you. Feel free to ignore it if it is not.

Take good care,


Greta Bergquist
Youth Services Consultant
503-378-2528 | www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/?hl=en> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>

Coronavirus Info: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/coronavirus

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