[Reading-For-Healthy-Families] RFHF Updated Guidance

Joann Contini joanncontini at comcast.net
Tue Dec 9 13:44:19 PST 2008

Hi all
Thank you for your questions as you work to implement RFHF.  
Some new questions and answers regarding... 1) staff turnover-- materials
and training  2) training attended out of your cohort  and 3)
communities/programs with less than 15 families available to serve ....are
copied below in this e-mail.  The entire revised guidance document is
 Updated 12/1/08 RFHF Guidance


Early Literacy Resources (12/1/08)


If a RFHF participant leaves their position with Healthy Start or the
Library, who keeps the RFHF early literacy materials?


The agency keeps the materials (participant binder, POC binder, PPT's, Early
Literacy Resource black cloth bag, remaining giveaway books, and all
resource materials). The agency can then train replacement staff in the RFHF
project and in the use of the materials.



How do new staff to the agency become trained in the RFHF materials, RFHF
project, and the Every Child Ready to Read curriculum?


If you have new staff during the year in which you are one of the Cohorts,
they can apply to be included in one of the subsequent RFHF training
sessions with another Cohort in that year.


If you have new staff after your Cohort year has ended, there are some


Arrange for existing RFHF participants to peer train the new staff in the
RFHF project and the RFHF materials.  This would be the Early Literacy
Resource bag materials and the information in the following tabs in your
FSW/LS RFHF participant binder:

.        Tab 1: Welcome and Introductions

*	Tab 2: FSW/LS Training Session One
*	Tab 3: ECRR
*	Tab 4: RFHF
*	Tab 5: OCCF & Healthy Start
*	Tab 6: OSL & Libraries
*	Tab 7: OCCD 
*	Tab 11: Nuts and Bolts
*	Tab 11: Resources

.        Tab 13: RFHF Delivery Options


Contract a Standardized Every Child Ready Trainer (you have the list in your
Tab 1: Contact Information sheet) to conduct the Every Child Ready to Read @
your library workshops (Tabs 8, 9, and 10):

.        ECRR Workshop One: Print Motivation, Vocabulary, and Reading Books

.        ECRR Workshop Two: Print Awareness, Narrative Skills, and Dialogic

.        ECRR Workshop Three: Phonological Awareness, Letter Knowledge, and
Phonological Awareness Games


The approved ECRR Trainer could also provide training regarding:

.        Tab 11: Research

.        Tab 13-Tab 24: Parent Education Sessions:


Send an email to the RFHF listserv asking if any nearby Healthy Starts or
libraries want to partner to contract with a Standardized Every Child Ready
Trainer to train new staff--this will cut your costs, give you an
opportunity to network, and get even more people trained to spread the word
about early literacy!  


You could also partner and coordinate this training with other programs
(such as Head Start and local child care programs) who may also wish to have
this training.


If you cannot provide the ECRR curriculum training, then we would recommend
that the individual have some background training in early literacy (Mother
Goose, Early words, P.A.T., Every Child Ready to Read, etc.) before
presenting the 11 one-hour Parent Education Sessions based upon Every Child
Ready to Read.  





Out of Cohort Training Session Participation (12/1/08)


Do RFHF participants who attended Training Session One at a different/
subsequent Cohort return to their original Cohort/county for Training
Session Two?


Yes.  Training Session Two focuses on solutions and plans for the particular
programs in the specific counties in each cohort, so it is very important
for all RFHF to attend Training Session Two in their own Cohort/County.


Since the timelines between Session One and Session Two will be altered
(less than 3 months) there will be flexibility regarding the number of
families to be served.  The standard is 5 families between Training Session
One and Training Session Two (5 families in 3 months).  Generally, it will
be expected that RFHF participants serve one or two families per month after
they attend Training Session One.



Less than 15 families available to serve (12/1/08)


What do we do in small communities where there are less than 15 families to


This answer is different for Library Staff and FSWs.


Library staff: 


Library staff can serve and count any adult who cares for children from
birth to five years old.  Library staff can work with Healthy Start and
other community organizations to reach parents.  Some of the organizations
that libraries have partnered with include: Head Start, preschools, child
care programs, Women Infants and Children (WIC), teen parent programs,
drug/alcohol rehab centers, hospital new parent class/groups, free lunch


 It may work best to conduct the workshop where the parents already are
--the school, the hospital, the rehab center, the WIC office, etc.  If that
is not possible, talk with the coordinators of these programs to learn what
days and time might work best for their clients, ask them to promote the
program to their clients, ask them what barriers their clients may have
getting to the library or other training site and brainstorm possible
solutions or incentives.  You may want to make a special invitation to
parents of birth-five year old children who are also child care providers as
they may have a special interest in receiving the training.


You could have the training when parents are already in your library.  For
example, schedule your training immediately before or after story time;
shorten your story time that week and add a parent education session.  Free
food is also a huge incentive to everyone and perhaps you could partner with
a local restaurant or grocery store and ask them to donate food for your
parent education activity.  


FSWs: FSWs will serve and count only families enrolled in the Healthy Start


For those FSWs who have fewer than 15 families on their caseload, they
should provide the curriculum to all of their families. However, FSW's may
choose not to present the curriculum to any family they feel is not prepared
to receive the curriculum.  These "exceptions" should not equal more than
25% of their caseload.

Joann Contini
RFHF Project Coordinator
Office Phone: 503-761-2506
Email: joanncontini at comcast.net
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