[Sora] Research file management question

MCCABE Heather K * DCBS Heather.K.Mccabe at oregon.gov
Thu Sep 7 11:39:11 PDT 2017

Hello SORA community,

My research unit is in the process of trying to reorganize our file folder structure because we're trying to make retention easier, and also staff are having a difficult time finding files. I'm curious how other research units organize their computer files and if they are happy with it. What have you had success with?

Any feedback on best practices in electronic file management are appreciated and welcomed.

Responses should be sent directly to me to avoid filling up everyone's inboxes, and I will provide a summary for the group to benefit those who are interested.

Thank you,
Heather McCabe
Research Analyst
Central Services Division
Department of Consumer and Business Services

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