[Sora] CliftonStrengths Challenge

VARGAS Antonio R * DCBS Antonio.R.Vargas at oregon.gov
Tue Aug 4 16:57:55 PDT 2020

Hi Jan and All,

Thanks for sending this email out. I love thinking about this kind of thing.

I'm not a psychometrician, so I don't really know how to think about personality tests like these or any of the relevant literature. Could any experts here comment on their impressions of CliftonStrengths?

When my team used CliftonStrengths I looked into the test a bit. I was unable to find any independent reviews of the test. The test website apparently only linked to the results of internal research conducted by the company. These reviews did outline some psychometric properties of the test, though the metrics appeared to be fairly middling. There were also some consistency findings relating to other personality tests like Big Five.

Do the issues with Big Five also apply to CliftonStrengths?

For the task in question:

When presenting any CliftonStrengths results, I would try to emphasize the uncertainty inherent in the data. "Many people [including managers] see data as objective<https://medium.com/multiple-views-visualization-research-explained/data-is-personal-what-we-learned-from-42-interviews-in-rural-america-93539f25836d>," regardless of the source, and I think this is impression of credibility is magnified when it is presented well.

Without knowing more about this test I would hesitate to give managers the impression that they can make any decisions based on it.



Antonio R. Vargas
Research Analyst
Division of Financial Regulation
Oregon Dept. of Consumer and Business Services
Office: 971.345.1106

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