[techtalk] Tech-Talk: WEB TOOL -- Write Better Headlines to Get Noticed

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Fri Dec 8 10:24:54 PST 2017


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Contact Darci Hanning at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> if you have questions.

[Headline tool]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W2Yx8_K1J245BBit7RnkfwfUEXxVoEXT5EpaA9FDCaSlOQbc6xWpe4j_zFG3LrBwxXAWXuF2Vfh-lSzKRejEtzjenfh-2SOqMV2sdhi9A891nPjs04ZIPevaBZJchKxyvYeMAmn9pz-fc3g6Z4l87v-9na1oDSbMHA==&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>

 This Week's Tech-Talk: Web Tool

1. VIDEO ...  Write Better Headlines to Get Noticed
2. ARTICLE ...  Write Better Headlines to Get Noticed

NOTE: To view the VIDEO, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W2Yx8_K1J245BBit7RnkfwfUEXxVoEXT5EpaA9FDCaSlOQbc6xWpe4j_zFG3LrBwxXAWXuF2Vfh-lSzKRejEtzjenfh-2SOqMV2sdhi9A891nPjs04ZIPevaBZJchKxyvYeMAmn9pz-fc3g6Z4l87v-9na1oDSbMHA==&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>. Enter the User Name and Password!

WEB TOOL - Write Better Headlines to Get Noticed

[The Post Host]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W2Yx8_K1J245Ek-b_fmetGFf9sP4LFmsLAokxFUeG8g84HJs3H1OnVZxRUwPOUBGddZRPjeegausZ-K1BXgtExNmQA6OcpCOrQ==&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>

Let us tell you how we discovered a cool new tool you can use to make your writing more influential ... to catch people's attention more effectively. It's a "headline analyzer" and it's available to you for free.

Our Project: The Post Host Earring Travel Case

We'd been working on a holiday marketing plan to sell a product that we invented called "The Post Host<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W2Yx8_K1J245Ek-b_fmetGFf9sP4LFmsLAokxFUeG8g84HJs3H1OnVZxRUwPOUBGddZRPjeegausZ-K1BXgtExNmQA6OcpCOrQ==&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>," It's a revolutionary earring travel case that solves the problem of damaged and lost jewelry when you're on the road.

We were trying to come up with a strong headline for a Facebook ad and social media posts. We kept coming up with ordinary titles. We wanted something stronger. (Now, before you think we've gone off the deep-end, marketing is something we all do, it's not just selling a product. It's simply catching people's eye through various forms of promotion ... even pushing our ideas at work.)

You are marketing every day when you:
·     Write a report for management
·     Craft an internal announcement for employees
·     Type the subject line of an email
·     Post to social media
·     Create a flyer for an event

You want a headline that is effective and reaches people at multiple levels -- emotional, empathetic and intellectual.

Now unless you have a degree in marketing or psychology, how do you know what words to use to grab people’s attention?

Well, we found a great little tool from the Advanced Marketing Institute called Headline Analyzer. This handy tool will look at your headline and give you the “Emotional Marketing Value” (EMV) ... a score. You keep trying different words to increase your percentage so that you'll have a profound impact on your readers.

Let's take a look at how this tool works so that you can use it in different writing situations.

Product Example: The Post Host

Let's put it into action. It's fun to take existing headlines and see what score you get, and then make changes to see if your score is better. We'll start with the example of The Post Host earring case for traveling.

[low score]

We created something we thought was really great, but it was only an 11.76% score:

[better score]

We tried again... 22.22%.

[Much better]

Much better at 66.67% -- but we'll give it one more try.


We decided to change it up a bit and take the name of the product out of the headline -- and BINGO! 75%

The Headline Analyzer Tool

You'll find this web tool at http://www.aminstitute.com/headline<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W2Yx8_K1J245kPoKlpk6J-os-6DR3WgpWQMVlj0aVQ4c6wDjPEBGeJcrw4PxLoVrcqoj40y1x8YTEihzo8_DnuOV6FLwpprLxn8mXGif8eQ8&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>.

·     Start by typing (or pasting) in a potential headline (up to 4-20 words). NOTE: three words or less will not work.
·     Choose an industry. Submit.
·     You will instantly be given the EMV score (percentage of Emotional Marketing Value) based on the qualities of Intellectual, Empathetic and Spiritual.
·     It will tell you what qualities your headline scored well in. Balancing your headlines between two EMV qualities or among all three can bring more power to your headlines.
·     Try different word combinations to increase your score.
·     Use the tool over and over to find a more optimum headline.

Don't be disappointed if your score is low. Keep trying! Professional copywriters may get a 30-40% and gifted ones may reach 50% - 75%.

NOTE: There are no "backsies" which means that you should keep track of every phrase you try because once you put in something new, you've lost the previous one ... and you may wish you had written it down.

[Headline Analyzer]

Let's Look at a School Example: Promoting an Upcoming Program

Let's say you have a Holiday Storytellers Series that's coming up so you need to create marketing materials: a flyer, social media posts, an email announcement. You need some headlines to catch their attention.

Using the Headline Analyzer, here are some results we got when we ran these ideas:

·     Entertain Your Child in our Library -- 33%
·     Children's Story-time Event Next Week – 40%

·     Come Be Fascinated By Our Holiday Storytellers 57.14%
·     Announcing Holiday Storytellers in our Library 66.67%

·     Upcoming Holiday Storytelling Series 75%
·     Enjoy Our Holiday Storytellers Series 80%

We have winners! Remember, a score of 30%-40% would be what a professional copywriter gets. A score of 50% - 75% indicates a gifted writer. What will you score?


Communicating: Listening
Think about it...

are spelled with the
same letters

Listen and be silent; how many people do you know who love to hear themselves talk? Listening is the key to learning, and we are never too old to learn. (Found on Pinterest.)


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Do you have an idea for an article, or a problem using technology in some way...

We can help! CLICK HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nBlZAt1pQDyULIkFH3h1qNQ7wgXHdovckaXZqG8usr7UWAYH2uo0W0SKbJej88l4GUoB6AQg8mz-2jnE-j2bzhsLbyB4gW1iaFIufQcrCvKBbhqryZjHd8cUgiTi5ciLt-ngJxj1_GBZoKsf7kLQSPbJ0iyksJKjngGgZqbLFFY=&c=BYxxBoFdQ4d_v4LUPHHtOp2PAJ_cJPhnzdN0lC6wJePNVxI_Z7Ki-g==&ch=xb-ILxKKz_O2STs2iRi3rje7wyYlLofDNO5dz6hz43lU4xfWUtGncw==>.

Just contact us and we'll get the answer for you right away.


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For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>.

Darci Hanning, MLIS
Technology Development Consultant
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
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