[techtalk] Tech-Talk: Social Media - Fixing A Missing (or Broken) Bio

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue May 9 15:57:30 PDT 2017


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This Week's Tech-Talk:  SOCIAL MEDIA
1. VIDEO ... Fixing A Missing (or Broken) Bio in Social Media
2. ARTICLE ... Fixing A Missing (or Broken) Bio in Social Media
3. COMMUNICATING ... Listen with Your Lips?

NOTE: To view the VIDEO, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qvAPRdz35EcGUYiFishppjf9StB2fT7Pj-6kjmL4au_moilq-NXTKnDgkd6XgR4eFsC1MVRhLbNFlm5fXYQqlHDZoD10YHu7gX-ve4rvb-2ipSLJEQ6zXxomWuG87rsM-U_m5PzQhb30_GGpgVWorILRCzi5nX28uUzhSnojHUxqjkj8LWgBlK5_4CqXptYsH0aGz1TgegweizvuW-gjq0q4xLQIyEsphZOKAVPwBS4=&c=znxLCFjXmHkt1se-qRQuamI9T43T1krz4UBaPpMkhp1885XGpxKwOA==&ch=q10b0Lu6BFBO_2Jp-30PoOZtIoq20Ohv_hKXlWNBHaf95c57V7hK0A==>. Enter the User Name and Password!

Tech-Talk: Social Media - Fixing a Missing (or Broken) Bio

If you'd rather spend more time in a dentist's chair than writing (or updating) your social media bio, then this short formula is what you need!

[bio]Very often this descriptive section gets left out, or is poorly written, because people don't know how to do them.  It's hard to write a simple statement about yourself, your organization or your project.

And if you do have one, it may be time to update it.  If it's been a while, it may benefit from being freshened-up because it could be, shall we say... broken.

Your bio should be short, sweet and to the point. After all, this is a very effective way to brand yourself and leave the reader wanting to get to know you (your organization, your program) better -- so that you stand out from others!

We're not talking about a resume or long biography, but a shorter, punchier version used in situations such as:

  *   Your social media profiles in LinkedIn and Facebook
  *   Your Twitter handle
  *   Your blog author box
  *   Your Gravatar bio (see prior Tech-Talk tip on creating a Gravatar)
  *   Your "About Me" (or About Us) on an organization's web page
You could even use the bio formula below for having someone introduce you to a group, just before you give a presentation or speech.

Simple, short bios are handy ... and important!

If you don't know where to start, we've got you covered! We found a very effective template (or formula) that you can use. This three-part instruction makes it easy to get started.

Simple Bio Formula
If you get stuck when you sit down to write or update a short, meaningful bio that will have an impact, here's an excellent formula.

We found this example on the Independent Fashion Bloggers website. It's geared to be short, about 160 characters long.

There are 3 parts:
Who You Are + What You Do + A Peek of Personality

It's that simple! See all three parts in each of these examples:

SAMPLE: Fashion blogger (from the "formula" article)
Girl who loves blogging, fashion, photography, Hogwarts, sharks & high heels. Digital Strategist for @IFB. Boating enthusiast.

SAMPLE: An organization (A non-profit publishing company)

The writer's best friend to get books into reader's hands. We take the pain out of the book publishing process and accelerate your success as an author.

Keep it simple!  Who you are, what you do and a peek of personality.  That's the formula for an effective social media bio.

 A Few More Real Life Styles

 A Light and Short Version
[bio example - short]

A Longer, Meatier Version
[longer bio]


A Professional Organization Version


Write Your Own!

  *   Start each part by brainstorming a bunch of words and phrases.
  *   Write it in third person.
  *   Keep it to two or three sentences, max.
  *   Then plug what you have into the formula:

Who You Are + What You Do + A Peek of Personality

Be sure to have a few people proof your bio before you post it online of course!

[Communications]Communications:  Listening
You can't listen with your lips.
Being a good listener is an art ... anyone can do it, but only a few have learned to do it well.

Did you stop and think about the phrase, "You can't listen with your lips"?  It takes a minute to really absorb it, don't you think?

Here's another way to say it, found at www.BrainyQuote.com.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qvAPRdz35EcGUYiFishppjf9StB2fT7Pj-6kjmL4au_moilq-NXTKnDgkd6XgR4eYngFKBExBDYYfj9K8Ewanyg40OG3FPce-I7ApO2CIbmsDicQ8Sqf60zgL2Kd9pkyKoQNdyClY6hXaN9D1ZUFW4e7CJf1ef8VfV-AFk1kJ4E=&c=znxLCFjXmHkt1se-qRQuamI9T43T1krz4UBaPpMkhp1885XGpxKwOA==&ch=q10b0Lu6BFBO_2Jp-30PoOZtIoq20Ohv_hKXlWNBHaf95c57V7hK0A==>



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