[techtalk] Tech-Talk: INTERNET - Why Do I Need to Know My IP Address?

Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us
Fri Aug 23 10:29:02 PDT 2019

Do you know how to find your IP address?


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 This Week's Topic: INTERNET
1. VIDEO ... Why Do I Need to Know My IP Address?
2. ARTICLE ... Why Do I Need to Know My IP Address?
3. COMMUNICATING ... What You Can Do to Manage an Interrupter

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darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

INTERNET - Why Do I Need to Know My IP Address?

[IP address]

You've heard the term "IP address" and may vaguely know that it has something to do with the "address" of your computer, right?

But have you considered... what they do, how to find yours and will it help in your job to know more about IP addresses?

Of course, if you're really a techie, you most likely know all about IP addresses and their functions. But it may be a bit blurry for the rest of us "regular" computer users.

Here's some general knowledge about IP addresses to give you some confidence in this area:

·     What is an IP address?
·     How do you find yours?
·     How do they work?
·     In what situations would you need to provide yours?

Just What is an IP Address?

An IP address (or Internet Protocol) is an identifying piece of information that every device that connects to the Internet has -- like your computer, smartphone and Xbox.

It's kind of like a digital address for your equipment so that you can communicate outside of your office or home network... to receive email and data, and view items on the Internet.

In technical terms, your IP address is made up of 32 "bits" (binary digits), usually shown in 4 sets of numbers that range from 0-255.

[IP address]

For example, it may look like this: The address has two parts -- one identifying the network and the other the device.

You may have heard the terms Public and Private IP addresses. We're talking here about Public ones that connect devices to the outside world. Private IP Addresses are used inside networks (home or business) for such things as a wireless printer.

Static or Dynamic? IP address can also be static (they stay the same), or dynamic (they change). Static addresses are more often used in businesses set up by technicians for scenarios like having a shared printer. Dynamic is usually found with individual consumer applications.

How it Works

[how it works]

When you go online with a device and connect via an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you first go through a network (via a modem or router). The ISP is the company that gives you access to the Internet... and your IP Address is how email or data is routed to your device -- by your address.

This is how, when you use Wi-Fi at other locations (not just your home or office), you can still receive email/data.

What is my IP Address?

There are a few different ways to find your (current) IP address. The easiest are:

[What's my IP address]

·     Open a new browser window and type "what's my IP address" into the search bar (like Google). It's that simple. Kinda cool and scary at the same time!

·     Or, you can go to one of many websites to find it: http://www.myipaddress.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Szrv3m4D8y2nKH0vG-M29fn4GmtceW82I8EBBd87Bl_fZ31sgid2qc9c2_zVAIez9ZAGyDUpemCP7815SVQptr8UUWM6b6xUgYL0m8auXuDtWgRhen6yROWSvFAcigy6b3CEVdGMVynxG-VZI-xVWQ==&c=gxltI1FbbqNyhqiw4BgdSmXAq9TqoJCyVbglrnXp0eiVQG3mim5ueg==&ch=gYVxgk5BuV7O-GVt7mFYNNNVj4cm37NVC1-4s0xH66wK8yr0Ycx5_w==>, https://whatismyipaddress.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Szrv3m4D8y2nKH0vG-M29fn4GmtceW82I8EBBd87Bl_fZ31sgid2qc9c2_zVAIezHTx_YhLYsuKv8eY0jAaC8qenHnyCpNvSjkHsbjxRC9YttM6k-Vx5ff27aZtlc-hhnT65Y4m7_bHdJFncV2zJMg==&c=gxltI1FbbqNyhqiw4BgdSmXAq9TqoJCyVbglrnXp0eiVQG3mim5ueg==&ch=gYVxgk5BuV7O-GVt7mFYNNNVj4cm37NVC1-4s0xH66wK8yr0Ycx5_w==>, https://www.whatsmyip.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Szrv3m4D8y2nKH0vG-M29fn4GmtceW82I8EBBd87Bl_fZ31sgid2qc9c2_zVAIeza5tgWqkKATy2BGJVxHsX13Ph-s0QmiIbjhmYQuDMUksjjbkkDI2nTfMTamHju4VswWPft_ayFo6BicXHsU8fnQ==&c=gxltI1FbbqNyhqiw4BgdSmXAq9TqoJCyVbglrnXp0eiVQG3mim5ueg==&ch=gYVxgk5BuV7O-GVt7mFYNNNVj4cm37NVC1-4s0xH66wK8yr0Ycx5_w==>

But wait... You DON'T always have the SAME IP address. When you're at home or in the office, your IP address is assigned by your Internet provider (like Comcast, Time Warner or Verizon) ... and it usually stays the same.

However, when you're connecting to the Internet from another location (like a coffee shop, library or hotel), their ISP is assigning you an IP address. And that shifting is what makes it possible for you to go from one place to another and get reconnected to the Internet … your IP address changes to that of your location.

[IP address]

When Do I Need to Know MY IP Address?

So just what are situations when your IP address is needed? There are many different scenarios, here are some common ones.

... when a techie is trying to create some type of internet connection for you, and they ask you for your IP address.

... when you set up your TV to use a device like a Roku Streaming Stick, and your WiFi doesn't pick it up automatically.

... when you're using Google Analytics to identify how much traffic goes to a specific web page, and you don't want your IP address visits to be counted.

... when you're installing or troubleshooting a printer that isn’t connecting.

Ways IP Addresses are Used in Law Enforcement World


·     Email spammers are located and blacklisted by IP addresses.

·     IP addresses are used to detect fraud when someone is using a credit card to charge thousands of dollars from an overseas location.

·     Because IP addresses also give you location information, they can be used to detect email that is designed to look local... but may be actually coming from some abandoned warehouse in another country ... i.e. phishing and other malware type of activities.


Communication: Speaking
What You Can Do to Manage an Interrupter

No one likes to be constantly interrupted during a presentation, meeting... or even in a one-on-one conversation.

It's rude and disrespectful to start speaking over someone when they have the floor.

If you are being constantly interrupted, what can you do?

A soft response:

·     It happens, accept it ... respond to the person and move on. Try to keep it positive. "Thank you for your point of view, I was getting to that."

·     Keep on talking and finish your thought before recognizing the interruption.

If it continues to happen:

·     Re-interrupt the person and politely acknowledge, "I'm sorry, I wasn't done speaking." Then finish your thought.

·     Use body language -- hold up your hand and let the person know that they have interrupted ... and finish your thought.

Be Proactive

If you know you're going into a situation with a person that commonly interrupts, set the stage upfront. Begin the meeting with a statement such as:

·     "If you have a question or comment, please wait until the speaker is finished, or raise your hand to indicate you would like to speak."

·     "Please write down any questions or comments during the presentation and we will address them at the end."

·     Be blatant: "Everyone will get a chance to speak. Please don't interrupt the speaker, hold your questions until the end."


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For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, email darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>.

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