[techtalk] Tech-Talk: SOFTWARE - I’m A OneNote Convert (Mostly) Part II of II
Darci Hanning
darci.hanning at state.or.us
Tue Jan 15 15:08:25 PST 2019
Greetings and welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
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This Week's Topic: SOFTWARE
1. VIDEO ... I'm A OneNote Convert (Mostly) Part II of II
2. ARTICLE ... I'm A OneNote Convert (Mostly) Part II of II
3. COMMUNICATING ... Is it "take affect" or "take effect"?
Photo by Kawtar CHERKAOUI<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ya47StSPx99s-jhdF1w6q1vLBp4GGrIP8psQvMZWzEn88GqjEfp8wJo71pE2X0EGIslOhVdMIQwTn34HoWW9yKB1K7PFTlcSktIUj8OMnhNaURcIXpP-2hA6x8dVvXwOETD8KeFvaJoUJGe49y736HQKpbq2Wj2mERk3jiPX4VKX5LXFlxzqPTqLVFwxFE7No4ghvv5To-kfBwDvYQvKlcusZTJ8zFTPgOZQoUWOFtOIGe29MUELC1Eexz-95QEhDTtQ_f04fLhHck44591pIQ==&c=6uDGRjQLNcJCJzIvq0lA924HkgDSaKG11G_JW35OvZ4JqsYN0lfFog==&ch=nutMU2cZIpQwVZbYEC-G0mLLnupCFyLd7GxaHjENxdmtk6bdRaesJg==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ya47StSPx99s-jhdF1w6q1vLBp4GGrIP8psQvMZWzEn88GqjEfp8wJo71pE2X0EGsQuLr4FfAoLJ5FNIZUMaHqGOsfpuPKIRvv9opmoS70hz6JqlnuWRJkKJz6sCcdbW-dfa4R0xKuUIfcdPyNsyWQZOGnCcqyq_f7WxsO-_rPXALTywy5HiBjGz_cWNb52R-7fjZ3RsNNjK33NaPMGM8m3njpeMS2JRsxoCgaoLtuEbxa_zHOoclCBCRrAFoCNtkSsvYsBRp7STEGXsODdhBA==&c=6uDGRjQLNcJCJzIvq0lA924HkgDSaKG11G_JW35OvZ4JqsYN0lfFog==&ch=nutMU2cZIpQwVZbYEC-G0mLLnupCFyLd7GxaHjENxdmtk6bdRaesJg==>
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SOFTWARE - I’m A OneNote Convert (Mostly) Part II
I have to say it again, "OneNote is not easy to love the first time you try it." But it grows on you!
Sure, it can scare you sometimes because it doesn't look like or act like any of the rest of the Office Suite family. It behaves differently. It's organized differently. It even saves differently. But if you persevere a bit, it can be very useful.
Here's a strategy for you. After reading this complete article (so you get the lay of the land) jump in.
You'll find that if you just typing as if it were a whiteboard and "right-clicking" a bunch of times (you'll turn on a features bar to help you), you can get along quite nicely. Gradually, you'll find all kinds of things you can do with it ... and you'll feel more organized ... and on top of all the "fragments" in your life.
WHY Use OneNote?
When you realize why and when to use OneNote ... and how it can be incredibly helpful to you ... you'll be ready to tackle the learning and try it.
Here are the reasons I'm excited about it now and have found a regular place for it in my routine.
First of all, I come up with ideas all the time. I jot them down on the nearest scrap of paper. Some are To Do's; others are creative sparks for enhancing a product or getting a message across.
The problem is that I find myself with lots of snippets of papers or a notebook page filled with a wide assortment of ideas ... not all on the same subject. So my golden nuggets of inspiration are scattered around.
That's exactly what OneNote is for! To capture your ideas in a way that is easily organized so that you will have them handy when you need them.
For instance, you're at a conference or in a meeting. You're taking notes on a pad. Some relate to tasks you have to do when you return. Others are inspirations for a program you're running. With OneNote you can put each thought where they belong so you don't have to sort them out later.
Maybe you get a handout that you like (wouldn't it be nice if you could put that with your notes so you wouldn't have to look in multiple locations for everything on that specific topic! You just take a picture of it with OfficeLens and insert into OneNote. (See more on OfficeLens at the end of this article.)
Why Did I Convert to Using OneNote?
1. Because I can organize my thoughts better. It's as if I have everything I know in a set of vinyl binders, with Dividers in them and multiple pages. But I don't have to carry them around and physically look through them, they're virtually there all the time.
2. Because I can put in a search term and it finds it for me instantly, in any of my Notebooks, Sections or Pages. The search goes through everything you have in OneNote. This means you don't have to remember which "binder" you put that piece of information in. It will find text within such things as images, audio or video ... and even handwritten notes which are inked in with a stylus or finger (on a tablet or touch screen).
[everything saved in one place]
3. Because everything I write is automatically saved. You don't have to remember to do it. (Now, I know that seems like a very small thing, but trust me, just tossing ideas into different notebooks and knowing that it is instantly protected, become a comforting, efficient thought.)
4. Because (once I've set it up) my OneNote is also stored online so I can get to it when on the road, at home or in some other location. I can even get it on my Smartphone. This means I don't have to download anything. It's connected. You just login into your work file and use it as is, assuming you've set it up to sync OneNote (with your Microsoft account).
5. Because it's easier for me to share my ideas with everyone on the team. And it's convenient to get to theirs. This is because with all the connectivity that OneNote now offers, it doesn't matter if you’re in OneNote 2016, the web app of Office 365, in a SharePoint site or even in a Windows 10 app ... all your notes are there!
They may display differently (depending on whichever method you use to get to them) but it's the same set of notebooks. And yes, depending on which version you're using to get to your notes, you have some ability to change how they look. You can pin items to the side or keep a column open. It's your choice.
6. Because when I am in OneNote, the information is always open and I see everything immediately. Again, you may think, "What's the big deal. I can open any Word document when I want to see what's inside.” Yes, you can, but OneNote collects everything in one place, organizes your thoughts into "sections and pages" for you and is handier than carrying around a big binder under your arm.
How to Organize Your Notes
TIP: In the examples (and images) below, you’ll see the version of OneNote that has the horizontal view of tabs across the top. In the video for this tip, we’ll demonstrate with the vertical tab version.
1. Start with Notebooks. When you're organizing your notes, instead of using a physical Binder, put them in your OneNote Notebook.
You could name your notebooks by Major Projects, Departments or Teaching Subjects. (In our example below you'll see Lines of Business: Tech-Talk, Egalitarian Leadership, Get Younger).
[name notebooks]
2. Create Sections. Now instead of using a physical Divider, create a digital Section within each Notebook. These are the TABS you’ll see in OneNote (either across the top, along the left or on the right side – depending on the OneNote Version.)
Name your Section Tabs as if they were category headings for the multiple Pages you'll put in that section. Then write any overview info you'll want on the "cover" page. (In the example below you'll see sections like To Do, Database Interviews and Mobile App.)
[add sections]
3. Add Pages. Within each Section (category name), you use Pages of content. On each virtual “sheet of paper” you can type your notes, create drawings and attach documents. You can also embed audio and video. And the cool part is that you can put all these anywhere on the page; you’re not stuck being linear.
In the example below you’ll see that within the Section called Database Interviews¸ is a Page for each school we interviewed.
[Add pages]
Just WHICH OneNote Version Do YOU Have?
The truth is you have access to multiple versions ... even on the same computer! That can be confusing. For instance, you may have your own OneNote 2016 on a Desktop and have a Windows 10 OneNote that is shared. So you have to adapt quickly to different layouts.
[different versions]
Once you learn the basics of OneNote in this article ... and you expect to see things in different places .. you'll be navigating around any of the versions with ease.
So let's figure out which version or format you have ... because there are many different ones (OneNote 2016, OneNote Online, or Windows 10 OneNote to start with) and multiple "subversions" within each type! This means that, unlike the other more consistent Office software like Word and Excel, the functionality and the look of OneNote changes with each version variation you’re using! While it can be confusing when you click on the icon, expecting to see one thing and you get something completely different, realize it's all there. Take a breath and assess the big picture.
CAUTION: There are known syncing issues with 2010 and 2013 for sharing. OneNote works a lot better when upgraded to either Windows 10 or Office 2016. For instance, if the one person is editing a document and someone else is making changes in it at the same time, OneNote won't always capture both.
Connectivity: Where You Create Your Notebook Matters
Here's an important concept to understand: Where you start your notebook (create it for the first time) is where it lives.
So if you begin a New Notebook in OneDrive (whether it locally on your desktop or online in Office 365), it lives where you created it. If you started it on your Desktop, it lives on your C drive. If you created it first online in OneDrive, that's it's home.
Yes, you can still sync the desktop and online files ... and work with all files in both places, assuming you've set them up to do so. (Synced them.) In this example you see the two different home locations for each notebook.
Where Did All The Tabs Go?
Here are just a couple of variations on how the toolbars and functionality are different. If you want all the bells and whistles, use 2016. But the bottom line is that you can edit in all the notebook versions.
Other Cool Things To Know
1. Right Click
Just get in the habit. Whenever you are within OneNote, try right-clicking.
You'll find many more choices of things to do.
2. Print
Yes, you can print a OneNote just as you would any other document.
However, because a OneNote is like a large unlimited sheet, you have to make sure that your text is in a printable area. Plus the text comes out small, so a work-around is to copy and paste what you want into a Word document and print that.
[office lens]
3. OfficeLens
One cool mobile app you can download to use with OneNote is OfficeLens.
Among other things, it lets you use the camera part of your phone to take pictures (such as the information on a flip chart or whiteboard) and then conveniently insert them into OneNote.
Communication: Grammar
Is it affect or effect?
I had an occasion to write this sentence...
"Tracking for the Tech-Talk Mobile App will take effect January 1st."
Or should it be, "Tracking for the Tech-Talk Mobile App will take affect Jan. 1st."
Do you know? Which would you choose?
I had to look it up, so thought you'd like to hear the answer ... and better yet ... how to remember it for the future.
One is a noun; the other is a verb.
Affect is a VERB
Effect is a NOUN
So if your sentence already has a verb in it (like "take" in our example), then use the noun.
The answer is... "Tracking will take effect January 1st."
Another way to remember is that "a" comes before "e" in the alphabet ... and that is true of these two words ... you will have needed to affect something in order to achieve an effect: “The damp which affected her health was an unfortunate effect of the winter weather.”
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Darci Hanning, MLIS
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> | 503-378-2527| www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
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