[techtalk] WORD - Create a Password Protected PDF File

HANNING Darci * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Dec 1 15:52:33 PST 2020

Greetings and welcome to this week’s issue of Tech-Talk!

How to protect a PDF with a password


 This Week's Topic: WORD

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Create a Password Protected PDF File
2. COMMUNICATING ... How NOT to give a compliment (part 2)
3. LEADERSHIP ... It's a shared responsibility!
·     Dec 2: Creating and Maintaining Social Media Accounts (Basic & Intermediate)
·     Dec 9: Creative Ways to Use Tech-Talk With Patrons and Students (For Staff of Tech-Talk Subscribing Libraries & Schools)
·     Dec 16: Video Editing! (You asked for it!)

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Photo by Jf Brou<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5SjFJUDlqWV8GgIO31wtxKXRBIcDTZrcpXMgVQ6a91GXV0n8nJ0BwOFc0iHTlVfoXfBv7rVIj038NCq7c7bDmRlLHBcIk5kJ1elXXlRjsuV3Bi4a2g3fN8T7k6wg4Dwkn_ZL5kCFyAtLMmHLHVFsop14XDHS5IQ2edvAsDqzlmKhv6TBCd2_6ZUSv8vQxRfz7CSnIcj1rpzpl&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5SjFJUDlqWV8GQ7Oc_RhTUtYvPPCSHSBFALE63UoPh18OZKGDXuGd963pH8uqaky58gxiPNpSPc3sW5zjmQkG0WpLpwFJinwGjLIzMh9ep7N0aL5iVpafRbFHtIE-48qzURqAx-dutglcLIQc2QMtz3F4Y56e3Wm4KrSG7cA-_gcPDrpFCjlSxOdasVeiPoY00A-8-t_TAlhqONNYD-_WkAs=&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==>

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Questions about Tech-Talk?

WORD - Create a Password Protected PDF File

[password protect]

I needed to send some financial information to a colleague and wanted to quickly email a PDF file to her – in a secure way.

I remembered that you can encrypt a PDF doc. This way the file would need a password to be opened.

If you're using Microsoft Word, there's a quick and easy way to save the doc as a PDF that requires a password to be viewed. And... you don't need additional software to do this.

TIP: If you're using professional Adobe Acrobat, there's an option in this software as well.

What types of files might you want to add a layer of protection to when sharing with others?
·     Budgets, financials
·     Employee reviews
·     A proposal
·     Anything that you want to remain confidential if sharing it with others

NOTE: Unfortunately this option is not available in Excel or PowerPoint. We're talking about adding a password when a WORD document is saved as a PDF. However, you CAN add a password to a regular Excel or PowerPoint (and Word) file. See how in this Tech-Talk article.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5SjFJUDlqWV8Geb-ftf9VmjGpTjL9EH1hT73DQOGygRJtwedJjFoWpt-n_EsWL8hdoT2UYGsbomaw38q4a2KD3s8NpxOVB00oKOsWWdnbUxQa2YnRPFufV9lKWcl7zyyXGmXZGoYDGn8NZHAm65Wu7Zk=&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==>

Password Protect a PDF in Word

The trick in this process is to remember that the password option is not available as you "Save as" a PDF (or print as a PDF), but in the Export function.

To create a PDF from Word with a Password:

·     With the Word doc open, click the File menu button, and select Export.
·     Double-click the Create PDF/XPS option to save the document as a PDF file.



·     Give the file a Name and where to Save it. The PDF file type will be selected for you.

·     Don't close this window. Click the Options button at the bottom of the save dialog box.

·     In the new options window, under the PDF options at the bottom, check the box next to Encrypt the document with a password.

·     Then click OK.
[add a password]

·     You'll be prompted to enter (and then re-enter) a password to encrypt the PDF file.

[add a password]

·     Click OK and then the Publish button. Word will export the document to a password-protected PDF file.

CAUTION: This process will password protect the PDF file, but not the original Word document. Be sure to make a note of your password to be able to open the PDF in the future.

[enter password]

Now you can share the PDF file and the viewer will be prompted to enter a password to open it.

Of course, you'll need to give the password to the user(s) that you want to view the PDF. However, if you are emailing the file, don't share both the document and password in the same email. Communicate this sensitive information verbally, through a text or unrelated email.

Password Protect Using Adobe Acrobat

If you have the Adobe Acrobat DC<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5SjFJUDlqWV8GL4yue8vIwdLc7caCK2SppqBOtx7vzWCC3h5o-wi_VXt_0RkQdCyKWVNv3pTonurlpA4UE511MGWuvkfafc9xYn6PBrHRcX6dZIGy9CmHrIiDGaqqyiEnXw==&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==> (paid) version for creating PDF's (not just viewing), you can password protect a document in this software as well. NOTE: You'll also see instructions for an older version, Adobe Acrobat Pro X below.

In Adobe Acrobat DC:

[set password]

·     Open the PDF in Acrobat DC.

·     Select File, then Protect Using Password. Alternatively, you can choose, Tools, Protect, then Protect Using Password.

·     Select if you want to set the password for Viewing or Editing the PDF.

·     Type (and retype) your password.

·     Click the Apply button. You should see a confirmation message that the file was successfully protected using a password.


In Adobe Acrobat Pro X:

The concepts are the same as above, it just looks a bit different.

·     Open the PDF.
·     Choose Tools at the top and drop down to select Protection, then Encrypt, then Encrypt with Password.

·     Under Permissions, choose to Require a password to open the document.

·     Additionally, you can restrict editing under Permissions.

·     Click OK.

[require password]

TIP: Be sure to write the password down (a password manager like RoboForm or LastPass will not pick it up).

There are other types of software to create PDF's available. If you're using one of these, look for similar options to create a password.


Communications: Talking
How NOT to give a compliment (part 2)

It nice to get a compliment, right? Who doesn't like being told something positive about an action you've taken or a comment you've made?

In our companion article on "How NOT to Give a Compliment" (part 1)<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5SjFJUDlqWV8GQXLxoYGEgX6J75LincqyQzeA19etLwoC5oyFfVlU5OqGBwvPOwNeNk7pk9iyC0eRYkfEGZKW_aQd1YAC13mmDPFSYTsAAkdaNVgjxOYqW2APS2pKzTXotpcy19m2StuJl4Ne4KGAn8g=&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==> we offered up what to say when you're commenting on how a person looks.

In this case, the most appreciated approach is to make sure the person is responsible for looking nice (not the clothing, the hair, etc.). As an example the statement we could make sounds like this: "That outfit looks so nice on you." In other words, it might not look as dapper on someone else.

BUT, when we're talking about complimenting an action, it's a little bit different. In this case, we want the weight to be on what was done, NOT the PERSON. Let me explain.

Here's the situation. You've just finished creating and delivering a class on how to be a published writer. People come up to you after and say...

"You're a fantastic teacher."
(OK, that's kind of nice. It sort of feels good,
but it's also a bit unsettling because you're not sure how to repeat being fantastic
and people are uncomfortable from being labeled.)

"That was a fantastic session."
(Now that's good! It's easier to accept praise for something we've done --
than about our persons. We feel more confident that we could repeat that success. It's certainly easier than trying to remain "fantastic" as a person.

So the next time you want to offer up a compliment to a colleague ... take a minute ... and remember to praise the act itself, not the person.


It's a shared responsibility

Managers and employees alike assume the other knows ... that both of them are thinking along the same lines.

The reality is that things that seem obvious to one are very often unknown to the other.

Effectively communicating is a shared responsibility.

It's not just the manager's duty to inform. The employee has an obligation to ask for clarification when needed ... and tell the manager when they need more information.

How willing are you to share the responsibility for communications in your world?

[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ps-fM3R4m6DNA1EfYFgGZiyx-RstxOvofYe_DZhBVwORLPa7ox_5StrSD5i9vwdg39Pn-H_9TgFiRkLgpHK2oT2ZMrZuRSnGXJoFGLPlmy9MS_fi1pd3rNAtXiYivrDVyuk5EPEaX_leCZ1t2o-vQ2j83mHjrSToiv_9WVYY128=&c=V_3bPJ5zvCJFncVJhE4XbSxnrEZWHA9JtCq4oZ4Sd1YDK6F7fX76Zw==&ch=lh70Mw08lOmSRkcPQjOqngImAB-mF2wNqHQWsXruEW2qZqYoX91cXQ==>

Copyright 1996-2020 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
NEW: darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3491 | www.oregon.gov/library<https://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> |  Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/playlists>

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