[techtalk] PPT & G-Slides- Create Captions/Subtitles While You Speak

HANNING Darci * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Fri Mar 12 08:49:41 PST 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
As you present, you can add subtitles instantly


This Week's Topic: POWERPOINT & Google Slides

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Create Captions/Subtitles While You Speak
2. COMMUNICATING ... How much is about you?
3. LEADERSHIP ... How to get great ideas from good people?

·     Mar 17: Five (5) New and Cool Tricks in PowerPoint
·     Mar 31: 12 Powerful Phrases to Use in Critically Important Work Situations
·     Apr 14: Starting with the Basics in PowerPoint
·     Apr 28: Discover Windows 10's Paint and Paint 3D Graphic Tools

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Photo by Jametlene Reskp<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E7mRB4zNQ0-eTww5yF5o5rKc3FOVoLC5ha7c-jKNNY-d4XG_utPROAy7Jc99LNJcqS1sJlhDJaNSx1ChxXe49V0UQUIv7a4JGOa-1QtpwjaWi_OJsGYmirRyNjHhXsCC8Uw6KUiq1rJNTABgNjua0pEHOAFhVRDDfY1CllwxTg7q8TSzk28GHtDnRdAFdWKS7sboRKeUC8jwjjpHvTKgkqMbIrSdwLnRvyiOVjivUttlwuURbVYJ0nTc3D-Rkhpm&c=QWZd1SYpo3n2DyDOn4RABSSSB8KQ_5HDDb8J_XIn2vwyudSBg_NsHA==&ch=fDw8_K1MtsAdWHw9WCvhGvJ1AHE0sbZg9VyANSxQ5ZY7Iq2BWgoe-g==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E7mRB4zNQ0-eTww5yF5o5rKc3FOVoLC5ha7c-jKNNY-d4XG_utPROAy7Jc99LNJcaAVBqcNGg7b6LIaXjUYVAiUxKUV9gtCDjibLTDPAcAkbSWlvN4la8xgrpYJxWlhRBUUEFJW63ldKXgv5CRqDp9z_XanmWvdCCg6kwdl9ZPANecVTE9WEcZNYD-3qVFnwgsC9qXthHUqprpfT0R-FyWxB71o1Tr0LVs73o4IJ0wvosbFqNwyz-Ti_ouhb4EgzFYjOMovIAtYUja81vhOuvg==&c=QWZd1SYpo3n2DyDOn4RABSSSB8KQ_5HDDb8J_XIn2vwyudSBg_NsHA==&ch=fDw8_K1MtsAdWHw9WCvhGvJ1AHE0sbZg9VyANSxQ5ZY7Iq2BWgoe-g==>

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Questions about Tech-Talk?
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>

PPT & Google Slides - Create Captions/ Subtitles While You Speak

You've watched videos with closed captioning ... where you can hear and read what is being said, right? Not only is this important for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, but it helps people to focus on the information being presented. Plus, your message is reinforced with both text and audio.

There's more! Captions are helpful when the speaker has a thick accent, there's background noise, or if you're viewing in a public place because you can turn off the volume and still read the caption text on the screen.


Did you know that you can create instant captions while giving a PowerPoint (or Google Slides) presentation? You can switch this feature "ON" as you speak. What you say will be turned into captions on the screen.

Let me say that again, while you are presenting, what PowerPoint (or Google Slides) hears you say will be transposed instantly and will display as text on your screen. You talk and it shows what you're saying -- without any additional software or add-ons. Cool, huh!

You can use this in an office meeting, talking to a large group where your slides are projected onto a screen, or even when you’re presenting virtually – as in a Zoom meeting.

TIP: The cool part of using this virtually is that you can record your presentation and the captions will be part of your video in one step so that you don't have to overlay this later.

CAUTION: Be aware that your captions are not saved in the PowerPoint or Google Slide document.

It gets even better ... speak in one language, see the words in another!

In PowerPoint (not G-slides), different languages are supported in the translation of your voice to text on the screen. For example, you may be speaking in English, but have an audience with many Spanish-speaking individuals. So you can choose that the captions to be shown in Spanish.

POWERPOINT - Turn on Captions and Subtitles

IMPORTANT: This feature requires Windows 10 and the Microsoft PowerPoint 365 version. You must also have an Internet connection as the ability to transpose voice to text relies on a cloud-based speech service.

Before you begin your presentation, you must update the Subtitle settings.

·     Go to Slide Show in the ribbon and find the Captions & Subtitles section on the right and check the Always Use Subtitles box.


[subtitle options]

·     Click the Subtitle Settings drop-down to make other choices.

·     Select the Spoken Language and Subtitle Language. The default for each is English, but you can select a different language for your captions.

·     Make sure the correct Microphone is selected if you have more than one.

·     And select where on the screen you want the captions to be displayed. For example, the text can appear as part of your slide at the bottom or top. Or your full slide can be displayed, and the text appears above or below it. TIP: If you choose to have the caption layered on top of your slide, be sure the text will not be covering any relevant information/image that your slide contains.

[Subtitles on the screen bottom]
Captions on the bottom of the slide.

[Subtitles on the screen top]
Captions on the top of the slide.

[Captions below the slide]
Captions below the slide.

[Captions above the slide]
Captions above the slide.

·     Begin your presentation by going to Slide Show in the ribbon and choosing From Beginning. In the bottom right of the screen, you'll see a red button that says "Listening" when it is activated. When you speak, your words will appear on the screen.

CAUTION: If you try to use captions and they don't work, there may be a setting you need to adjust. Go to Slide Show and click the Set Up Slide Show option. Make sure under Show type that it is set to Presented by a speaker (full screen).

NOTE: In PowerPoint, we're talking about the Captions and Subtitles options which is different than adding Closed Captions to a PPT Video file after-the-fact. Watch for a future article on this topic.

[captions settings]

Additional PowerPoint Settings

If you'd like more control of how the caption text appears when enabling the Subtitle settings, choose More Settings (Windows) at the bottom of the drop-down list.

This will open the Windows 10 (not PowerPoint) Closed captions setting options. Here you can change the caption or background color, style and more.

Google Slides

You can turn on automatic captions to display the speaker's words in real-time in Google Slides as well. (Unlike PowerPoint, in Slides you begin your presentation and then turn the captions on.)

·     Google Slides uses your computer's microphone or an external microphone paired with the computer.

·     Click Present to start your Google Slide show.

·     To turn on captions, click the CC option in the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen.

[CC in Google Slides]

[text options]

·     To change text position (top or bottom of the screen) or size (small - extra-large), in the menu, click "CC" and make your selection.

·     As you speak, what you say will be transposed and captions will appear at the bottom (or top) of the screen.

·     To turn OFF captions, click "CC" again.

[add subtitles]

Tips for Either PowerPoint or Google Slides

·     Practice ahead of time so you get the feel for the tool.
·     Speak a bit more slowly than normal so the tool doesn't miss anything.
·     Enunciate your words.
·     Do your best to eliminate background noise that may interfere with your voice.
·     Your computer's microphone may not be the best option to pick up your voice. If this is the case, plug in an external microphone that is closer to your face.


Communications: Writing and Email
How much is about "you"?

You've written a note to someone ... and you want to convince them to join your team, do something for you or talk to a group.

What you notice in this situation is that there are two people involved ... you and someone else. That's the time when it's going to be very tempting to be heavy on the "I's" in your writing.

OK, go ahead and write what you want.

Then go back and do two things: 1) Count the number of times used I, we, me, my, our or us versus you and yours; and 2) Go back and make the balance more on the "you" side. You'll be more convincing because people accept your information better if it's not filled with a bunch of "I's."


How to get great ideas out of good people

Here's a story from one of our readers, Rowena, in the Philippines ... a team leader in the healthcare service industry.

"We are currently in a planning stage for next year with my team of 13 people. I want them to come up with some great ideas for our direction. So I've been talking to each one to gather ideas or "sparks" in their mind.
These would be the initiatives that they want to implement next.

What I noticed is that they won't come up with ideas if I just ask them to share what they have in mind. It's too vague a question."

"What works best are questions such as..."

·     "What have you achieved this year?" (This gets them talking about the things they're excited about ... and perhaps some ideas of taking it further<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E7mRB4zNQ0-eTww5yF5o5rKc3FOVoLC5ha7c-jKNNY-d4XG_utPROAy7Jc99LNJcPnUW4y-UKA80INH9iLV4hk6bC4gsonRbaNAMhpwblUkojYQv1lDaurCfnN_dpeUAR6UjbniYrc1oluT2JSxOE4g4U4AP0icdHg8n-xcjFp5qv0NjLVj-f8ej9fjuf0cQ&c=QWZd1SYpo3n2DyDOn4RABSSSB8KQ_5HDDb8J_XIn2vwyudSBg_NsHA==&ch=fDw8_K1MtsAdWHw9WCvhGvJ1AHE0sbZg9VyANSxQ5ZY7Iq2BWgoe-g==>.)

·     "What things would you like to improve?" (This may produce ideas related to past efforts where gaps or opportunities exist.)

·     "What specific thoughts do you have or plan to do to achieve these initiatives?" (It's important that they feel a sense of personal responsibility in the execution of their ideas.)

[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E7mRB4zNQ0-eTww5yF5o5rKc3FOVoLC5ha7c-jKNNY-d4XG_utPROJeu-awVXraghunLzoHsTV2UNqHjE4-7lA5c0PcueKCCQtO6Jfu3SVrTvxaJGmKVd60e8ONuMEIxGcr-AQYOY8ysU7dqwO4ltulxs4eUOf8mgSi1AOKT1CA=&c=QWZd1SYpo3n2DyDOn4RABSSSB8KQ_5HDDb8J_XIn2vwyudSBg_NsHA==&ch=fDw8_K1MtsAdWHw9WCvhGvJ1AHE0sbZg9VyANSxQ5ZY7Iq2BWgoe-g==>

Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3491
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