[techtalk] WEB TOOL – Fun Ways to Pick Random Names (like for a Drawing)
Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed May 5 08:52:34 PDT 2021
Greetings and welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
Pick random names with these tools
This Week's Topic: WEB TOOL
1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Fun Ways to Pick Random Names (like for a Drawing)
2. COMMUNICATING ... The other six powerful phrases that really work
3. LEADERSHIP ... "She asks me for my opinion."
· May 12: Create a Video from Your PowerPoint Presentation
· May 26: Create Charts to Display Data in Excel and G-Sheets
· June 9: Windows 10 - Customizing to Increase Your Productivity
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Photo by Selvan B<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzIm66yvKIzAplFEmGtFKoV5HP24znLFHEhwp8TTDc0vRRKtkOw9-1Ze-QWp43uKbCJANvHtzOMa9TlnqYjOEsW0eflP-6EeNvcguYTJ5QlGGO8tPifUITTk587Z_Ma-4hfHJWGw_t-nJwcd56cGo9GmKghu6TR8128u07uDwrQfQUVcogiSH9F4iDCWUWpVhKeHwfg7ByM0QxmhnTF4q7ts=&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==> on Unsplash<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzIm66yvKIzApCxq-VVomJccV-u3fVzhgIim-GkqM6Pevld-zVn_DNSVnZyzIFFgjaIF3ADSO-j0rH0Td4EZZVVlnOVhEIyF7CnOTg5zln89E6rR18wMNtX9ajGmhR3pZTwoVXbhW23bNDSPASdX1AB6f8a3LTgP7KMkRQBEcSqYVsRbsGNEO2EdpC_SHNpPxnOMtEcCIYU7YNsrXOIu_Dac=&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==>
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Questions about Tech-Talk?
darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>
WEB TOOL - Fun Ways to Pick Random Names
Do you ever need to draw a name from a list -- like for a raffle or drawing winner? Maybe you're having a contest or giveaway for a summer reading program and it's not a situation where you're using a physical hat or basket.
For example, you may have a list of names and need to pull one (or more) winners. You want to do this in a fair way!
Or maybe you're in a learning environment -- teaching in-person or virtually -- and you want a fun way to select who's going to present first, or what student will be the classroom helper for the week, etc.…
Well… there are free web tools that can make picking a name randomly fun!
We found a very simple, straightforward choice, as well as one that's a bit more dynamic -- with a "wheel of fortune" flair.
Random Result
When you have a list of names that you just need to pick one (or more) random selections from, this easy-to-use no-frills site does the job.
· Go to https://www.randomresult.com/pick.php<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzIm66yvKIzAple8D9vmTbnUpcLOZZNPMJg5S41gUcU2Hx_9vQJHev0vRrWjO8Xnsol8XHow2kqOVXPIuYgPY2SsZoogThPkDEKS02Cmna5GA&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==>
[pick items]
· Enter the names in the box, one name per line. TIP: You can either type or copy and paste from a document or spreadsheet.
· Select how many items to pick (one or more).
· Hit the Draw now button.
· Then your results will be displayed.
If you need "proof" for your drawing, click the Take a ticket link and follow the steps.
Wheel of Names
This free tool makes drawing a name (or other types of selections) more exciting!
There are many situations to use this tool from drawing a "winner" in a Zoom call, MS Teams or Google Meet... to using it in a classroom environment creatively.
Spin the wheel to select:
· Writing prompts for students
· Ice breaker questions
· What book to read next
· Which role you'll play in a skit
· What problem your team will solve
· And so on ... the sky's the limit.
To Use WheelofNames
· Go to https://wheelofnames.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzIm66yvKIzApeyw9yWlpr72NRfOYNuUd2xMZlitZ978whk8jcVTkWqvUVFm4gdqKY67z8ORMUv04Fy9vaN8r2-weBJmxihYrcw==&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==>
· Enter the names in the box, one name per line. You can either type or copy and paste from a document or spreadsheet. The wheel can accommodate up to 1000 names!
· Click the wheel to engage it.
· When the spinning stops the winner will be displayed.
· If you want to make another selection you can click the Remove button to take that winner out of the list.
Saving Options
If you see yourself using this tool on a regular basis, you can save your lists to an account. For instance, in a teaching environment, instead of typing a new list of student names each time, just keep the list.
· After you have created a list, click the Save icon in the menu. If you have not created an account yet, you will be prompted to do so.
· Give your list a Name. If you have customized a wheel (see below) you can assign your list to that wheel.
· The next time you want to use your list, just go to Open in the navigation bar to retrieve it.
Cool Customizations!
Click the Customize icon in the navigation to make changes to the wheel's appearance.
· Choose a different sound. The default wheel noise is a click, click, click. Or designate a new sound like game show or hip-hop music, or a drum roll.
· Change the spin time from the 10-second default to be shorter or longer.
· Pick the message that displays when the spin is complete such as "We have a Winner!" Or choose to launch confetti.
· Change the colors, or apply a theme -- like a holiday… Halloween, New Year, Earth Day – and then save this option to use in the future.
· Add an image. We uploaded our Tech-Talk logo and it automatically pulled colors from the image for the wheel.
· Share your wheel. Click the Share icon to get a shareable link.
Although there is not an associated mobile app, this tool has been optimized to run well on most mobile phones and tablets.
BONUS! Looking for a way to generate a random number? See this article, https://www.tech-talk.com/web-tool-generate-random-numbers.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzEah8E97ltfTPMdMSmTcv-Ic8xr0P7p2AKjdtSD7nYU_kPUjrA4I40p8xCiQO5T2LsHpxLW65aQOaoWmc5m3bP_WKJT5gdntJI6Q2I-Ib4vQg7olIhlRm25rML1YOTmFRQy_TqR2nWQdTqdiMtm0-50=&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==>
Communicating: Writing & Talking
12 Powerful Phrases, Part 2
Yup, choosing the right words and phrases in tricky situations can make all the difference in the world. Here are six more gems that are worthy of being learned, practiced, and used frequently.
7. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT: Using the "feel" word gets a positive response.
8. TELL ME MORE: Need a minute to gather your thoughts, or don't understand?
9. WHAT MAKES YOU ASK THA?: A kissing cousin to #1.
10. WOULD YOU BE WILLING: Want to gain more agreement, use this phrase.
11. FAIR AND REASONABLE: Reach a solution that others like and agree to.
12. WOULD YOU CONSIDER: No one is offended when asked to "consider."
She talks with me; not at me.
Players (fake names; true story):
Lakisha - recently quit her job for a new one.
Sharon - a friend from her previous job calling to see how it's going.
"How do you like your new boss, Lakisha?"
"I like working with her! She is different from what you and I have experienced," she replies.
"Really, how so?"
"She wants to know what I think. She asks my opinion. Of course, she has the last word, but she really wants to know my ideas. She considers them and often incorporates my position."
"Wow," says Sharon. "That is different. Our manager does not really talk with us. She just tells us stuff. She talks at us, not with us."
Which type of boss are you?
Not the boss? You're an individual contributor? Here's a tip: Say something like, "I have an idea. Would you like to hear it?" Take the initiative to "re-program" your manager if he or she hasn't been fine-tuned to ask for your ideas.
[Ask a question]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OOViyjmv_9ue9D-Qsko3pDW_V9RIVedUVjJNhrou-aykeUVlsakKzIatP9Sg5hrcFnAiwqPnSnV6WNy2C7PmU-ZLq2tXcmuC7PVf3ajTeTbbT0PVf2jlKmnawebqvfqvFuReNF_8YTV5_7uYD2uCSrr08Jk2B34eJCUd_P0RG_g=&c=Nla2RCE7xVpqZB26_qSJoS_Cpj8DNVYKn4s8ibR4HGemD1YF18aP3g==&ch=bnTgbM8X-Go_eC6RQMpRbWlVtVywCnNmB94_WkGFKXMu-kFj_2KmSw==>
Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.
The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!
Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3491
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/playlists>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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