[techtalk] WORD/G-Docs – Inserting Symbols, Special Characters & Wingdings

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Nov 3 09:11:00 PDT 2021

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Where to find these common symbols



View articles with topics on...

·     Communicating kindness
·     Ways to show appreciation
·     How NOT to give praise
·     Three rules for accepting compliments
More ..<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBUV2zj3ofWRQgcqnXDGekgC3IqqvXrvfwAXkof8ODjFjP_RtYfqJezuzhhxvS8B7uz3zybEo2b-ljN5QpkddLxWr-a94fJolfijbLhEySGIj&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==>.

This Week's Topic: WORD and Google DOCS

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Inserting Symbols, Special Characters & Wingdings
2. COMMUNICATING ... Think first, then adjust the target
3. LEADERSHIP ... The "new job" cycle of enthusiasm
4. WEBINARS ... (Yes, Patrons, Students, Staff join with library's username. No fee.)

·     Nov 10: [VIDEO] Davinci Resolve - A Powerful and Free Video Editing Tool
·     Nov 17: [OFFICE/Google] Secrets for Working with New Office Templates
·     Dec 1: [Graphics] Best Tips for Using Graphics in Word & PPT (Basic & Inter)
·     Dec 15: [Excel] Best Tips for Working in Excel (Basic & Inter)

Register for Webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBdy8mQUQQg3GVVXtdOCcrILK7iZ3sSn3QDXfZEOLIoVM11LdjM9LZLt-3PDbmJ5Lut2yj1vA_uwdr4z3fQowvo8Qlv5EVnL0CS-X0_yG7sdL&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==>


Photo by Johannes Plenio<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBc9F8f_pxAVzgbN1bZyxJsSrH_aorl1HCWIksJVjoWXyuRJaxFNr8XtSOCEPDHGvib3yBfEUTToQ2lmJxgt3xhaZNCg6zh5Pxe8U-iV7fnicC1tltyoZbG4wzOaYX68sOoC5-9GiYkFZX6sJa7s9fonhWRZDxsVi8fxgyoibYlcLWIOYWbykLw0Q0aHjrqxnDae0nXoQ59Yo&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBZxkztQXgFaH65m-Yr_p9L9pgkN2Z3X5l-AA9dI1aoHJH3mJEE90B8GZMX2vfYALVRLbu2uh8HXcS9yPDEkb_lpSgHJa9QQ-i3r3V1hqAEZXc1E_ArfmA5gktZh-DFhcAij4WXxd5tOG8AYPmZ_xBuoz1xXNs4kUBEpT4vk5uR6ppQPdampQGBxAuXrnTxFw4uFpPrzJMCiI566KOwbuKLo=&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==>


WORD / Google Docs – Insert Symbols, Characters & Wingdings

Have you ever wanted to insert a symbol or special character into your document ... but you didn't know where to find or add them?

Word has hundreds of these available! Not only text and mathematical signs, but fun icons and shapes.

For example, you may want to add:
·     Letters with diacritical marks used in other languages (é ñ ö ç)
·     Copyright, Trademark or Registered symbols (© ™ ®)
·     Medical, religious or mathematical visual elements (≤, ℅, ∑)
·     Checkmarks, check boxes or star shapes... to name just a few


There are even fun picture collections called Wingdings and Webdings which can be added to your document ... or used as the bullet symbol in a list!

So let's take a look at where you find these special characters and how to add them to a document.

Insert a Symbol, Special Character or Wingding

To add any of these special symbols to your Word document, in the main menu you first go to Insert, and on the very right, click on Symbol.


Note that in the drop-down menu, popular symbols (and the ones that you have used in the past) will be displayed. This is a quick way to just click on any of the ones pictured to add to your document.

There are different steps to add a Symbol, Special Character or Wingding, so we'll go through the process below for each.

BONUS! You can add symbols and fun icons in Google Docs too! Read on...

Add a Symbol

[add symbols]

·     Click Insert from the main menu.
·     Choose Symbol and then select More Symbols.
·     This will open the Symbol box. Now you have choices.
·     On the Symbols tab at the top, you may find the one you want to add from the Font group that is selected.
·     Select a symbol by clicking on it.
·     Click Insert, then the Close button.

Additionally, you can use the font drop-down window (upper left in window) for more collections. Various fonts provide different symbols ... and different styling. TIP: No matter what choices you see when you first go to insert symbols, be sure to check out the vast number of more items by changing the "font" style.

NOTE: Changing the font in this window will not affect the font used in your document.

Add a Special Character

There are symbols that are referred to as Special Characters like a Copyright or Trademark sign. To add these…

[special characters]

·     Again, go to Insert in the main menu.
·     Click Symbol and More Symbols.
·     This time, click the Special Characters tab.
·     Find the symbol you want and click Insert.
·     Then select the Close button.

Add a Wingding

You may be asking, "What are Wingdings?" These are images or symbols that show up in the font collection called Wingding ... and Wingding 2 and Wingding 3. So while technically it is a "font", really it's a set of styled letters and numbers ... along with shapes, gestures and images. It's lots of fun stuff! PLUS, there are additional collections of cool images in Webdings.


To view and insert Wingdings into your document:

·     Go to the Insert tab in the main menu.
·     Click Symbol and More Symbols.
·     Use the Font drop-down menu to locate Wingdings (or type Wingdings in the field).
·     Now scroll through the list to locate the image you want and click Insert.
·     Then select the Close button.

BONUS! Use a Wingding as the Symbol in a Bulleted List


You know the basic symbols you can use in a bulleted list, right? But did you know that you can use special characters or Wingdings to make your presentation a bit more customized and fun? To add one:

·     In a Word document, add the text for your bulleted list and select it.
·     On the Home tab, in the Paragraph section click the drop-down arrow next to the bullet icon and choose Define New Bullet.
·     In the window that opens, click the Symbol button at the top and in the next window select a symbol or Wingding.
·     Click OK, and then OK again to use the new bullet shape.

See this Tech-Talk article for more on creating custom bullets, https://www.tech-talk.com/create-your-own-custom-bullets.html<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBSyz3TGBpxsEPYSrD9AY8L0JiKzTw4vXmwHTKvmjztvIw5E2f5ZOIKf0ZXEFUSarjsnToboICLPnqhy3JtF4I32LFW48FJ-U0_2OuzfB8uyef-boRsByqgkBQB_Rfrz7ixja1Z7Bxu1P&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==>

Adding Symbols & Special Characters in Google Docs

It's actually pretty easy to add these symbols in a Google Doc.

·     Go to Insert in the menu and in the drop-down select Special Characters.
·     There is a main dropdown and sub-menu to find options. For instance, you can choose Symbol and then narrow that down to Arrows, Emoticons or Musical. Or choose Emoji and narrow that to Animals, Plants and Food.
·     Click the symbol icon to add it to your document.
·     Then to close out, click the "X" in the upper right.



Communication: Building Esteem
Think first, then adjust the target

Two different experiences recently reinforced something I know is important ... but which is sometimes hard to get your head around.

It has to do with inadvertently causing unsettledness instead of building esteem. It's about giving a positive response or a compliment that builds someone up, instead of falling flat.

Situation #1. I wanted some documents from the County Clerk in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I sent a request to her late one night by email. Well, surprise, early the very next morning the documents were in my inbox!

I wanted to show my appreciation and started to write, “You are the fastest...” or "You rock," or "You're the best."

Instead, knowing that the compliment would be appreciated MORE if it were aimed at what she DID, instead of at HER, I re-thought what I wanted to say.

I knew she would value it more and keep it longer in her heart, if the compliment were about something she had done (outside of her person).

So I said, "Great, Montana, thanks! Your efficiency and speed is world class!"

The rest of the story: Boy was I surprised and pleased when she responded. I knew I had hit the mark.


Situation #2: A friend of mine had a birthday, but because she was in another country at that time, I arranged a Zoom party, complete with brunch and birthday cake.

In appreciation, she sent an email to me saying, "Thank you so much for today. You are an awesome person."

While I knew she really appreciated the effort and enjoyed the event, the phrase that I was an "awesome person" made me feel uncomfortable.

Being "awesome" is hard to live up to. I don't know if I agree with that adjective.

But, did I do an awesome thing?  Sure! I appreciated the thanks and I certainly didn't turn it into a teaching moment. But the reality is that I would have loved to hear what I did was awesome. That is something I could support and keep with me, rather than what I did which was to toss-off and disbelieve the notion that I was awesome.


The "new job" cycle of enthusiasm

Here's the typical cycle: When people begin a new job, whether they were promoted or newly hired into it, they usually come into that position with a great deal of enthusiasm.

They are excited about all the new opportunities, the new people they will work with, and the new goals they will accomplish.

They feel needed and are proud that they have the chance to play such an important role in the organization.

The problem is, over time, their attitudes slowly begin to change.

Eventually, enthusiasm moves out and organizational indifference moves in, which in turn causes the organization's productivity to decline while employee frustrations rise.

A Question: What can you do to keep the "new job" enthusiasm going strong?

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001k-5czJ4-haiPFonuAFn4u1iSo8Zw4G0qJfIEL_RR2PGKL42v6iSpBau1NHj0muio-isWQ6JgVbPKs6uqJUJ3KFTXGLVA5mHYIPK0hMoU-Zp9csGqXcems4S6EfWzE9ZOC9Xl3TBWGxAbHSZ3ejfDliJaSbb0oYXEUy0GUpHFmG8=&c=Uv62rPhyJLsVHLakwYgE1SrrbDARrqtef7YwJnNfoypLbENAWLzPrg==&ch=O6Y9eql_w4weMpKJHdQmGTVMxSiaS1bEdFOM9gP1i6G6QxZD4wryeA==>

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Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
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