[techtalk] WEB TOOL - Have You Tried "Canva Docs" Yet?

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Apr 4 14:53:59 PDT 2023

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Make your documents interactive and eye-catching

[Tech-Talk 27 years]


Photo by Stefanie Jockschat<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28N-kLG1hTTrDSSSi64Eab0AA3UcdexNehCBYkIF4OwgGHvjtnk1JMAi70fDtx_QVqu3paRjv3a0FHNBQKE_ZSjLAIMbqYtWN7eQNxkVd6pGbyBEf8aQj9nBT0PGyfkti3J1Kw4g1TZREggVgPidv2Y0kljS8Z1Pl4A2K2yKq-ZF_z_jdvP8eS-OhH_MGRvpd2f_4rChRVdCe8wLOAgLWvBgZwQ0K_a2PWhQ==&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28N-kLG1hTTrDS9JypmskCCDQTmi-LKf3gL8Vyk64YTzpRST2fQPqgGG5U9DO093giSf0iYTdE_BdQPpSx4yNHoqK-l6Q--a3W5cKpxteKpQoLaYMBU4YSwRWx7OMvt06lOWygFaMPyGPspMZikwsG0fqJ4PWCfUrhns_W_32NPgwdJZHcL88ZJ5zWXoS9rQBS9LuaDGx3LOjIdJC9wkAnX5Wnh2FkLgS0rw==&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==>


Webinars for You

·    April 12: [CANVA] Discover New Features to Enrich Docs and Presentations [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    April 26: [PDFs] Create and Edit PDFs Using New Tools and Techniques [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    May 17: [MOBILE] How to Organize and Move Photos from Your Phone to Your Computer [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    May 24: [WORD] How to Create Gorgeous TABLES in a Word Document [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

View Webinars and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28NzMRL0ingBPGcep073Jdf5JpttLCFR4mQ4FXtD8IbS2LR-e7uHgcDstH-tfuvk-O7FxQztCSS06kgpqNrzJIP-gqcd02fLBnqpsqf4Fdt9OJ&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==>

WEB TOOL - Have You Tried "Canva Docs" Yet?


[Canva docs]

If you haven't discovered Canva.com yet, you might want to take a look. This is a web tool that has so many features that help you create, not only single graphics, but powerful social media posts, flyers, presentations and more.

So... when Canva adds new tools to its arsenal, we jump on learning all about them! One of the new offerings that was added is Canva DOCS. Let's take a look.

TIP: Put "Canva" in the search box at Tech-Talk.com and you'll find several articles and a few webinars already on this topic!

What is Canva DOCS?

[Canva docs]

When you log into your account at Canva.com, you see all kinds of templates to help you get your project started. One of the latest additions is called Docs.

Just like when creating a document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, Canva's "Doc" is used for more text-heavy publications (unlike other Canva templates that are more image rich).

Well, you may think that you can create perfectly acceptable documents in Word or Google Docs. And you're right. If you're just adding text to a page, those platforms may be the best fit. But if you want to add more dimension and visual enhancements to your reports, handouts or forms then the Canva Docs templates can help.

Similar to Google Docs, you create the document right in Canva. It is saved to your online account. Then you can easily share it with your team for input, download it as a PDF to your computer to save or print, or share it through a direct link with others.

Why use Canva instead of MS Word or Google Docs? Not only are there easy-to-use and customized templates to get you rolling, but in Canva, you can take a page full of text and transform it graphically to make it more appealing to readers.

You can easily add:


·    Headings and subheadings in your branded fonts and colors
·    Bulleted and numbered lists to organize content
·    Images (from the Canva library)
·    Banners for an impactful header
·    Pie, bar, and line charts for data visualization
·    Tables to take static text and make it pop
·    Background images with text overlay for a polished look
·    Embedded videos that display when sharing docs online
·    Elements like shapes, quote bubbles, and icons to rich graphical elements

Yes, many of these items can be added to a document using Word or Google Docs, but Canva makes it so easy. The images don't "jump" around the page like they sometimes do in Word. And Canva has thousands of ready-to-use pictures, icons, and creative font styles.

See Canva Docs Live ... in a Tech-Talk Webinar!

If you want to watch a demonstration of Canva Docs (as well as the new "Magic Write" AI feature), sign up to attend the April 12th webinar, Canva: Discover New Features to Enrich Docs & Presentations here, https://www.tech-talk.com/webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28NzMRL0ingBPGcep073Jdf5JpttLCFR4mQ4FXtD8IbS2LR-e7uHgcDstH-tfuvk-O7FxQztCSS06kgpqNrzJIP-gqcd02fLBnqpsqf4Fdt9OJ&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==> ... or watch the recording at https://www.tech-talk.com/webinar-recordings.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28N-kLG1hTTrDSDIS9KsY8uGCaX6njRyB7ra7GFKf2LK5FeOcqhiS9-WnjlMgrIeQGntL_XxmU00Px02VyyoNQiC0CQMkmuNMQyAUvzED17QgNSXNTQCaXh9DvTbNQnaWyigK_ao46FmvCGWrtnyYFl1nvRUDk97jDh6NX-gdqhx1SqAkRKx_4EE8gO_i9xXBTvw==&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==>

What is Different in Canva When Creating a Doc?

Canva has added a few new options just for the Doc template. To get started, open your Canva.com account and either:

·    Click on the Docs icon and choose from a template to give you some design inspiration.
·    Go to the Create a design button and choose Docs. This will give you a blank page, but you can still choose from Templates in the left navigation.

The Plus (+) Icon

The first thing you'll notice (different from other Canva templates) is that in Docs, when you click on the page, there is a Plus (+) button in the left margin (or on mobile, it is a magnifying glass).

[plus button]


Once you click on the Plus icon a dropdown list of options appears. Here you can choose from a Heading, Body Text, Table, and so on. Modify, recolor or personalize your content as you normally do in other Canva templates.

NOTE: For more steps in how to use all the Canva elements, go to Tech-Talk.com and put "Canva" in the search box.

Embed Other Canva Designs

If you have other designs that you have saved in your Canva account (maybe a social media post or graph) you can add them to your Doc with the embed link.

·    Go to the design you want to add to your Doc, click on Share in the right corner, then More at the bottom of the list.
·    In the More options, select the Embed icon. (In some templates, there's another Embed button).
·    Here you can copy the Smart embed link.


·    Then, go back to your Doc and place your cursor where you want the design added, and click the Plus button.
·    From the list select Embed and paste the code in the box. Click Enter and your design will be added to your Doc.


Once Your Doc is Complete

And of course, like other Canva designs, once your Doc is finished, you have options.

From the Share button in the upper right corner:

·    Send a link to someone to collaborate.
·    Save it to a Canva Folder in your account.
·    Download the Doc to your computer in PDF format.


Communications: Writing

How to Start a Request Letter

OK, you want to write a letter because you have a request. Maybe you have a complaint about your car and are asking the dealership to pay for the fix. Or perhaps you have a problem of some kind and are asking for some help.

In any case, the secret to getting to a successful conclusion to your request is to always start your letter with one concept in mind. You want the first thing the reader sees to be a statement of your belief in him (or her) that they have the ability and willingness to help you. (Even if you don't really feel that way, write it down.)


·    I believe that you are willing and able to assist in resolving a challenge that I have.

·    I'm sure you have the authority and ability to assist with my problem.

·    I believe you have the ability and willingness to help with an issue that needs to be resolved.

Then list the chronology of the issue. - and end with your request. It works!



Designating the Priority Level

Whenever someone is given or accepts a task to do, it is always best to have the "priority discussion". You do that so you can juggle the other assignments you have appropriately ... and you want to have a common understanding of the importance of what is being asked.

Establishing the priority is different from knowing the due date. The way we're talking about it in this article is the level of importance to the organization's success.

While there are all kinds of ways to communicate the priority, these three categories have proven to be especially effective because of their focus and simplicity.

·    Critical (to the organization's mission)
·    Important
·    Nice to Have

Don't try to slip another one in there. You want to keep the focus on moving the organization forward. These three priorities help you do that. With every task, agree on its importance for the big picture.

Did you know that you can give Tech-Talk to your patrons and students? Schedule a time <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28Nz31Jtns5kf7Hh_NGKE9LMUJp_YhDAuF7bj_yOUCFcOX4mssgqk8o7zV_2XMPDHBjsTJvV2Phy56RLv__DUsGWRn3WbCUR5P9aJUxgkRYX-AgVCcYHRgVVRCZiEWO_KkZA==&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==> to discover the options you have!

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Ml9nJsxohhpPVyqsrRVK1TncQaBvJhq2d-RrGIbDF_MW38vQIG28NxEnbhCqkSc4u_FlVyRO4El-PU3N4J-TEevcMoj8ejyDtlZ1F1J5EgIBRrtCtqxJG2DQUz7kIGM8HXKO3i64ODKISNwWeLTwyFPvl28Ljv7jHZireX0lIGU=&c=_VW6xb7zrmYBzoOkcVaviEnDUIc8BuNcb0K6zoitFO1uHSZQQeWpeQ==&ch=qozqXN8PVru1AG7txLUMjA9faBkoOpouHHlbrhseCYTX1vZXqKXMDg==>

Copyright 1996-2023 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
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