[techtalk] MOBILE - How to Drop a Pin and Share Your Location
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Feb 26 08:25:10 PST 2025
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Share a location with others
[A world map with a blue button in the center that says View the Tech Tip Video Here]<https://opiayfbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FDYfzbgTw0XtyiJlaHDDvBv4WlUDEHIiTEKGcDPc1iVW7q9PnJwNaOZzuZJ8jmEVzDqYl2wIc6Lsz9r7mnUBwxCKzoAK15IkXpFDsxbt4XorIY8HwkNk8K37T5HYIkfaLX0HPgi72_7cN_TlEjpwdol1oJwpX8vsxS90UYmXWVKV5UO5wuZb7IJgSvR1EX98UTTSf8fq9B3J8zlYOcDWoQ==&c=bte7R7EPZwyqqkx6GQ5ncyGcFNcjW47MEyStlSqzpF0hiD4KlRQCcQ==&ch=rVPwpdRwMgVwhl8LHFfFTe7U5ZtBLhKEnOV8KCZodHeaqmnLGedXzA==>
Photo by Andrew Stutesman<https://opiayfbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FDYfzbgTw0XtyiJlaHDDvBv4WlUDEHIiTEKGcDPc1iVW7q9PnJwNaOZzuZJ8jmEV-dMOLGMbsu2nyE-cMyEzfsABWKWtaNei8yId4gBH8C3-1QeCqdIPf2qKCbsa1HDKbBF66QQSA4QZYhLM4aUhvG-rlzVI_0yW708__2z6C6Pk8YvQ2a1xmXKbKyn0URpe9PqMG21USAd0wdPszG6yDQp02rEBuiC_uTs8yYzBvmV8RVZMsjPPk5OIHB08uZNZnk_FH9e0bSg=&c=bte7R7EPZwyqqkx6GQ5ncyGcFNcjW47MEyStlSqzpF0hiD4KlRQCcQ==&ch=rVPwpdRwMgVwhl8LHFfFTe7U5ZtBLhKEnOV8KCZodHeaqmnLGedXzA==> on Unsplash<https://opiayfbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FDYfzbgTw0XtyiJlaHDDvBv4WlUDEHIiTEKGcDPc1iVW7q9PnJwNaOZzuZJ8jmEVUVsowsM2cHYpyYzZnTG0JL1Pc8cPnw8QvELF_NkgACmaIwMsm8NP-vCY5Ca7DBY1YJ-_qS_dEaLd3EX3jJ1jEsLNNssFiYI5EMcYncjCLHL3yrZt3fvsa--wf1AfNFOIM_yayb5-Zf93o08mYYLQESvHoY6vbdwGin_gl2Rku6q4lDzdNKRQBh1PMrv3bgHYcS9nXcWE-A4trDmWtWmee0KW3oc2X0QUBgNOkxKyNoq0AX3xLArHHvFvLa6eDWlf&c=bte7R7EPZwyqqkx6GQ5ncyGcFNcjW47MEyStlSqzpF0hiD4KlRQCcQ==&ch=rVPwpdRwMgVwhl8LHFfFTe7U5ZtBLhKEnOV8KCZodHeaqmnLGedXzA==>
Webinars for You
NOTE: Webinars begin at 3 pm ET / 2 pm CT / 1 pm MT / 12 Noon PT and are one hour long.
Feb 26: [DESKTOP] 15 Productivity and Creativity Boosters: Tips, Techniques, and Tools Why attend? Learn shortcuts to save time.
March 12: [AI] Empowering Creativity with AI: 3 Tools to Design Stunning Visuals Why attend? You want a boost in your creativeness.
March 26: [COMMUNICATE] Unlock the Secret to Effective Communication with the Tech-Talk "Magic Form" Why attend? You want to create more focused and effective letters, email notes, presentations.
April 9: [SOCIAL MEDIA] Exploring Bluesky: The Next-Generation Social Media Platform Why attend? Learn more about this new "X" competitor.
View Webinars and Register Here<https://opiayfbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FDYfzbgTw0XtyiJlaHDDvBv4WlUDEHIiTEKGcDPc1iVW7q9PnJwNaOfQiTkJ3OZqWlJzCHVz-xlk1mYp4Z8z6PkK2TTLc6ehZxwFlnZ8-A-Z_2PGCcpgZ4vQTFofaOeowYuFgZa-97pvvf1DODCTCj38aLF1nCoKyLRl123VWgs=&c=bte7R7EPZwyqqkx6GQ5ncyGcFNcjW47MEyStlSqzpF0hiD4KlRQCcQ==&ch=rVPwpdRwMgVwhl8LHFfFTe7U5ZtBLhKEnOV8KCZodHeaqmnLGedXzA==>
MOBILE - How to Drop a Pin and Share Your Location
[Map with a red pushpin near Alverno on highway 43]
Have you ever heard the expression "drop a pin" and didn't know what it meant? There's so much phone lingo, it's hard to keep up!
Well, this phrase refers to marking a specific location on a digital map, usually on a mobile phone app like Google or Apple Maps. Its use is intended for saving, sharing, or navigating to a spot that may not have a precise location. For example, it's easy to give someone a physical address and they can find you that way, but sometimes you're in a place that doesn't have an exact street address.
We used to give directions with references like… turn left after the large oak tree, go about 3 blocks until you see the water tower, make a slight right and continue until you see Roy's gas station and it's across the street.
But now we have phones with map apps that contain GPS and can pinpoint an exact location!
However, sometimes you don't have an actual address to pop into a map. That's were "dropping a pin" to share with people can be a lifesaver.
There are 2 ways to drop a pin: 1) You can just "mark" a place on the map without being there and save or send it to someone because you're meeting them there and you want to give instructions, or 2) Pinning in "real-time" - meaning that you are already in that exact location and you either want to save or share it.
Here are a few examples.
· Meeting Up with Friends – If you're in a large park, festival, or unfamiliar area, you can drop a pin to show your exact location.
· Giving Directions to a Hard-to-Find Place – When an address isn't available or accurate - like a hiking trail or a specific spot on a crowded beach.
· Reporting an Incident or Hazard – You're driving and come upon an accident, a road hazard or need auto assistance. You can share the location with emergency personnel or a tow company.
· Navigating Offline – If you're traveling somewhere with limited (or no) Internet, dropping a pin beforehand can help you find your way when you're offline.
· Saving a Location for Later with a Label – If you find a scenic viewpoint or a new favorite camping spot, you can drop a pin to save it for a future visit and give it a Label.
· For Safety Sake –Sharing your location with family or friends can provide peace of mind, particularly if you're meeting someone new or going to an unfamiliar area.
Let's look at how to "drop a pin" in either a Google or Apple map.
[Google Maps logo]
Google Maps
You can drop a pin to share a location with others. You don't need to be at that spot to do it.
First, open Google Maps on your phone.
· Go to the location you'd like. Zoom in if needed.
· Tap and hold your finger on the screen on the map until the little red pin drops (a red marker will appear).
[Map with a dropped pin in Lower Henry Schuette Park Options for directions and more]
Now at the bottom of the screen, you will see some options (you'll need to scroll over to see them all):
Get Directions - Tap the icon and view the directions.
Start - The map app will start giving you directions in text and voice to the location.
Add Label - Gives the location a private label that only you can see. You can use labels to organize your favorite places, such as restaurants or places to visit. To find the saved Labels later, open the Google Maps app, tap You in the lower navigation, and see your recent and Labeled locations.
Share - Tap the Share button and choose from the options:
· Share this place – Gives you options to share with one (or more) of your contacts.
· Copy link – To paste into a text or email.
· Share as a collaborative list – People you share with can not only view the pin, but they can add new pins to the list you created. This is useful for group trips, event planning and coordinating places to visit.
[Map screenshot with a dropped pin and options to share the location are at the bottom]
Download offline map - If you're traveling in a remote area without the Internet access that your map needs for GPS, you can Pin the location and then tap the Download offline map option (scroll over to find this button).
Google Maps "Real-Time Sharing"
Use this option when you're physically at the location that you want to share:
[Map app interface showing a search bar and a profile picture with a red arrow pointing to it]
· Open Google Maps on your phone.
· Tap your profile picture in the top right.
· Select Location Sharing. Then tap Share Location. (see image below)
[Google account menu with options including Location Sharing highlighted by a red arrow]
· Choose the Duration (1 hour or Until you turn it off) and select a Contact to share your location.
[Map screenshot showing real-time location sharing for 1 hour with a confirmation checkmark]
Apple Maps (iPhone & iPad)
[Apple Maps icon featuring a blue navigation arrow over a multicolored map design]
To pin a location to share or save, open the Maps app on your iPhone or iPad.
· Go to the location you'd like. Zoom in if needed to find the specific spot.
· Tap and hold your finger on the screen on the map until a little red pin appears.
[Map showing a marked location and includes options for directions and details]
· Now you can choose from one of the items below.
Get Directions - Tap the icon with the vehicle.
Download - Before traveling in a remote area where you have little or no cell phone reception, press the Download icon to save it for use offline. To find it later, when you open the Maps app, tap on your Profile picture to locate it.
Pin it to find later - Tap the More button and select Pin. You can add a Note for reference. To find it later, when you open the Maps app, tap on your Profile picture and then Library.
[Map interface with red arrow points to Share Location]
Share the Location:
· Tap the Location marker.
· From the window that opens choose Share Location.
· Choose a Contact or method to share (Messages, AirDrop, etc.).
Apple Maps "Real-time Sharing"
[Map interface showing a pin labeled My Location with an option to Send My Location highlighted by a red arrow]
· Open the Maps app.
· Your current location will be spotlighted with a dot (if you don't see it, tap the arrow in the upper right corner to center yourself on the map).
· Press and hold on your location until another window opens as pictured on the right.
· Choose Send My Location from the window that opens. Then select a contact or app to share the location.
Communications: Talking
When vs If to be supportive
The words we use can shape not only how we see ourselves but also how we influence those around us.
A simple shift from if to when can create a more positive, confident, and supportive tone—whether you’re speaking to students, library patrons, or even a spouse.
Examples using if vs. when:
· If you decide to take that coding class, it could open new job opportunities.
· When you take that coding class, you'll open up great new job opportunities!
· If we ever take that dream trip to Italy, it would be amazing.
· When we take that dream trip to Italy, it’s going to be unforgettable!
· If you start going to the gym, you might feel more energetic.
· When you start going to the gym, you’re going to feel so much more energetic!
The shift is small but powerful. It assumes action, encourages follow-through, and builds confidence in both yourself and others.
So next time you’re speaking encouragement into someone’s life, try saying when—and watch the magic happen!
[Ask a question]<https://opiayfbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FDYfzbgTw0XtyiJlaHDDvBv4WlUDEHIiTEKGcDPc1iVW7q9PnJwNaF_zEj-jmUkuCv7O_RZZmNuXz8Opq2sy9O_r6YOeYGi22wwEV5qVlDj-yHZLX_TgcvzKJ1wYTAuzj2p1iy5hotGSnhY6VRooVE10PGKjHd6vkCpX8wzGFcA=&c=bte7R7EPZwyqqkx6GQ5ncyGcFNcjW47MEyStlSqzpF0hiD4KlRQCcQ==&ch=rVPwpdRwMgVwhl8LHFfFTe7U5ZtBLhKEnOV8KCZodHeaqmnLGedXzA==>
Copyright 1996-2025 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 585-615-7795.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
[State Library of Oregon (Logo)]
Book time to meet with me<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/a59abb0a2327467fac503ddb3913cf5e@slo.oregon.gov?anonymous&ep=signature>
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