[TL-Directors] FW: Finalists for Next State Librarian
Ferol Weyand
ferol.weyand at state.or.us
Fri Feb 17 16:21:02 PST 2012
Posted on behalf of the Oregon State Library
From: libs-or-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us [mailto:libs-or-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Jessica Rondema
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:49 PM
To: libs-or at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [Libs-Or] Finalists for Next State Librarian
Dear State Library Stakeholders,
Below is a message I am forwarding on behalf of Twyla Lawson, Sr. Recruitment Consultant:
I'm writing to invite you to assist the Oregon State Library Board of Trustees in selecting the next State Librarian. As a stakeholder, we are interested in your thoughts about the candidates being considered for this important position.
The Board has two finalists: MaryKay Dahlgreen, Library Development Program Manager with the Oregon State Library and Michael Piper, Interim Executive Director with the RAILS Library in Illinois.
The finalists will participate in both a stakeholder (Public Presentation-Video Recorded) and an employee informational forum prior to their final-round interviews with the Board.
The stakeholder forum "Public Presentation" is scheduled for Thursday, February 23rd (details provided below). The candidates' resumes can be viewed on the Oregon State Library (OSL) web site, http://oregon.gov/OSL/StateLibrarianRecruitmentInfoPage.shtml. The candidates will be asked to introduce themselves and provide a brief presentation on "Challenges and Opportunities for State Libraries in the Next Decade". At the beginning of the forum, note cards will be provided for you to write down and submit questions you would like the candidates to address. In formulating your questions, I recommend that you think about one or two attributes or characteristics that are important to you in this position. You are encouraged to email your questions in advance to me at Twyla.Lawson at state.or.us<mailto:Twyla.Lawson at state.or.us>. As facilitator, I will do my best to fit in as many questions as possible. At the end of the forum, we will provide the attendees a survey link to collect your feedback regarding the candidates' strengths and challenges. The information will then be compiled and provided to the Board of Trustees prior to them making a final decision. After the forum, audio and video recordings will be posted on the OSL web site.
The event will occur at the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (Executive Office Building), Conference Room B, 155 Cottage St. NE, Salem, Oregon. Please note, there is metered parking. The schedule is as follows:
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012
8:15 am to 8:30 am
Orientation/Explanation of the process
8:30 am to 9:30 am
MaryKay Dahlgreen
9:45 am to 10:45 am
Michael Piper
10:45 am to 9:00 pm
Submit your feedback via electronic survey
If you have questions about the process or would like to submit questions for the candidates in advance, feel free to email me at Twyla.Lawson at state.or.us<mailto:Twyla.Lawson at state.or.us>.
Twyla Lawson, SPHR
Sr. Recruitment Consultant
HR Management & Consultation, DAS
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