[TL-Directors] State Library Transformation Update
MaryKay Dahlgreen
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
Thu Dec 5 15:02:31 PST 2013
Dear Colleagues-
First I want to thank all of you for your support as we move through our transformation. We have been posting information on our website and will continue to do so as information becomes available. The report from Senator Steiner Hayward and Representative Nathanson that is referenced in this message are posted on the website as well: http://www.oregon.gov/osl/Pages/OregonStateLibraryTransformation.aspx
I will be sending updates as we move through the process and I welcome your comments and suggestions.
MaryKay Dahlgreen
Oregon State Librarian
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
OSL Transformation Update December 5, 2013
On October 25, 2013 Senator Steiner Hayward and Representative Nathanson provided an outline for the transformation of the Oregon State Library in cooperation with several other organizations, State Archives, State of Oregon Law Library and Oregon Historical Society. We have begun that work and this is an overview of work to date from the vantage point of OSL.
Online Portal Project:
Demonstrations and discussions of the online system of each of the four organizations have been organized to better understand the existing online programs and to help develop one online site for all four entities, Notes from those presentations will be included in the online portal outlined in the October 25th report.
State Library Transition:
The Oregon State Library, the State Archives, the State of Oregon Law Library and the Oregon Historical Society will continue to work with the COO's office to develop plan that addresses the legislative requests identified in the letter of recommendation from Chair Steiner-Hayward and Rep. Nathanson. I will let you know as more specifics become available.
Additional Updates:
OSL moved to shared client human resources in July of 2012. As part of the 2015-2017 budget process the State Library Board and the state librarian will be reviewing services that are available enterprise wide in order to determine the best approach for OSL.
The final lecture sponsored by the Oregon State Library, as part of our lecture series will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at noon at the Transportation Auditorium. Author, Bill Sullivan, will present the final lecture.
The staff of the State Library has contacted the Superintendent of Documents at the Government Printing Office in anticipation of the federal documents program moving to the Oregon State Archives. We have received a response from GPO that outlines the responsibilities and requirements of a federal documents depository library. That will be the basis for discussion among the organizations.
State Library staff has contacted the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress to discuss the future of the Oregon Center for the Book. We anticipate that the Center will be relocated with a different organization, as is the case in a number of other states. We have begun discussing possible future organizational homes.
The Oregon State Library will continue to procure and provide statewide databases for the citizens of Oregon via local libraries using federal Library Services and Technology Act funds. The recommendations from the recently completed procurement will be heard and discussed at the OSL Board meeting on December 20, 2013 at the Oregon State Library.
The State Library will also continue to provide support for local libraries with funding from the Library Services and Technology Act and state general funds through the Ready to Read Grant Program and Library Development programs.
OSL will continue to expect that web access is a basic service of public libraries in Oregon and will work with small and rural libraries to assure that they have the most current tools to provide that access. The Plinkit tool, which has been used to provide websites for primarily small and rural libraries, will be phased out within the next two years and the state library will assist those libraries that have been using it to migrate to another tool.
OSL has created a page on our website that contains relevant documents and which we will continue to update as necessary. It is expected that we will provide an update such as this as necessary.
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