[TL-Directors] LTLO July 2014 (newsletter from the State Library)
Katie Anderson
katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Jul 1 10:54:51 PDT 2014
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[OSL Building]
Letter to Libraries Online
A Monthly Newsletter from the Oregon State Library
Volume 24, Issue 7, July 2014
Library Board News
State Library News
Other Library News
Contacts at the State Library
Library Board News
State Library Board Met in Monroe
The State Library Board met at the Monroe Community Library in Monroe, Oregon on Friday, June 20, 2014, for their regularly scheduled Board meeting. The Board re-elected Aletha Bonebrake as the Chair for 2014-2015, appointed five members to the Government Research Services Advisory Council, approved LSTA Advisory Council recommendations, and approved Talking Book and Braille Advisory Council recommendations. The next Board meeting is currently scheduled for Friday, August 15, 2014 at the Driftwood Public Library in Lincoln City.
State Library Board of Trustees has Two Vacancies
Since its founding, the Oregon State Library has been governed by an independent Board of Trustees, consisting of seven citizens from throughout the state who are appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms. We currently have two vacancies on the Board. For more information about the Board, please see the State Library's Board of Trustees webpage<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/Pages/2bdinfo.aspx>. For executive appointment information and to apply, please visit the Governor's Executive Appointments website<http://www.oregon.gov/gov/pages/boards.aspx>. The State Library would like to thank Ray Miao for his service on the Board.
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State Library News
New Enhancements to Gale Databases in Statewide Database Licensing Program
[Phone][Gale Logo]Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) has introduced a new feature that offers users the ability to read full books in PDF format online. The book-like online reading experience is prevalent across popular reading platforms, and users now expect the same in research eBooks. This new online browsing functionality allows users to interact dynamically with and page through the PDF format. Historically, users could only navigate through a title in the HTML (rich text) format or static PDF pages. The new format combines the readability of print with all the tools that GVRL brings, including the online ability to search and navigate quickly, ReadSpeaker<http://galesupport.com/fcla09/ReadSpeaker%20Overview.pdf> text-to-speech translation, bookmarking, sharing, article-level downloading, language translation, citation tools, and more.
Gale has also introduced a new mobile-optimized interface to its InfoTrac databases, including General OneFile and Academic OneFile. Mobile optimization minimizes the user's need to resize, pan or scroll while reading and navigating. Using responsive design technology, Gale's mobile interface automatically displays when users access any InfoTrac resource from their smartphone, whether they click into these resources directly through a library's website or through Gale's free Access My Library<http://www.gale.cengage.com/apps/> app. No set up is required by libraries or patrons to enable this mobile display on smartphones. The mobile interface has been user-tested to support the most common user workflows on Apple, Chrome, and Android smartphones. If you have questions about these or other features of the Gale resources, please contact Arlene Weible<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us>, Electronic Services Consultant.
Statewide Database Licensing Program Supports Oregon Academic Libraries
At its meeting on June 20, 2014, the OSL Board approved the Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee (SDLAC) recommendation to provide financial support to Oregon academic libraries who participate in the Orbis Cascade Alliance group subscription to Ebsco's Academic Search Premier database package. Noting that the current Statewide Database Licensing Program<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/technology/sdlp/index.aspx> (SDLP) does not offer fully satisfactory resources for academic libraries, the SDLAC recommended that the savings realized from the new contract with Gale be used to support academic libraries. Current participants in the Statewide Database Licensing Program that were not already participants in the Orbis Cascade Alliance subscription were contacted about the opportunity to join and four additional libraries were added to the group subscription. With a contribution of $50,000 from OSL, the subscription cost for all of the participating libraries will be lowered by 9% per library in the upcoming year. If you have questions about this initiative, please contact Arlene Weible<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us>, Electronic Services Consultant.
Focus on Children and Young Adults Institute: Save the Date!
[Menucha]The Focus on Children and Young Adults Institute will take place September 21-24, 2014 at the Menucha Retreat Center in the Columbia Gorge. The Focus Institute seeks to provide a foundation of professional knowledge about youth services necessary for the operation of small public libraries in Oregon. Participants will attend several training sessions over the course of three and a half days. The sessions concentrate on the principles of public library services to children and teens, and how to put those principles into practice. Some of the 2014 sessions include Early Literacy 101, Storytime Best Practices, Afterschool Programs for the Elementary Set, Becoming Thinkers (i.e. how kids learn to read), Outreach (children and teens), Summer Reading (children and teens), and Teen Readers' Advisory. Sessions are presented by highly skilled, experienced Youth Services Librarians in Oregon. Presenters are typically active members of the Oregon Library Association's Children's Services Division<http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=129> (CSD) and Oregon Young Adult Network<http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=289> (OYAN). Registration will begin mid-July. Visit the State Library's website<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/youthsvcs/focusinstitute.aspx> or contact Katie Anderson<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us> for more information.
2014-2015 Ready to Read Grant Applications Now Available
The Ready to Read Grant program will be funded at 97¢ per child, a total of $729,472 will be distributed among libraries submitting successful applications in 2014-2015. Grant application packets were mailed June 18th. Library directors and Ready to Read key contacts should now have the packets which contain the application, list of proposed grants, and answers to frequently asked questions about the grant program. The application is also available on the State Library website<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LD/Pages/youthsvcs/aboutready.aspx> to download, complete, and mail. Applications must be postmarked August 31, 2014 to qualify for the grant. For more information, contact Katie Anderson<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528.
Remember, the proposed changes to the Ready to Read Grant Program still have to go through the legislative process and, if approved, Reading for Success will replace Ready to Read starting with the 2015-2016 grant cycle.
Did you know...?
17 hose streams were employed against the fire at the Oregon State Capitol in April 1935, using approximately 3,500,000 gallons of water, according to a report issued by Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2013/201306211338025/>. Fire companies from Salem and Portland were dispatched to the scene.
The Oregon National Guard issued an April Fools' Day edition<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2013/201302131129103/Apr1962.pdf> of the Oregon Guardsman newsletter in 1962.
There was a measure on the November 4, 1913 ballot<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2009/200912301518203/sp1913.pdf> to create a State Industrial Accident Commission. (It passed.)
The State Library has in its collections a twenty-five cent piece of sheepskin scrip<http://catalog.osl.state.or.us/record=b2313693~S2> from 1933, secured by Morrow County municipal warrants.
Former governors Charles A. Sprague, John H. Hall, Elmo Smith, and Robert D. Holmes attended the inauguration ceremonies of Tom McCall <http://library.state.or.us/repository/2013/201308270841392/> as governor of the state of Oregon on January 9, 1967.
As of February 1988, a half-million gallons of nuclear weapons wastes<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2013/201309170854272/> had leaked at the Hanford site from 149 single-walled storage tanks built between 1943 and 1964.
In 1933-1934, a 1.5-percent retail sales tax<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2013/201312231544061/> was proposed, in the hopes of producing $4,000,000 annually for Oregon schools. (Oregon has never had a sales tax.)
[Harney]You can see images of Oregon ghost towns in the State Library's online photo collection, such as Harney City<http://photos.lib.state.or.us/exhibit2/e20330a.htm>, which was located where Rattlesnake Creek enters Harney Valley in Eastern Oregon.
Fiona the Flu Fighter has a hint<http://library.state.or.us/repository/2009/200908281542265/> for you.
You can get to all this information (and much more!) by visiting the new Digital Highlights from the Collection<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/GRES/Pages/Digital-Highlights-from-the-Collection.aspx> page at the Oregon State Library.
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Other Library News
Attend the ARSL National Conference in Tacoma, WA, Sept. 3-6
[ARSL Logo]Registration for the Association for Rural & Small Libraries annual conference is now open and the early bird deadline is August 5th. You do not need to be a member to attend this fabulous conference which will be in Tacoma, WA, so folks in the Pacific Northwest have a great opportunity to check it out. Plan to select from 7 preconference opportunities, 5 fabulous keynote speakers, and 41 different breakout speakers.
Visit the registration page<https://www.amrms.com/ssl/arsl/membership/Conference/Registration.aspx> today and sign up! Last year, this conference sold out and you don't want to miss out on this amazing conference with all its continuing education opportunities! As an added bonus, fly or drive in early or stay after the conference to take advantage of all the tourist opportunities available in the Puget Sound area. Note: Rooms are still available in the alternate hotel at the Courtyard by Marriott Tacoma Downtown - just one block away from the conference hotel. To book a hotel room at the Courtyard, click here<http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/group-corporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=ARSL%5eseatd%60arsarsa|arsarsb%60106-149%60USD%60false%609/3/14%609/6/14%608/13/14&app=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes>.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Carolyn Petersen<mailto:carolyn.petersen at sos.wa.gov>, ARSL conference chair, 1.360.570.5560.
Wiki Page Created about Strong School Library Programs
In March, the State Library reported<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/LTLO/LTLOMar2014/Mar2014LTLO.html> about developments around school districts having to account for strong school library programs in the continuous improvement plans (CIP) that they submit to the Oregon Department of Education every three years. An ad hoc committee of OLA, OASL, and OLA Legislative Committee members formed to communicate about these changes and about the value of strong school libraries with various audiences. The group mailed a letter and related information to all Oregon school district superintendents<https://ola.memberclicks.net/assets/OASL/documents/oasllettertosuperintendents2014.pdf> and to superintendents and key staff at the nineteen education service districts in the state since they often help smaller districts write CIPs. Next, OLA and OASL posted a press release<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/pipermail/libs-or/2014-June/007832.html> and sent it to assorted outlets including the Oregon PTA, and OregonLive quickly published a story<http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2014/06/oregons_1250_schools_have_just.html>. The last leg of the strategy involves public or academic librarians or writing faculty meeting with superintendents to offer information about how to address the OAR requirements, to relate the effects of lack of information literacy skills on students as they navigate the higher education world, to discuss the tie-in with Accelerated Learning, and more. To that end, the group created a School Library Talking Points wiki page<http://olanetwork.wikispaces.com/School+Library+Talking+Points> to help advocates gain background knowledge and prepare for meetings. Anyone is welcome to browse the page. If you have questions or want to get involved, please contact Jennifer Maurer<mailto:jennifer.maurer at state.or.us>, the School Library Consultant at the State Library.
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Oregon State Library
Library Development: 503-378-2525, Ferol Weyand<mailto:FerolWeyand at oslmail.osl.state.or.us>, Darci Hanning<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>, Ann Reed<mailto:ann.reed at state.or.us>, Jennifer Maurer<mailto:jennifer.maurer at state.or.us>, Katie Anderson<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, Arlene Weible<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us>, Susan Westin<mailto:susan.b.westin at state.or.us>.
Talking Book and Braille Services: 503-378-5435, Susan Westin<mailto:susan.b.westin at state.or.us>.
[OSL Logo]
Government Research Services Manager: 503-378-5030, Margie Harrison<mailto:margie.harrison at state.or.us>.
State Librarian: 503-378-4367, MaryKay Dahlgreen<mailto:marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us>.
LTLO Editor: 503-378-2464, Jessica Rondema<mailto:jessica.rondema at state.or.us>.
Letter to Libraries Online is published monthly by the Oregon State Library. It is available free of charge and is published only in electronic form on the publications page<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/Pages/publications.aspx> on the Oregon State Library's website<http://www.oregon.gov/OSL>.
To unsubscribe from libs-or, either send an 'unsubscribe<mailto:libs-or-request at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>' message, or visit the website<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/libs-or/>. All materials may be reprinted or distributed freely.
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