[TL-Directors] FW: Legislation concerning the State Library
MaryKay Dahlgreen
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
Thu Apr 2 15:17:11 PDT 2015
For your information. I will be providing additional information as I receive it.
MaryKay Dahlgreen
Oregon State Librarian
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us
From: MaryKay Dahlgreen
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 3:15 PM
To: AllStateLibrary
Subject: Legislation concerning the State Library
Dear Colleagues:
I has come to my attention that legislation will be introduced at the Joint Ways and Means Committee session tomorrow morning. There are several substantial changes included that I would like to make you aware of:
The Board of Trustees as it currently exists would be replaced with a Board appointed by the Governor, after consultation with OLA, which would include the following members: state agency staff, public representatives, public library representatives, academic library representative, Deputy Supt. Of Public Instruction or designee, and administrator of the Commission for the Blind, or designee. The current members would be phased out over time.
The State Library would be a Governor appointee, requiring Senate confirmation. Currently the State Librarian is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the Trustees. The current state librarian may serve until July 1, 2017
Establish a State Reference Coordinating Council to coordinate interagency delivery of library, information, and reference services among state agencies. The Council shall be the state librarian, state archivist, and state of Oregon law librarian.
The State Library, in coordination with DAS, will approve the selection, negotiation, purchase and maintenance of databases and subscriptions for all state agencies.
The state library will certify other state agency libraries each biennium.
There are other changes and the full legislative concept is available at the Oregon Legislative Information webpage https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2015R1/Downloads/CommitteeMeetingDocument/59912 . Several of these changes have been discussed in earlier conversations about library services and I believe, will improve our ability to provide excellent service that is effective and efficient. While there are changes to the Board there will continue to be good representation from our constitutients and will provide representation from other customer groups and partners. The change to the appointment of the State Librarian will align that position with the appointment process of other agency heads.
There are a number of steps this must go through to become law and tomorrow is just the first step. I have scheduled an all staff meeting for tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. This is an optional meeting but if you do attend please have reviewed the legislative concept.
MaryKay Dahlgreen
Oregon State Librarian
marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us<mailto:marykay.dahlgreen at state.or.us>
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