[TL-Directors] Visit the State Library - July 10th!
Ferol Weyand
ferol.weyand at state.or.us
Mon Jun 26 13:22:17 PDT 2017
Hello to all Library Directors in the state of Oregon!
* Are you new to your library or the state of Oregon?
* Maybe you have been at your library for a while, but never visited the State Library of Oregon?
* Would you like to learn more about statewide programs such as Answerland, the Edge Initiative, OSLIS, and statewide databases?
* Have you thought about applying for an LSTA Grant?
* Would you like to know what other libraries are doing with their Summer Reading Program?
* Learn about the Talking Book and Braille Library!
* Would you like to know about our collections?
* Learn more about the Ready to Read grant program!
The Library Support and Development Services Division<http://www.oregon.gov/OSL/LD/Pages/index.aspx> would like to invite you to visit the State Library of Oregon<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/pages/index.aspx> on Monday, July 10, 2017, from 9:30 - 2:00. You will meet with the State Librarian, Library Support and Development Services consultants and Talking Book and Braille Library staff. You will also get a tour of the State Library and there will be plenty of time for staff to answer any questions.
If you have other staff that you would like to attend, feel free to bring them!
You are welcome to stay for a no-host lunch with the Library Support and Talking Books staff after the tour. Instead of going out to lunch, I will be ordering lunch to be delivered around 12:30 pm. I will be sending options with prices as RSVP's are received.
Please let me know if you are interested in attending by 3 p.m. on Friday, June 30, 2017.
Ferol Weyand
Library Support Consulting Assistant
ferol.weyand at state.or.us<mailto:ferol.weyand at state.or.us> | 503-378-2525 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
(my gender pronouns are she/her/hers)
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/orlibsupport> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ORLibSupport> | Tumblr<http://www.statelibraryor.tumblr.com/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>
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