[TL-Directors] Announcing Tech-Talk for Oregon Library Staff
Darci Hanning
darci.hanning at state.or.us
Thu Mar 16 14:26:36 PDT 2017
[please pardon the cross-posting]
Dear Library Directors,
If you or any of your staff are not on libs-or but would like to receive this weekly newsletter via email, please contact me at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> and they can be subscribed through another list. Please see below for the original announcement:
The State Library is pleased to offer a new service for Oregon library staff: "Tech-Talk", a weekly e-newsletter covering how-to technology and communication tips. We will be sending this out each Tuesday through libs-or - know someone who is not on libs-or but may be interested in receiving this newsletter? Please have them email me at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> for an alternative means of receiving Tech-Talk. Due to our licensing agreement it is strongly preferred that the newsletter NOT be forwarded.
While not written specifically for library staff, we hope that staff will find the weekly tips and access to the archive helpful. Questions? Feedback? Please contact me at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or 503-378-2527.
Want to share Tech-Talk? Ask first. Contact: darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>
(c) 2017 Shared Results International
Brought to you by the Oregon State Library ...
[OR State Library]The Oregon State Library is pleased to provide you with Tech-Talk.com. We encourage you to make the most of this skill-building membership site www.Tech-Talk.com<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001iO41d75NLvMIBOqrhFcWLxkmmJJWg1tS1rwwByPpjEsLKdngcEyRu4fmEkLklA0xpi8tBRbgWL0wj4823ytzWFyn0lal1s5xtxmhf6Zps4mA5T4fnE2TeiXtPBKdId07M5BfBEnrlTX54vxW4GUCTx5L-jO5O9YWePlacQGxWyE=&c=IZMLFrel76fgvl1D8-TwKL2RLAWrdntOcVu9HSrBQ6thzD1kOGna4g==&ch=v3SkPLitNolal-lCp01hRHTxSJSKH3BF0PSuWYa1IMgD8WP7oVxeRw==>.
(case sensitive)
Contact Darci Hanning at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> if you have questions.
[Tech-Talk Video]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001iO41d75NLvMIBOqrhFcWLxkmmJJWg1tS1rwwByPpjEsLKdngcEyRu1w56J2wng_y76PeasbsgboyBgzNZhaidkIw6IWmAErBgi0Bd_L9usAz8uu4ztQx0ClieZdrLlNmMNs2eYE01f_1aE7z2Mwq7JB2g89aUPZWHEMbrjO0srZ9zwGUvNTvvW2GTJZQaYTlHdgDqT3iyQHL7ew_Ir-OTQ==&c=IZMLFrel76fgvl1D8-TwKL2RLAWrdntOcVu9HSrBQ6thzD1kOGna4g==&ch=v3SkPLitNolal-lCp01hRHTxSJSKH3BF0PSuWYa1IMgD8WP7oVxeRw==>
This Week's Tech-Talk: POWERPOINT
1. VIDEO ... Stop Font from Auto Shrinking!
2. ARTICLE ... Stop Font from Auto Shrinking!
3. COMMUNICATING ... Look At Your Audience
NOTE: To view the VIDEO, click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001iO41d75NLvMIBOqrhFcWLxkmmJJWg1tS1rwwByPpjEsLKdngcEyRu1w56J2wng_y76PeasbsgboyBgzNZhaidkIw6IWmAErBgi0Bd_L9usAz8uu4ztQx0ClieZdrLlNmMNs2eYE01f_1aE7z2Mwq7JB2g89aUPZWHEMbrjO0srZ9zwGUvNTvvW2GTJZQaYTlHdgDqT3iyQHL7ew_Ir-OTQ==&c=IZMLFrel76fgvl1D8-TwKL2RLAWrdntOcVu9HSrBQ6thzD1kOGna4g==&ch=v3SkPLitNolal-lCp01hRHTxSJSKH3BF0PSuWYa1IMgD8WP7oVxeRw==>. Enter the User Name and Password!
Tech-Talk: PPT - Stop Font from Auto Shrinking!
[view text smaller]
Have you ever been working in PowerPoint, when the words you enter in a text box started
automatically shrinking - without your permission?
You have the font set to the size you want, but when sentences become longer, the font decides to get smaller ... on the entire slide! This can be frustrating!
You want a consistent look to all of your slides ... which means predominantly using the same font size throughout. When you have uniformity, not only is your presentation easier for the viewer to read, it gives a more polished appearance and is less visually jarring.
Unfortunately, when you have automatic shrinking, you have to keep fiddling around in each slide to make all the letters the same size ... because the software default is to have all the words fit on a page, rather than be consistent in appearance on every slide.
AutoFit Feature
This auto-shrinking is a feature called AutoFit. It tries to "help" you put all your text on a page. But this helpfulness often wastes large blocks of your time because the font keeps changing from slide to slide.
One thing you can do is to just turn OFF AutoFit.
In the example below, we added text in the slide on the left and it automatically AutoFit and shrank too small for the audience to clearly read it. When we turned off AutoFit, the standard, default slide font was kept intact -- as pictured in the slide on the right.
Font too small with AutoFit Font larger with AutoFit OFF
NOTE: If you choose to leave the AutoFit as is, there is one thing you can do: shorten the quantity of words on each line and / or slide! Be creative; be more succinct. Best practices for PowerPoint is to list important concepts for you to talk about; not become a textbook for your audience to read.
Turn OFF AutoFit
So... how can you save time and override the AutoFit feature? It's one tiny setting that you can make! When you turn AutoFit off, you only have to make this change once and it will be applicable for future presentations you create and edit.
To Turn AutoFit Off...
* Open a PowerPoint presentation.
* For PPT 2016, 2013, 2010, go to File (If you have version 2007 click the Office button).
* Select Options (or PowerPoint Options).
* Go to Proofing in the left navigation and under the AutoCorrect options section, click the AutoCorrect Options button.
[Autocorrect options]
* [http://www.tech-talk.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TT776PPTAutoFit2.png] In the AutoCorrect window, go to the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
* In the Apply as you type, UN-check the boxes called AutoFit body text to placeholder and AutoFit title text to placeholder. Then OK.
Now, when your content overflows you can shorten it, or make adjustments that you pick instead of PowerPoint doing it for you!
[Communications]Communications: Presentation Skills
Look at the audience ... not the screen.
Have you ever been presenting to a group and found yourself spending most of your time looking at your PowerPoint?
Sure, you want to know what to say next, but you will lose your audience if you don't look at them on a regular basis.
Every time you have important information you want to stress, look at them. When you want to make a critical point, look at them. When you want to switch topics, look at them. When you want to gain their unbridled attention, pause and look at them.
It's you and them. Whether it's a team meeting or a large gathering, it's you bonding with them so they will listen, believe and support your ideas.
CLICK HERE ... FOR THE LIBRARY!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001iO41d75NLvMIBOqrhFcWLxkmmJJWg1tS1rwwByPpjEsLKdngcEyRu7iaS7NWJRjVxKDO_GAknqPmLifXTGRWziwOxIQNfaz_VKwA1bDJ3SsOVZtS_Tgsm29bwhVlMxt1ZqlwY1e13Qj2BVt2tvqvzskp1utUP14RbeA8LU_HWDA=&c=IZMLFrel76fgvl1D8-TwKL2RLAWrdntOcVu9HSrBQ6thzD1kOGna4g==&ch=v3SkPLitNolal-lCp01hRHTxSJSKH3BF0PSuWYa1IMgD8WP7oVxeRw==>
Your Tech-Talk.com Membership Site!
NOTE: Forgot your user ID? See set the top of this email. Problems? Contact Darci Hanning darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us>
[mystery man]
Topic Suggestion or Frustration?
Have a problem that we can solve for you?
Just tell us and we'll get you the answer!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001iO41d75NLvMIBOqrhFcWLxkmmJJWg1tS1rwwByPpjEsLKdngcEyRu4fmEkLklA0xF18e2LSclbSd3ePOUX7q0hlnB--6FkBt4U-JS1PlMbtw3lCht_nAqcmQNpvJppFK6ycs5DnYo7YSTAzHIEF1P6RbY-_D7FxW0gsuvJP4xZvf0XPVfJdLHzyHbe4x0j_9&c=IZMLFrel76fgvl1D8-TwKL2RLAWrdntOcVu9HSrBQ6thzD1kOGna4g==&ch=v3SkPLitNolal-lCp01hRHTxSJSKH3BF0PSuWYa1IMgD8WP7oVxeRw==>
Copyright 1996-2017 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Do not forward this issue of Tech-Talk.com without prior permission from Shared Results International. Distribution is limited by contract. Forwarding it to unauthorized recipients constitutes copyright infringement. For information on site licenses or how to include additional recipients, contact Darci Hanning at darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or call 503-378-2527.
www.Tech-Talk.com<http://www.Tech-Talk.com>, Shared Results International, 6858 Sagebrush Circle, Sarasota, FL 34243
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