[TL-Directors] FW: Oregon Heritage Digitization Survey

Arlene Weible arlene.weible at state.or.us
Tue Feb 20 13:26:29 PST 2018

The State Library is working with the Oregon Heritage Commission and other groups to gather and share information about needs related to digital collections. We would like to get libraries and other cultural organizations to participate in this survey ... please share widely within your communities!

From: Heritage [mailto:heritage-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of INFO Heritage * OPRD
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 12:13 PM
To: 'Heritage listserv' <heritage at listsmart.osl.state.or.us<mailto:heritage at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>>
Subject: [Heritage] Oregon Heritage Digitization Survey


We're contacting you to ask for information about your organization's digital collections.

Oregon Heritage<http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/hcd/pages/index.aspx> has been working with our partners on collaborative approaches to digitizing collections. With some efforts underway, we are now conducting a survey to capture information from heritage organizations of all sizes. Not digitizing? That's still valuable for us to know!

We would like to hear from organizations that are:

-          Small & mid-sized

-          Run by volunteers & paid-staff

-          Digitizing collections & NOT digitizing collections

We will use the information gathered in this survey to:

-          Determine strategies, tools and trainings that will be most helpful to organizations at all stages of the digitization process.

-          Help us consider how to get collections from smaller organizations into the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

What do we mean by digital collections? These can include cultural heritage materials that have been scanned (like photographs, postcards, court records or letters) or that originate in digital form (like digital photos or oral histories recorded digitally).

To respond to the survey, please go here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K5FBFRV>. It should take approximately 15 minutes. The survey must be completed by April 30, 2018.

If you have any questions, are having trouble completing the survey or would rather fill out a paper copy of the survey, please contact Beth Dehn at beth.dehn at oregon.gov<mailto:beth.dehn at oregon.gov> or 503-586-0696. All organizations that complete the census and include an email address will receive a copy of the results no later than June 30, 2018.

Thank you for your response. We look forward to understanding and meeting the needs of diverse cultural heritage organizations.

Links to our survey partners:

*         Orbis Cascade Alliance<https://www.orbiscascade.org/>

*         State Library of Oregon<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/pages/index.aspx>

*         Washington State Library's Rural Heritage Program<http://www.washingtonruralheritage.org/>

Arlene Weible, MLS
Electronic Services Consultant
Oregon Federal Regional Depository Coordinator
arlene.weible at state.or.us<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us> | 503-378-5020 | www.oregon.gov/osl/ld<http://www.oregon.gov/osl/ld>
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/orlibsupport> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ORLibSupport> | Tumblr<http://www.statelibraryor.tumblr.com/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/>
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