[TL-Directors] FW: Monday, February 3 Cohort Application Deadline
Ross Fuqua
Ross.Fuqua at state.or.us
Thu Jan 30 10:33:12 PST 2020
Please see more below on this opportunity with the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums.
Ross Fuqua
Data & Federal Programs Consultant
503-378-5027 | oregon.gov/library/libraries<https://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
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From: ATALM Culture Builds Communities [mailto:president at atalm.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 8:15 AM
To: Ross Fuqua <RossFuqua at oslmail.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: Monday, February 3 Cohort Application Deadline
Please share this important information with tribal leaders and others responsible for ensuring the cultural continuity of Native Nations.
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/atalm/atalm2018-session-proposals-due-on-thursdayfebruary-2767519?e=8bc86e472f>
Apply Here<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=b45b074886&e=8bc86e472f>
Dear Ross;
Monday, February 3, 2020 is the last day to apply to be a part of the "Culture Builds Communities" cohort. Applications will be reviewed by the National Planning Team, which will then select a minimum of five communities (The Cohort). Cohort communities will receive resources and training, as well as access to a team of expert grant writers, planners, and architects. Financial support will be provided for two community members from each participating community to attend training events, including a week-long tour of recently constructed cultural centers in Oklahoma during June. Apply to be a Cohort Community<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=ce9fbaa6b2&e=8bc86e472f>
You also may:
* Volunteer for the National Advisory Council to help guide the project. ATALM is creating a national network of people with expertise in community organizing, master planning, fund raising for capital projects, architecture, exhibit design, landscape design, and construction. Members will serve as mentors, identify resources, and conduct site visits to model institutions. Join the National Advisory Council<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=77213bd1e0&e=8bc86e472f>
* Serve as a Model Museum/Cultural Center and share experiences and resources. Native owned/operated cultural facilities constructed or significantly renovated after 2000 are encouraged to apply. Selected facilities will be recognized as project partners, as a Model Museum/Cultural Center at the 2020 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Museums, and Libraries in Washington, DC, be featured in project publications as a model facility, and receive financial support to cover the cost of attending any project-related event, including the 2020 conference. Apply to be a Model Museum Partner<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=6cdd26753f&e=8bc86e472f> APPLICATIONS ARE DUE FRIDAY, MARCH 6.
* Apply to be included in a Directory of Professional Contractors and Consultants, including strategic and master planning, grant writing and capital campaigns, architects, landscape planners, site developers, construction companies, researchers, exhibit designers and fabricators, and other professionals. This FREE directory is open to professionals who have experience working with Native communities and/or working in cultural facility planning, funding, design, construction, exhibit design/fabrication and other areas. All applications will be vetted by the National Planning Council. Apply to be included in the Directory of Professional Contractors and Consultants<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=baf5723669&e=8bc86e472f>
* Become a Content Curator and recommend resources including links to training, sample plans, policies, and procedures, sample plans, and other materials. Accepted materials will become part of an online Culture Builds Community Toolkit, including a list of Content Curators. Become a Content Curator<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=774f3528c0&e=8bc86e472f>
* Receive project updates and links to resources by joining the Culture Builds Community Facebook Group.<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=24f8af0e0c&e=8bc86e472f>
Thank you for your interest. We hope you will join us in making this innovative project a success.
Wishing you the very best in 2020!
Walter Echo-Hawk, Chairman of the Board
Susan Feller, President & CEO
Melissa Brodt, Director of Programs
Major funding provided by:
[IMLS Logo]<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=cb34e22c9d&e=8bc86e472f>
This email was sent to ross.fuqua at state.or.us<mailto:ross.fuqua at state.or.us>
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Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums · 6308 Harden Drive · Oklahoma City, OK 73118 · USA
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