[TL-Directors] FW: Same Time, Same Place Next Year: ATALM2020 Postponed
Ross Fuqua
Ross.Fuqua at state.or.us
Wed Jul 8 08:50:26 PDT 2020
Please note that the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) has postponed their 2020 Conference but they have plans to make it happen on the same dates and location (Washington, DC), in 2021.
Ross Fuqua
Data & Federal Programs Consultant
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From: Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums [mailto:conference at atalm.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:14 AM
To: Ross Fuqua <RossFuqua at oslmail.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: Same Time, Same Place Next Year: ATALM2020 Postponed
Save the dates November 30-December 2, 2021
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/atalm/same-time-same-place-next-year-atalm2020-postponed-2767564?e=8bc86e472f>
Dear Ross,
After exploring every possible scenario for holding the 2020 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums in Washington, DC from November 30-December 2, we have made the difficult decision to delay the conference until next year. The new dates are November 30-December 2, 2021 and the location remains the Renaissance Downtown Washington, DC Hotel and Conference Center. For more information on registering, applying for scholarships, or other conference information, please visit the ATALM website<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=a48d222857&e=8bc86e472f>.
Even though the 2020 conference has been delayed, our commitment to serving the needs of indigenous cultural institutions continues. Over the next year, we will host a series of online Summits that will spark a national conversation and enable indigenous cultural institutions to move forward with strength and certainty. Each Summit will be planned by a national planning council, will be informed by a needs assessment survey, and will result in a formal action plan for the next 10 years. The “Hope 2020: An Action Plan to Strengthen Indigenous Cultural Institutions” will cover programs and services, training needs, financial sustainability, and legislative recommendations. If you would like to serve on one or more of the National Planning Councils, please use this form<https://atalm.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1b5fd0b3926b2a0236f0325a1&id=187b3b370b&e=8bc86e472f>.
Proposed topics for the Summits include: 1) Archives and Records; 2) Libraries; 3) Museums and Cultural Centers; 4) Native Languages; 5) Digital Inclusion Needs of Native Communities; 6) Relationships Between Native and Non-Native Collecting Institutions; 7) Oral History Programs; 8) The Role of ALMS in Supporting Native Artists, Authors, and Performers; 9) Government Support for Indigenous Cultural Institutions; 10) Historic Preservation; and 11) International Repatriation. We are open to suggestions for other topics.
The theme for the 2020 conference was “Hope 2020” and was drawn from the artwork of Avis Charley. The theme will continue for the Summits but will be amended to indicate that we are translating hope into action. We sincerely encourage you to be a part of shaping the future of indigenous cultural institutions and programs.
With energy, hope, and determination, we send you our respect and appreciation.
Walter Echo-Hawk, Chairman of the Board
Susan Feller, President & CEO
Samonia Meredith, Treasurer
Jim Enote, CEO Colorado Plateau Foundation
Kevin Gover, Director, National Museum of the American Indian
Rick West, President & CEO, Autry Center for the American West
Melissa Brodt, Director of Programs
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