[TL-Directors] Thursday (12/2) Directors Virtual Meetup
Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Dec 1 08:20:33 PST 2021
Just a final reminder that tomorrow's virtual meetup for directors will be replaced with a virtual townhall - an opportunity for ALL of you to provide input with how the State Library will focus LSTA funding over the next five years in support of libraries across Oregon. Please see below for connection information and more details.
Once again, everyone here appreciates your time and feedback during this process!
From: AL-Directors <al-directors-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of HANNING Darci C * SLO via AL-Directors
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 8:17 AM
To: pl-directors at omls.oregon.gov; Tribal Library Directors announcement list (tl-directors at omls.oregon.gov) <tl-directors at omls.oregon.gov>; Academic Library Directors announcement list (al-directors at omls.oregon.gov) <al-directors at omls.oregon.gov>
Subject: [AL-Directors] Thursday (12/2) Directors Virtual Meetup
Good morning everyone!
Instead of the usual first Thursday meetup for directors, the State Library, in conjunction with Constructive Disruption, will be hosting a virtual townhall to discuss the needs of Oregon libraries and the people they serve. This is part of a series townhalls that will help us prioritize how we spend Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds over the next five years.
Connection information:
* Thursday, December 2, noon to 2pm Pacific, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88162193363?pwd=WEI4ZXJmclE0Nk1YTXVweDRIaEpUdz09
Meeting ID: 881 6219 3363 Passcode: 101674
Supports are available for your participation; please contact us at the State Library/evaluator Stephanie Chase at acornsandnuts at gmail.com<mailto:acornsandnuts at gmail.com> with your needs.
This is your opportunity to share your thoughts, discuss with your colleagues how the State Library can support you, and offer ideas for our work ahead. This townhall is open to all library staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters of all classifications in all kinds of libraries: school, public, academic, special, tribal, county law libraries, etc. And please, feel free to pass this email along to any and all of your library connections!
If you are not able to attend on Thursday at noon, there will be another townhall in two weeks:
* Thursday, December 16, 8:30 to 10:30am Pacific, https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88455328445?pwd=akdrZUlacjNVOTBMazNzZlZBbHZFdz09
Meeting ID: 884 5532 8445 Passcode: 947021
Thank you again so much for your time and thoughts as we plan how the State Library will support libraries moving forward. Your input is most appreciated!
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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